New Software

Glenn Quagmire

Apr 30, 2012
Maybe we can collect what we like and what doesn't work here?

1) buggy on iPad. When trying to reply, after hitting the "reply" button in landscape mode, the page just disappears. I had to reload several times. I finally hit the "more options" button and I was able to post a reply.
The memes some seem to favor instead of intelligent thought have been reduced to links to the internet sewer, another positive.
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When I hit the return to add a line break, the page disappears...sometimes. Odd.
It is different, it will drive the knuckledraggers crazy, I like that.
Did you see the new "debate tool" icon Nothing Left? It's for one-liner tools like yourself, assisting in becoming a "master debater" when your stoned or tweeking like is popular in libtard land. Ain't technology great.
The memes some seem to favor instead of intelligent thought have been reduced to links to the internet sewer, another positive.


Say what?