Phl Rolling Hub


May 26, 2003
Great news!
PHL has instituted the rolling hub!
Actually, they've changed the ramp staffing to rolling hub style but not the schedule. Now when all the flights come in at they still do...there isn't a crew available for all of them. Some flights sit for quite a while before they are even touched! Including the trans-atlantic and the carib.
This staffing came right form CCY....
Just another case of getting the cart before the horse.

That is just typical of the way they do things. Whenever we cut back we cut far too deeply and then when circumstances change we are in no position to react because we cut too much. Major changes are never thought completely through. We are totally reactionary and never a leader , always the follower or worse. The rolling hub/hybrid operation is a great opportunity for us to pull out of this tailspin, but only if all departments are fully informed and able to make all the changes necessary to implement the changes otherwise it is just another effort in futility. If the stations had final say rather then a bean counter/efficiency expert in CCY maybe things would improve. We need to have people who know the operation make the decisions.rather than the new college grads who have never had a real job and have no clue how the front line operates.
The problem is that the CCY folks fancy themselves "strategic visionaries." Even if you believe that part, the harder part of the equation is finding "operational excellence."

Dave could dream up the most incredible toast imaginable, and would lack the acumen to actually operate the toaster. This is a huge problem, especially in an industry as operationally intensive as air travel.