Passenger Complaint

Apr 11, 2010
Would like to know how do your station handle passenger complaint? What is the best way to protect yourself if the passenger didn't stated what is really happen in the complain? It is better to get a witness or a co-worker to observe what is really happen and have them document the record? Just want to know how to protect HOW can you protect yourself FROM wrongful accusation from the the Passenger? Wonder how do corporate handle it? Bottom line what can you do if you think the customer will write ?

Few examples:

passenger show up late and miss flt (they claimed that we would not help?)
check bag at GATE (passenger DONT want to check bag or why do the crew get to get on first?)
Misconnect (weather and they didnt understand)
check in or late arrival TIcket counter (show up at 30 or less and expect to get check in at ATO, demand to be put on OAL or they accused us of being RUDE)
baggage (passenger want to short check bag)

Thank you folk for any advice...
Document the record. If someone misses the flight, first thing I do while I'm canceling out the old segment is note that the customer was too late to check in. That way it has the time stamp with remarks at the same time that the old segment is canceled.
If its something serious that more than one agent heard/observed, we get everyone to note the record in their own signin. That way it has all the info in it already for Customer Relations or management to see before they even bother coming to you and ask what happened.
One thing the company (not sure from Tempe or just local management) is now using as a bad letter approach is the customers perception. If the customer perceives something as X,Y or Z, then it must be. I do not agree with this. Almost any time you tell someone no or something they dont want to hear, they will say you were rude. No, you just didnt like my answer. Also heard we had a complaint about someone not telling the flight before it left that it was going to divert. Thats bad customer service. Really? I didnt see the specifics, but if this is what they are dinging us on there is no way to win some of the complaint challenges then.
Even if there is the slightest chance that someone didnt like what you told them or did, I document the heck out of the record with all the info. Not only will it cya, but if they ask someone else later (like that ever happens... ;) ), then they will know what they were told and can see that they have already been advised.
Strange corporate would take a perception is reality approach.

When they finish last in airline rankings, they claim perception isn't realiity.
Document everything, jot down notes during your conversation if you have to. If their complaint is that you were "rude" and your response includes actual quotes and the entire situation in detail, you should be ok. Assuming, of course, you didn't do something wrong.
Document everything, jot down notes during your conversation if you have to. If their complaint is that you were "rude" and your response includes actual quotes and the entire situation in detail, you should be ok. Assuming, of course, you didn't do something wrong.

One would hope, but as it's been said earlier, it's all about the "perception". Even if you were upholding company policy, have documented with quotes and specifics and even have documentation from other agents; if you're still "perceived" as rude and uncooperative then you get written up. Trust me on this one.
One would hope, but as it's been said earlier, it's all about the "perception". Even if you were upholding company policy, have documented with quotes and specifics and even have documentation from other agents; if you're still "perceived" as rude and uncooperative then you get written up. Trust me on this one.
And THIS is E-x-a-c-t-l-y why most workers are NOT willing to go out on a limb for ANY customer (irregardless of the business). If You follow a Company's Policies, the worker is forced to deal with the ranting, rage and rudeness that people hurl at them. Try to act indifferent (in otherwards NOT show Your Arsce......even though You know YOU are Right) and the customer tosses the RUDE Card at the Company, and the Company comes after the worker. That's exactly why I do My Job in the Context of MY JOB. Personally, i don't care what You Do.......just Don't Tell Me HOW to Do My Job. And "IF" you need to enlighten Me Who You Are or Who You Think You Are.........well.........we'll see how quickly I can INFORM You, You are No Better or Any Different than the Next person. Take your sense of Entitlement to some one who deals with the "it's All About Me Crowd" sure as hell ISN'T Me. This Nonsense needs to nipped in the butt as quickly as it rears it's ugly head.
This is what I have learned by having to implement company policies with which I do not necessarily agree:

It's all about the tone of the delivery. Empathy goes a long way. When I can explain to an underling why we must adhere to procedures which make us scratch their head, I get a much more favorable response than if I bark what I'm really thinking: "Nobody is forcing you to be here. If you don't like the rules, then find another job."

As an airline customer, if I don't like an airline policy, I usually go on the offensive and joke with the employee who is tasked with following the rules. It works like a charm!! ;) While not every customer is as pleasant and understanding as I am (especially in PBI :lol: ), I would suggest putting on a (fake) happy face and being friendly but firm, instead of poker-faced and firm. While the customer might still leave in a huff and send a nasty letter to Customer Relations, the chances of them personally attacking you will be substantially reduced.

Good luck.
You know company policy, guilty unless you can prove yourself innocent. No good deed ever goes unpunished.

Problem passengers, simple, call a manager. Let them deal with it, let them get the complaint.