NMB Speaks: We Have an Election! ALPA/USAPA Topic for 2/19-26

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Hardly - I've often said that ALPA (and every large union) is largely a black hole for money. However, I wouldn't want to be in this industry without union representation. Also, I'm not one to attempt to escape blame for the votes I, or at least the majority of the pilot group I belong to, cast. That's why all the "Voting - what a novel concept" sentiment is so amusing.

Indeed sir..and you may well be a moral giant fully worthy of rapt admiration that thusly, feels very free to cast aspersions on the character and thoughts of others, whilst remaining amazingly mute in defense of your own questionable actions:

QUOTE (BoeingBoy @ Feb 25 2008, 09:36 AM)
Or are you just one of many whose fundamental principles seem to depend on the situation - the Shuttle pilots absolutely should not get their Eastern DOH but you absolutely should get yours? A very convenient principle - whatever benefits you the most is fair, any other method is flawed....."

"I had an EAL DOH myself. I didn't think it appropriate for me to fret over such as I'd resigned from EAL. My seniority was based upon a PSA DOH, which did seem appropriate since we were subsequently bought up by US. I figured the same should have applied to the shuttle people via their EAL DOH, and subsequent admission into US. They should have gotten their EAL DOH in my opinion. You, on the other hand...evidently felt some "special entitlement" due to being from Piedmont, and sought out preferential slotting and treatment for yourself. You attempted advancement over those with more time on the line, due to "career expectations" and other essentially "I'm special/I want MINE!" notions. You've previously, and long ago posted that, in seeking slotting and preferential advancement for your group, that you had "fought the good fight"....Gimme' a freakin' break! You clearly fit right in with the "Righteous Position"/I'm SPECIAL!!/I WANT MINE!!!" crowd over at AWA.

My principles aren't based on "whatever benefits you the most", but yours certainly seem to be. They've been test-proven to be such."

It's one thing to "talk the talk", and assign one's self imaginary "high ground".....and quite a different issue to actually "walk" it in life. Your "nobility" was demonstrated when you sought preferential, and "special" treatment for yourself long ago...so spare us all tiresome, and wholly hypocritical BS about "fundamental principles"....

I find it repugnant for anyone that's demonstrated, by their actions..a "Me ME!...It's All about ME!!" perspective to serve as any self appointed lecturer on "fundamental principles"...just a personal issue I suppose ;)

It's cute that you find things "so amusing" ;)
Oh THAT'S rich man. You guys question his ethics? Have you HP guys looked in the mirror lately? I wouldn't be surprised if you guys saw fur and fangs. Wolfing-around and stealing seniority has no honor -- just fleas.

Get a grip.


Ah, yes, the stealing of seniority.

Let's be honest about what the east proposed. DOH/LOS with the following conditions and restrictions; no bump/flush and furlough protection for the west, in the form of a twelve month window, that would re-furlough east furloughees in inverse order.

After twelve months, however, the DOH/LOS list would be controlling and in the event of a downturn west line-holding captains would be on the street and formerly furloughed east pilots would be on the line and in many cases in that west pilot's left seat. But this is perfectly fair and is not theft. Oookay.

So, an exchange where an east pilot moves from a furlough to the left seat and a west pilot moves from the left seat to the street is a fair and righteous exchange that honors your concept of "seniority."

Your continual calling the west pilots "seniority stealers" only re-emphasizes your lack of understanding of what seniority is.

(The east continued to push this same concept of "fairness" in the recent steering committee meetings. When Jack Stephan talks about obtaining furlough protection for the east pilot's that is code for; in the event of a downturn we need to make sure it is the America West pilots who pay the price, not us.)
What has your overconfidence and your belittling of us out west gotten you so far? Have you learned anything? Do you have a different brain trust this time around?

I may be very, very wrong, but I think you guys will end up being your own worst enemy again. It may make you feel good that you "showed" ALPA, but I think thats about all usapa is gonna get you. Of course in the meantime you will have your cake you can't eat yet.

"What has your overconfidence and your belittling of us out west gotten you so far?" Nothing...none of you guys ever accepted my wagers. :lol:
Seriously?...It was always my earnest hope to find common ground and be able to decently perceive our respective groups with mutual courtesy..and some modicum of RESPECT...

"Have you learned anything?" Yup, to my utmost dismay...it seems that some individuals and/or groups can be blinded by such a sufficiency of self interest so as not to be inclined towards rational thought, much less any negotiation, or even sensible interaction at any level = "It's OVER!"..."Final and Binding!"..."Booshaka!".."Ho Ho Ho!..St Nic is coming to town!".."I won the lottery!"..."You won't even get 200 cards!"...etc.

I'm pretty much past being personally interested in offering up any "group hug" notions anymore (I've previously noted myself as being wholly usuitable for politics..and am merely a single individual expressing opinions/etc)...but we'll have to work this mess out eventually. For me personally? = I'm at the "Fill your hand Pilgrim" point when even considering the west's "Righteous Position" anymore. This sad state took some goodly time to develop. If you'll be so kind as to recall my earliest postings that amounted to "Umm..Guys/Gals..this ain't gonna' play out well..perhaps we should all talk?/etc" Well..so much for talking...I can only take so many "Booshaka'"s and "Ho Ho Ho's" myself.....let's VOTE!! ;)
"What has your overconfidence and your belittling of us out west gotten you so far?" Nothing...none of you guys ever accepted my wagers. :lol:
Seriously?...It was always my earnest hope to find common ground and be able to decently perceive our respective groups with mutual courtesy..and some modicum of RESPECT...

"Have you learned anything?" Yup, to my utmost dismay...it seems that some individuals and/or groups can be blinded by such a sufficiency of self interest so as not to be inclined towards rational thought, much less any negotiation, or even sensible interaction at any level = "It's OVER!"..."Final and Binding!"..."Booshaka!".."Ho Ho Ho!..St Nic is coming to town!".."I won the lottery!"..."You won't even get 200 cards!"...etc.

I'm pretty much past being personally interested in offering up any "group hug" notions anymore (I've previously noted myself as being wholly usuitable for politics..and am merely a single individual expressing opinions/etc)...but we'll have to work this mess out eventually.

It'll all work itself out by hook or crook, one way or another eventually. The only thing that truly worries me should usapa prevail is running into the ditch, losing my medical or some other such thing. Each side on the message boards does have its share of blowhards, no doubt about that.
It's one thing to "talk the talk", and assign one's self imaginary "high ground".....and quite a different issue to actually "walk" it in life.
And to think I actually thought about replying to your earlier post by saying that if you were one of the relative few that believes DOH is "the only fair way" regardless of whether it advantages or disadvantages you, then that is indeed a fundamental principle to you. Not one I agree with, but a principle none-the-less.

However, you mistake disagreement over viewpoints with a lack of principles as though your principles were written on stone tablets by some higher power and everyone else's are the work of the devil (or merely for convenience). But that probably goes along with the "God's greatest gift to aviation" ego.....

A West Pilot told me that the East pilots treat all of them like garbage, and gave good examples. Why would he interpret the actions of you fellows as being negative or neglectful I wonder?
It'll all work itself out by hook or crook, one way or another eventually. The only thing that truly worries me should usapa prevail is running into the ditch, losing my medical or some other such thing. Each side on the message boards does have its share of blowhards, no doubt about that.

Understood sir. Without striving to be any half-aresed "salesman" at the moment: Frets over coverage are overrated at best. Alpo's got no stranglehold on services of any kind. My honest opinion is that no one will lose anything by way of insurance, nor representation in the event of incident/accident...or I'd not be inclined towards dumping Alpo....I ain't that utterly selfish, as amazing as that may seem to some posters, and I honestly do believe that no one's going to lose in those areas in the transition.
But that probably goes along with the "God's greatest gift to aviation" ego.....

I wouldn't know about that..I'm not the one who's avatar's any "I love me/arent' I cute as a Captain" picture :lol: On a personal level..you can always pick up my excessively arrogant/egotisitical/God's greatest gift wager anytime you wish sir ;)
I wouldn't know about that..I'm not the one who's avatar's any "I love me/Arent' I cute as a Captain" picture :lol:
No, you're just the one wanting to prove you can outfly any westie..... what is it - $5000 and any venue, right?


PS - my wife thinks I'm cute and that's good enough for me. I'm just willing to put my real picture up there and my name on my posts - no hiding behind a keyboard.
No, you're just the one wanting to prove you can outfly any westie..... what is it - $5000 and any venue, right?


PS - my wife thinks I'm cute and that's good enough for me. I'm just willing to put my real picture up there and my name on my posts - no hiding behind a keyboard.

No, you're just the one wanting to prove you can outfly any westie..... what is it - $5000 and any venue, right?


PS - my wife thinks I'm cute and that's good enough for me. I'm just willing to put my real picture up there and my name on my posts - no hiding behind a keyboard.

Same terms for you great sir..and I'm pleased that your Lady finds you attractive...no insulting BS issue meant there, as decent and happy marriage is a blessed gift to anyone.

"no hiding behind a keyboard": Great idea..PM me if interested ;)
Same terms for you great sir..
I've already passed the only test that matters - a career without bending an airplane or hurting a passenger. I sincerely and honestly hope you can say the same one day.

I've already passed the only test that matters - a career without bending an airplane or hurting a passenger. I sincerely and honestly hope you can say the same one day.


As do I. Thanks for that wish comrade. All BS and/or "Oh Yeah!?" aside?...You've my fullest respect for getting all those people, for all those years...SAFELY to their destinations. I ain't done just yet..and always consider the "There but for fortune" issue when "committing aviation".

PS: I'll take that as a "no" as per the wager? ;) It could be good fun at least ;)
No, you're just the one wanting to prove you can outfly any westie..... what is it - $5000 and any venue, right?


PS - my wife thinks I'm cute and that's good enough for me. I'm just willing to put my real picture up there and my name on my posts - no hiding behind a keyboard.

Does your wife like moustache rides?! :up:

Oh sorry, she likes ridesi n 737's
So, an exchange where an east pilot moves from a furlough to the left seat and a west pilot moves from the left seat to the street is a fair and righteous exchange that honors your concept of "seniority."

Your continual calling the west pilots "seniority stealers" only re-emphasizes your lack of understanding of what seniority is.
I believe it's you with the misunderstanding. You say "an east pilot moves from a furlough to the left seat". Just out of curiosity, how many working non furloughed F/O's would the furloughee have to climb over to get there? So your characterization is extreme FUD at best and most definitely the west propaganda machine in extreme overdrive. That seems to be a general theme on many web boards. Just by posting something like that, your knowledge must be very limited.
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