Obama's secret assassins

The good thing is that he is in a minority. Most people do not think like that and that was shown in the last election.

That's why 81% of the people don't trust the government to do whats right- Gallup

WTF you talking about?

From you -
1993 Clinton did public housing weapon sweeps without warrants.
New Orleans....... State, Local and BATF went door to door confiscating legally owned weapons in preparation for mass forced evacuation.

Funny thing...the right viewed crime at public housing as just a bunch of thugs. Clinton disarms the "thugs". 20 years later, right points to them as "law abiding citizens".

Unclear about your reference to New Orleans. Only thing I found on that was a reference from Alex Jones, whom I take with a grain of salt.
From some well known conspiracy activists:

Read the list. Very impressive. For a movement that (judging from your citations) has been trying to confiscate our weapons for at least the last 37 years...they haven't succeeded. And nary a shot was fired in opposition.
From you - .

Funny thing...the right viewed crime at public housing as just a bunch of thugs. Clinton disarms the "thugs". 20 years later, right points to them as "law abiding citizens".

Unclear about your reference to New Orleans. Only thing I found on that was a reference from Alex Jones, whom I take with a grain of salt.

Alex Jones or not, it went to court in NOLA.

As for Clinton in 93, thugs or not, they still have COTUS protection and individual rights like it or not.
Read the list. Very impressive. For a movement that (judging from your citations) has been trying to confiscate our weapons for at least the last 37 years...they haven't succeeded. And nary a shot was fired in opposition.

No but your average anti gun weeny keeps saying there is no push to confiscate guns. If you read those quotes the motive is there and they mention it in the end.
Just like eating an elephant. One bite at a time.
No but your average anti gun weeny keeps saying there is no push to confiscate guns. If you read those quotes the motive is there and they mention it in the end.
Just like eating an elephant. One bite at a time.

And yet, despite those bites, we as a nation are apparently suffering from GERD. From 1994 thru 2004, law abiding gun owners could NOT have purchased the gun used in the Sandy Hook massacre because they were banned. But in 2004 - the ban expired. If our goal is to disarm Americans, and we've been taking little bites every year for the past 40 or 50 years, why would we give back ASSAULT weapons?
Read the list. Very impressive. For a movement that (judging from your citations) has been trying to confiscate our weapons for at least the last 37 years...they haven't succeeded. And nary a shot was fired in opposition.

"If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the government's ability to govern the people, we should look to limit those guarantees."
-President Bill Clinton, August 12, 1993

"You know the one thing that's wrong with this country? Everyone gets a chance to have their fair say."
-President Bill Clinton, May 28, 1993 speech in the city hall courtyard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"The purpose of government is to rein in the rights of the people"
-President Bill Clinton, MTV interview, 1993

Trying to confiscate weapons for the last thirty seven years....ok
Same party was trying for the last 96 years to get national healthcare so whats your point?

And yet, despite those bites, we as a nation are apparently suffering from GERD. From 1994 thru 2004, law abiding gun owners could NOT have purchased the gun used in the Sandy Hook massacre because they were banned. But in 2004 - the ban expired. If our goal is to disarm Americans, and we've been taking little bites every year for the past 40 or 50 years, why would we give back ASSAULT weapons?

Wasn't 'gave back', I believe there weren't enough votes to reinstate.
Wasn't 'gave back', I believe there weren't enough votes to reinstate.

Bottom line...despite the 'tyranny', the Sandy Hook shooter was legally able to obtain the weapon used in the attack. How is that eating away at your constitutional right.

If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the government's ability to govern the people, we should look to limit those guarantees AND The purpose of government is to rein in the rights of the people
Us lefty's do like to check things because while inside we really do want to trust one another., when it comes to the right wing, it's pretty hard. I googled your quote, but only found a bunch of right wing sites with no link at all to the text of the comments. So I dug a little deeper and came up with this (which also addresses your Public housing concerns:

The closest I could find on the first quote is from a 1994 (not 93) appearance on "Enough is Enough", hosted by Tabitha Soren.

What's happened in America today is too many people live in areas where there's no family structure, no community structure, and no work structure. And so there's a lot of irresponsibility. And so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it. That's what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the public housing projects, about how we're going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make people safer in their communities. So that's my answer to you. We can have—the more personal freedom a society has, the more personal responsibility a society needs and the more strength you need out of your institutions, family, community, and work
That looks a lot like quotes 1 and 3. So I'm gonna go with what this person who at least TRIED to find the quotes mentioned. Unless of course you can provide a link to the actual text of the speech or program where the comments were made. On a side note...I thought it was cute how he hijacked the rights 'personal responsibility" line

I WAS able to find a link to the quote about having a fair say. I will allow myself to add something called "full context", since sarcasm doesn't translate well to the written word when the supporting words around it are omitted:

[At this point, audience members interrupted the President's remarks.]
Let me tell you something—wait a minute. You know one thing that's wrong with this country? Everybody gets a chance to have their fair say. My budget did more to fight AIDS than any in history, and we're having to put up with this. Tell them to let me talk. If you want to give a speech, go out there and raise your own crowd. We'll be glad to listen to you.

So who do you shoot? Is it like Obama or Pelosi is going to go door to door? Or are we going to water down the definition of "assassination", or are you REALLY willing to stand there and face down an M1 tank with your AR15?

What makes you think an American wouldn't face down a tank ?
Us lefty's do like to check things because while inside we really do want to trust one another., when it comes to the right wing, it's pretty hard. I googled your quote, but only found a bunch of right wing sites with no link at all to the text of the comments. So I dug a little deeper and came up with this (which also addresses your Public housing concerns:

That looks a lot like quotes 1 and 3. So I'm gonna go with what this person who at least TRIED to find the quotes mentioned. Unless of course you can provide a link to the actual text of the speech or program where the comments were made. On a side note...I thought it was cute how he hijacked the rights 'personal responsibility" line

I WAS able to find a link to the quote about having a fair say. I will allow myself to add something called "full context", since sarcasm doesn't translate well to the written word when the supporting words around it are omitted:


Separate lines of text or bunch it together and Clinton is still all about trampling on those 'thugs' Constitutional rights no mater how you paint it.