Once a no vote, this time it''s yes all the way!


Aug 19, 2002
On 11/27/2002 8:13:32 PM Imamec,itsmyfault wrote:

By the way, for those aviation groupies (ie: customers) that seem to get a kick out of hanging with the workers, writing in our forum, where you really have no place to be, don't bother with your stick with it bunk. It doesn't work on me. As far as I'm concerned, anybody that stands to benefit from my cuts, (cheap fares) has no right to tell me to hang in there, and give the company what they need. I need a pay check, decent benefits, and just a little pride in the company that I give my life to.


Since when is this an employee only forum? In fact, I believe the original posters here were enthusiasts, not employees. Ditto with PlaneBusiness.com's old site.

Also, never give your life to a company. No company will ever love you back -- it's just not gonna happen.
Some of you may recall that the last time around, I was a very strong NO vote enthusiast. However, this time it''s a different story. Whatever the company puts before us, count me as a YES'' vote, all the way. I just want this sick dog to survive long enough to get my severance, and then I''ll gladly leave the scraps to you suckered, Dave loving, YES voters.
Oh I remember all the tales of glory you guys envisioned, if only the concessions would be ratified. Dave, Dave, he''s our man, if we give him what he wants, he''ll show us his big plan!! Or how about the one, you NO voters should just quit, and leave this airline to us, so when we''re back on the top, it''ll be all ours! Yes sir, Dave sure is your knight in shining armor. As for me, I long ago stopped believing in the tooth fairy, or CEO''s being labor friendly, so I have been working on plan B for all this time. Now, my severance would be just about right to enable me to kick back, finish my schooling in ease, and at last get some of that good life you all talked so much about.
By the way, for those aviation groupies (ie: customers) that seem to get a kick out of hanging with the workers, writing in our forum, where you really have no place to be, don''t bother with your stick with it bunk. It doesn''t work on me. As far as I''m concerned, anybody that stands to benefit from my cuts, (cheap fares) has no right to tell me to hang in there, and give the company what they need. I need a pay check, decent benefits, and just a little pride in the company that I give my life to.

PS: I really hate to say I told you so, but what the hey. I TOLD YOU SO!!!!
PSS: I also don''t really believe that anybody will be voting on anything, this time around. It''s a shove it down their throats play, all the way.
It's very obvious that these are employee based subjects, play the words any way you like. A groupie is a groupie, I guess I hit too close to home for you!
Plus, when I do a job, I do my best. That means putting myself, and therefore my life, into it!
Although I am not as cynical (nor did I plan as well) as the original poster I too am very discouraged at this point.

I was originally a very big fan of Dave's but am getting the uncomfortable feeling that he is a young gun corporate raider at this point. I cannot fathom any management logic for the timing and way in which the Tampa facility closed.

Also, there is a law of diminishing returns in business. US AIRWAYS is fast approaching the crtical point where the reduced employee numbers and morale will result in a grossly accelerated decline in customer service and safety. Recipe for disaster.

The amount of outsourcing that is planned is unthinkable to me. Airlines should be run and serviced by internal airline people....they are airline and understand that the consequences of poor work is very different than in other industries.

Hey! Here is a thought! Jack Welch's wife estimates that he is worth 800 million. That's only 100 million less than we need from the ATSB to SAVE AN ENTIRE AIRLINE!! Jack in the ultimate turnaround guy. He could be a star again and keep his wife from getting the money.
C'mon Jack......help us out here!
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On 11/27/2002 8:35:23 PM Imamec,itsmyfault wrote:

It's very obvious that these are employee based subjects, play the words any way you like. A groupie is a groupie, I guess I hit too close to home for you!
Plus, when I do a job, I do my best. That means putting myself, and therefore my life, into it!

Sure, they're employee-based subjects, but any time someone tries to start a non-labor topic it gets drowned out or someone posts some snide remark that it doesn't matter since the ship is basically sunk. Also, for what it's worth, I had been trying to get a job with US in CCY (or some other airline) but have since given up since there aren't any stable jobs to be had, so I'm clearly interested in the issues, employee-based or not.

I used to do the same with my job. But it's a dangerous thing to tie one's life to one's source of income, especially when the economy tanks (as it does every 8-10 years almost without fail).
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/27/2002 8:13:32 PM Imamec,itsmyfault wrote:
[P] Some of you may recall that the last time around, I was a very strong NO vote enthusiast. However, this time it's a different story. Whatever the company puts before us, count me as a YES' vote, all the way. I just want this sick dog to survive long enough to get my severance, and then I'll gladly leave the scraps to you suckered, Dave loving, YES voters. [BR] Oh I remember all the tales of glory you guys envisioned, if only the concessions would be ratified. Dave, Dave, he's our man, if we give him what he wants, he'll show us his big plan!! Or how about the one, you NO voters should just quit, and leave this airline to us, so when we're back on the top, it'll be all ours! Yes sir, Dave sure is your knight in shining armor. As for me, I long ago stopped believing in the tooth fairy, or CEO's being labor friendly, so I have been working on plan B for all this time. Now, my severance would be just about right to enable me to kick back, finish my schooling in ease, and at last get some of that good life you all talked so much about.[BR] By the way, for those aviation groupies (ie: customers) that seem to get a kick out of hanging with the workers, writing in our forum, where you really have no place to be, don't bother with your stick with it bunk. It doesn't work on me. As far as I'm concerned, anybody that stands to benefit from my cuts, (cheap fares) has no right to tell me to hang in there, and give the company what they need. I need a pay check, decent benefits, and just a little pride in the company that I give my life to.[BR] [BR]PS: I really hate to say I told you so, but what the hey. I TOLD YOU SO!!!![BR][BR]PSS: I also don't really believe that anybody will be voting on anything, this time around. It's a shove it down their throats play, all the way.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P][EM]your'e right there ,pal....soon we will see daves plan,like next week.[/EM]