Old PIT terminal history website?


Aug 30, 2002

Sorry to have to post, but cant find with search.

Recently someone posted an excellent photo history website of the PIT terminal (pre-1992). I was out in that area this week with some of my students who never saw / dont remember the old place, and wanted to show them the site since it had a great deal of information and history, specifically about the additions over time.

Does anyone recall this URL?


Sorry to have to post, but cant find with search.

Recently someone posted an excellent photo history website of the PIT terminal (pre-1992). I was out in that area this week with some of my students who never saw / dont remember the old place, and wanted to show them the site since it had a great deal of information and history, specifically about the additions over time.

Does anyone recall this URL?


How about this??
That took me down memory lane when I was first hired with U through my first 14 years.

Thanks. Nice job.
Great Pictures!
How about British Airways?
"Two airlines, One Vision"

Who remembers 32R?

How I hated to hear we were parking there on the last leg of a long 4 day trip! :shock:
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I think that URL is the one. Thanks for the refresher.

If anyone else knows of historical sites about old PIT, please feel free to add them.

That took me down memory lane when I was first hired with U through my first 14 years.

Thanks. Nice job.

sky high states: me too. Anyone remember the "employee Cafeteria" on the lower level near baggage claim? :up:
Right out of the sixties.
How about the hotel in the airport? Grossest ever!!

sky high states: Oh boy, I arrived at the Rotunda...and my next flight is from gate 14. Either run or get the connection bus.
gotta long layover?....go to the game room in the main lobby on the left hand side.

Memories, anyone?
sky high states: Oh boy, I arrived at the Rotunda...and my next flight is from gate 14. Either run or get the connection bus.
gotta long layover?....go to the game room in the main lobby on the left hand side.

Memories, anyone?
How about the big Christmas tree decorated with hundreds of destination bag tags in the Rotunda?

Parking in A, B, and D lots. Juniors get to park as far away as possible.

Breezing through security with our skyway on wheels.

Going down those concrete steps to ops, and passing Fred in scheduling behind the window.
<SNIP> Who remembers 32R?

How I hated to hear we were parking there on the last leg of a long 4 day trip! :shock:

Last day of a Four Day in the winter and we do some PIT-DTW turns. I’m flying A and squaring away the AB-1s. C is saying goodbye.

The CAPT asks me if it’s okay to shut everything down. “Yup, let’s get out of this beast!’ I replied.

We (the front end crew and me) find nothing at the bottom of the steps. Just blowing snow in the night. Miss B and C took the van and left us there.

I jimmied the lock on the trailer. Good thing there was a phone in there.

This was right around the time the FOs submitted FA pay claims. I don’t think B and C were paid.
My first ever airline flying experience started at Greater PIT in 1978 on Eastern Airlines to Atlanta. I was about 8 years old and was awe struck as we pulled up to the grand entrace adorned with the fountain.

I fondly remember the ice cream parlor down the hall to the left of the main rotunda, and a cool arcade down the other hall to the right of the rotunda.

That's when I got the aviation bug, just like every other 8 year old. I remember the plane we flew was a 727 and on the PIT-ATL trip we were served a full hot meal in coach. I think we flew an L1011 back from ATL-PIT, but I might be confusing that with another trip that might have been on Delta. Imagine that - widebody service between those two cities!

I travelled through PIT many times over the next 14 years before its closure. I heard about efforts to keep it open and wish that at least part of it would have remained. There was even talk of making it a permanent movie set that could be used by any filmmaker/studio that needed to shoot airport interiors. They could have modeled a concourse ("dock") any way they wanted to.
Here’s a few that I took in September of 92:



That’s the upstairs Inflight Services office. I would stand here and smoke cigarettes while waiting to be yelled at by my Supervisor.
