
Bear96 said:
Yes, Mexico has long been known as a worker's paradise ... <_<



Mexicans don't cross the border for "better working conditions and a 401K". they cross for a JOB. I've seen some sources that say MEXICO LOST jobs because of NAFTA. Honestly, some of the "work rules" border on the absurd and they are LAW, not Union contracts. Again, do a google search on it. In some cases, you truly can be overpaid for pennies an hour.
Busdrvr said:
1. Mexico? Higher Labor standards? Do you know what a" maquiladora" is? And if their standards are so high, then why do millions come here to work illegally?

WELL aware, having taken "Mexican Trade" in a border town as part of an MBA. Like I said, do a little reserch on it (google it). It's surpring and eye opening. An example off the top of my head, if you give someone a christmas bonus this year, out of the goodness of your heart, you just commited to giving it EVERY year, and it should grow EVERY year.

Mexico is a MESS!!! Have you ever noticed the differant colored license tags? Do you know (at least in the past), that you could not buy a new, import car? A "new" suberban comes as a "kit" and is then assembled by the local dealer. A wise way to build a domestic car manufaturing segment. Ironically, the cars that were made there (VW's at the time) were for export only.... :rolleyes:
Why buy a car in MEX when you can steal one in the USA? When I was in Texas, cars being stolen and taken to Mexico was/is a huge problem. Also, they would come into the US, make a down payment on a brand new dodge ram, make the first few payments, then they would go back to Mexico with this brand new truck without making any more payments. This was reported in the media. Note: I am not saying that all Mexicans are thieves just relaying a media report I saw.
aafsc said:
Why buy a car in MEX when you can steal one in the USA? When I was in Texas, cars being stolen and taken to Mexico was/is a huge problem. Also, they would come into the US, make a down payment on a brand new dodge ram, make the first few payments, then they would go back to Mexico with this brand new truck without making any more payments. This was reported in the media. Note: I am not saying that all Mexicans are thieves just relaying a media report I saw.

Many of those actually ended up in Belize and other parts of central America. Imported used cars had those ugly yellow tags, "new domestic" cars had white. And you could tell which was which without looking at the tag!!