PAWOB Award - Week of 3/12 to 3/18/2007

Jan 9, 2004
Pittsburgh PA
Well, now that I can sit up straight after catching my son's cold this weekend, and after enjoying Friday's fiasco at work, this week's PAWOB award goes to the executives at US Airways.

Thanks for all you do to us! Without you, we'd be a bunch of happy campers. Your media snow job (pun intended) was wasted on employees and passengers, who have more of a clue than you will ever personally enjoy.

This week the Prince does not have a cool catchphrase. Not that I'm at a loss for words, but I think I need a break from thinking up clever stuff. DoUgIe and $hares/SHARES are seeing fantastic usage, and adding more cool wordplay might potentially dilute their effective use. I'm still waiting for the bumper stickers from the printers anyway.

Carry on folks! You're doing the best that you can. Don't kill yourselves doing it.
I don't know how anyone other than Tempe could get this award. I think Doug works every station to ensure bags are tagged incorrectly and then when they get to the hubs he ensures they mis-connect so everyone has extra work and it costs US more money to deliver the bags. I wish I would have thought of this strategy myself. I think this is the second strategy reviewed with the BOD and can be found in the 10-k filing. Keep up the great work Tempe - let's find even more ways to make extra work for the employees. Only Tempe is responsible for how the airline runs every day. After Doug and Scott the other 34,998 have nothing to do with the airlines daily operation.