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Chuck Schalk

Nov 17, 2006
What is the need to negotiate?  no need to meet and talk Just look at the long list of concessions and tell us which ones you want to give back it is as simple as that.  Anything else is another concession!   How will the TWU International handle this.............i bet they will negotiate!!!!!!
The twu/iam consortium will get the mechanics more money. But.. even more benefits will be given away.
How can any union in the world be worse than the twu/iam?
Some day there will be a line of red rollaways stretching from hangar 5 to the main gate.
The mechanics tears flowing from hangar 5 towards highway 169 will be ankle deep.
The AA mechanics will NOT get rid of the twu.
They deserve what they are going to get.
Overspeed said:
Another anti-TWU/Association thread from Chuck? How original.
Well, what Chuck posts - only reflects the feelings of the vast majority of AMTs that I hear talk about the current state of affairs with the JCBA. 
The Association will place the headcount over the compensation, always have and always will. 
Overspeed said:
And how has following Chuck's advice helped your situation?
I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Chuck.  Look, I have pretty much hated the TWU since the day I started.  It was like smelling a dead rat.  I kept thinking, things would get better, and 30 years later - well, I'm still waiting.  Everything the TWU gets their greedy hands into, is a scam, including it's so called representation of AAs AMTs.  Buck is right, the TWU International will always favor headcount over quality of pay and benefits.  That paradigm needs to change for any of us to ever trust the TWU.
Overspeed said:
And how has following Chuck's advice helped your situation?
Unfortunately the majority that voted have followed your advice and where has that lead us? To the bottom of a bottomed out industry,
Yeah, yeah ,yeah "if we had voted in the (ZERO COST) 2010 contract blah, blah , blah", we would still be at the very bottom of a bottomed out industry. 
Another 20 plus year guy at JFK quit this week, he was hired in 1991, he had enough, didn't want to waste the next 20 of his working years and he was one of managements "Go-to" guys. Thats two already, they are leaving faster than AA can hire them in NY, and thats not likely to change. Most of the new guys are from out of state, so while you had a 50-50 chance when you hired a Local that they would leave , its pretty close to a 100% chance that these guys will have their transfers in as soon as they can.
 Great job OS. You have made this an undesirable job with your YES to every concession vote. 
Chuck Schalk said:
What is the need to negotiate?  no need to meet and talk Just look at the long list of concessions and tell us which ones you want to give back it is as simple as that.  Anything else is another concession!   How will the TWU International handle this.............i bet they will negotiate!!!!!!
Contract talks don't even make sense if you are the corporation. Why would this company (corporation) want to freely pay more money out to a group of employees that are stuck with industry low  pay and benefits?  Keeping costs down are key to their corporate enrichment so whats up? The iam blew their chance in section 6 negotiations so whats different now other than our pension trust hanging there like a ripe piece of fruit!
This post is spot on with the concession list. Just check the box next to the concession that will be removed and the next day when we show up for work its gone! Why negotiate if the corporation is willing to give freely outside of section 6,,,.   They should just let us know what benefits are being reinstated. But heck no we are spending time discussing CS policy. I guess that must have been really high on the priority list when the so called surveys were sent in.         
Overspeed said:
Another anti-TWU/Association thread from Chuck? How original.
Why do you continue to support the race to the bottom of the compensation. 
Is it all about keeping the union membership up?
Is it political for you?
Are you being compensated above the highest paid mechanic wage?
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