Dem's eat their own............


Oct 29, 2002
The NY/National Dem machine tried to persuade this guy not to run for re-election. He said he was going to run. Obama even asked him not to run. Funny how this guy is overwhelmed by his own parties politics of personal destruction. Black, blind holds no special considerations here.

Looks like Cuomo at all costs....

Has Obama asked beleaguered and unpopular NY Governor David Paterson to drop out of the race to keep his seat? That's what the New York Times is reporting. If true, this is fairly extraordinary. It's highly unusual for a president to step in and tell a governor who is not facing something like a crippling scandal or imminent indictment that his time is up. And when it's the first black president telling one of only two black governors to clear the way for someone else...that definitely falls into the category of Stories You Never Expected To Read


The state of New York is working hard to eliminate Governor Paterson from his position. Are they being unjust and discriminatory against him? Is it plausible that the Governor is exploiting his position to access things otherwise inaccessible? If so, is he justified? Is the Commission on Public Integrity correct in chastising the Governor for his acts?


"Ghastly Governor" was the top headline on March 2 at Huffington Post. The article, from the page one lead of New York Times, describes the role of New York State Gov. David Paterson in an assault case involving his top aide. The New York Post cover (March 1) headline was, "Last Call For Gov." Paterson undoubtedly will resign before the end of the year.

NYT the loyal machine controlled assassin doing its job too...

Some top black New York Democrats questioned on Monday whether calls for Gov. David A. Paterson either to resign or to transfer some of his authority to the lieutenant governor were prompted by a racial double standard.

Time for the race card?
Politics is a matter of winning. Some politicians want to win at all costs. Look at what Bush did to McCain in 2000. It's no longer about civil service, it's about power, and prestige.

We need to get rid of the electoral college and get some serious 3rd, 4th and 5th party candidates/parties to come in to play. We need to get money and special interests out of DC.

We get/have the government that we deserve. Until we do something, we deserve no better.
Politics is a matter of winning. Some politicians want to win at all costs. Look at what Bush did to McCain in 2000. It's no longer about civil service, it's about power, and prestige.

We need to get rid of the electoral college and get some serious 3rd, 4th and 5th party candidates/parties to come in to play. We need to get money and special interests out of DC.

We get/have the government that we deserve. Until we do something, we deserve no better.

Well I saw on the news that 61% of the voters in NY want Patterson to stay and finish the term. Something smells in NY and I think it's NOT Patterson. It looks like a inter-party witch hunt to glear the way for Andrew Cuomo.

Geez, They have a politically connected, ambitious AG investigating a blind Governor, bent upon destrying him for his own gain. Seems to me the only ones who are blind are those who refuse to see it for what it is.

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