Let's Sell Crystal City!


Jan 10, 2003
Since bronner said everything is on the table, how about offering ccy and throwing all of mgmnt in for free. I know that makes the deal far less appealing but, hey, let's give it a try.
Labor needs to stay strong and not bend. If we call their bluff, they'll back down. That's what allegheny county did. We haven't stood up to them yet and until we do, they'll keep coming back. Just say NO.

This seems more likely now that US has touted itself as Washington's hometown carrier in their latest press release about expanding DCA service. Now management can go back on a previous statement by moving, one of their favorite things to do!
what city would be dumb enough to accept idiots like bronner and the gangsters of thieves that have plaqued usair for the last few years!?