Maybe Jim Little Has The Summer Off!


Dec 21, 2002
Directors Update - 06-14-04 - Monday, June 14, 2004 at 14:52


Mr. Jim Weel

Managing Director EPR

American Airlines, Inc.

PO Box 619616 MD 5235

DFW Airport, TX 75261-9616

RE: Information – Shared Sacrifice - Restructuring

Dear Jim:

As you know, we have had on-going discussions regarding the 2003 restructuring agreement and the issue of “Shared Sacrifice.â€￾ A few weeks ago, Jeff Brundage, Senior Vice President Human Resources assured us that finance was in the process of putting together an analysis of a cross section of Management concessions as compared to the labor concessions.

We again raised the issues at the May 19, 2004 Stockholders Meeting and also at the follow-up meeting with Mr. Arpey.

Jim, as you well know we all are aware of the shared sacrifice that Mr. Arpey and the Senior Management has taken. However, although we have been advised that Management’s share across the board is reflective of our members’ sacrifices, we have yet to be giving this breakdown.

Bottom line, our members, as equal partners in avoiding bankruptcy, deserves the information. What is absolutely unacceptable is that our members and all labor groups had to have the entire restructuring agreement completed in less time than it is taking American Airlines to provide us with the comparison, which is the benchmark of credibility.

We can no longer continue to accept more excuses. Therefore, if the information is not received in our office by Monday, June 28, 2004 we will take whatever action we deem appropriate considering that Shared Sacrifice did not occur.


James C. Little

Director Air Transport Division

Intl. Administrative Vice President

JCL:cjw opeiu-153 afl-cio

C: S. Hall

ATD Intl. staff assigned

J. Brundage

AA Local Presidents

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Am I reading this letter from Little right?
Did he or did he not say they would take whatever action they deemed appropriate by June 28, 2004?

Maybe it was a typo and he meant June 28,2008!


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You seem awfully obsessed with this Hopeful. Maybe you need to take a break. Or at the least, why don't you try getting a hold of Mr. Little yourself!!! Unless of course you are too scared to get the truth???

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I wouldn't say I am obsessed. But I am impatient. Did Little or did he not say that unless he received a response by June 28, 1004. the TWU would take whatever action they deemed appropriate. Little didn't take this long to decide what to do when he buckled under Carty's threat of bankruptcy!

I would welcome a positve action from Little and the TWU. Either he got a response from the company on June 28, or he did not!

Most of all, I would welcome the truth.

Don't you think three weeks after the deadline, Little would have at least put another letter out to the members with an update?

It's just bothers me that Little did not demand management sacrifice and have it proven BEFORE bowing down to Carty? Here we are now, a year and half later, after granting concessions to the company, demanding a response on shared sacrifice?

I think mu honest question deserves an honest answer!

By the way, I have never received an answer from my numerous emails to Gless. I really don't think Little would answer me.

About a month ago I did email Little.
He never answered my email as to why Bobby Gless, who lives in NY, never, ever vists JFK to see the membership.
When a person serving in a leadership role makes a threat, which is what this was, and fails to deliver, their crediblity drops significantly. Even if you wipe Little's track record completely clean and start from his last threat of calling for a full revote, this would be the second time he has made a threat that has gone unanswered. This eerily reminds me of another Little...Chicken Little. Some day the TWU may actually grow some balls, and actually call upon the membership to assist them in their quest.....The membership, without any other measuring stick to use as a gauge, will look at all the times Little cried "Wolf" and disregard his plea for help. And justly so. Would you invest your savings in a bank that was on the verge of collapse and financial ruin? Little has served as a company lackey. I'm sure he is viewed as nothing more than a joke by those sitting across the table from him. If he truely wanted to represent this membership, he would tender his resignation immediatley. He is a failure and a fraud and this membership cannot tolerate his spinelessness. He had an out: When he had cancer. He should've dove at the chance. But I guess that would mean he may actually have to go back and perform his Dispatch duties. He is an opportunist and just another example of a guy out to serve himself.
Well as far as I can see Jim has kept his word as to what actions he will take to defend our contract. The same as the TWU always takes -DOING NOTHING!!!!!

How is the force majeure from 2001 going TWUer?
twuer said:
You seem awfully obsessed with this Hopeful. Maybe you need to take a break. Or at the least, why don't you try getting a hold of Mr. Little yourself!!! Unless of course you are too scared to get the truth???

Is it "BAD" to be obsessed with accountability?

Little said he would take action. Communication on this matter is nill.

Why should Hopeful have to get a hold of Little? Shouldn't Little be getting with us the members on this?

Little is nothing more than a smoke blowing liar!

I cannot believe you basically attack a member for questioning where we are on this issue. Of course most "SHEEP" like yourself, would consider anything other than blind following a bad thing.
Decision 2004 said:
Is it "BAD" to be obsessed with accountability?

Little said he would take action. Communication on this matter is nill.

Why should Hopeful have to get a hold of Little? Shouldn't Little be getting with us the members on this?

Little is nothing more than a smoke blowing liar!

I cannot believe you basically attack a member for questioning where we are on this issue. Of course most "SHEEP" like yourself, would consider anything other than blind following a bad thing.
Well Little did say "we will take whatever action we deem appropriate".

Now lets consider what he is saying.

The TWU just gave away just about everything that union members expect. Shift differential, a double digit paycut, doubletime, vacation, holidays etc.

What action did the TWU deem to be appropriate to defend these things? Nothing, they took no action, in fact they went out of their way, even lied to their members in order to get them to accept those concessions.

So if the TWU deemed that "no action" was approporiate in defence of basic union expectations then what could they deem an approporiate action to what merely amounts as a personal snub to the leader of such a weak willed union leader like Jim Little?

At this point how many members would be willing to do anything that Little asks of them? Dont you think that everyone, including Little and Arpey know this?

The answer is that the TWU has done what they deemed appropriate. They wrote a letter complaining and did nothing else. In the end they will blame the members. "See, this is why we cant fight for better pay and benifits, because we did not think that you would fight for my honor". This letter serves as another excuse in the blame the members file.
Was it Delle that stated " wait for the answer on FM1!", was it Stewart that stated, "AMFA in 2004!"...accountability only for the TWU..figures.
What TWU figures nightwatch. There has never been any twu figures in the 15 years I have worked here at least none that are verifiable and now twu is paying the price. Twu is about to be fired!!! How long did you think you could collect a check from the AA mechanics and show nothing in return Jim. What effect did you think telling the judge in Ny [you should not give them an injunction on this contract until there is a full re-vote because twu's constitution doesn't guaranty them that right] would have. I think the twu should get out of the airlines industry where they have lost all credibility and become a craft union for bartenders. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!