Pilot''s T/A ,where is it posted?



Can someone point me in the right direction. What I would like to know is the details about RJ''s. Thanks.
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No one knows where the Pilots T/A is posted? What I want to know is are unlimited RJ''s in the T/A? This will have a huge impact the domestic market, and TWU, and quite possibly AA agent jobs.
On 4/7/2003 9:33:45 PM bagsmasher wrote:

No one knows where the Pilots T/A is posted? What I want to know is are unlimited RJ''s in the T/A? This will have a huge impact the domestic market, and TWU, and quite possibly AA agent jobs.

The TA allows for unlimited 50 seat RJs at AE. I have heard, but haven''t seen, that APA members will get to fly the CRJ-70s and anything bigger.
It is posted in a number of public places. Go to http://www.apapdp.org for all the versions of the TA and other info about the TA. It does not allow for unlimited RJs. It does allow for the RJ count to go up to 110% of the current narrow-bodied aircraft at AA. This includes all RJs anywhere that have any type of agreement with AMR like American Connection. It would be wrong to assume that any or all of the possible RJ expansion would go to only American Eagle. Even APA is worried enough about this that they signed an LOA that is a jets for jobs agreement with any affiliate that gets additional RJs.
So once again on what basis is APA justifying the stealing of AE jobs? APA pilots have no business flying RJ in any position other than what their senority would hold IE.. the bottom.
AAviator wrote:

Any non AA flying is limited to 50 seats.


Why is it that you continue to post misinformation. AA union members should be making important decisions about the TA based on facts. If you have an opinion on how you think they should vote and why then state your opinion, but don't give out information that is absolutely incorrect.

I would suggest that you read the entire TA and LOAs before you vote or post your misinformation. I assumed you were a pilot at AA with at least a private pilot certificate which requires the ability to read, write and speak English. Apparently you either don't have the time to read the TA or you can't read.

Even if the AA pilot TA is ratified here is a paragraph in the TA that is in contradiction to your misinformation that has become worse than the BS that comes out the mouth of the Minister of Information of Iraq:


(1) Commuter Air Carriers and Section 1 Limitations

The Company or an Affiliate may create, acquire, maintain an equity position in, enter into franchise type agreements with, and/or codeshare with a Commuter Air Carrier, and allow such a carrier to utilize trade names, designator codes, aircraft paint schemes, or service marks that the Company directly or indirectly controls, and flying by any such Commuter Air Carrier shall not be subject to the limitations of Section 1.C. above, so long as any such Commuter Air Carrier operates in accordance with the limitations set forth in this Section 1. D.

(2) American Eagle, Inc. and Executive Airlines, Inc. American Eagle, Inc. and Executive Airlines, Inc. may operate, in the aggregate, no more than 43 ATR 72 aircraft or other turbo prop aircraft certificated in the United States and Europe for a maximum passenger capacity of between 51 and 70 seats, without losing their status as Commuter Air Carriers.
On 4/8/2003 5:18:58 PM Skyhungry wrote:

AA Pilot TA Highlights,

10) Stock options/equity in the company.

11) Improved profit sharing.


I guess the imporved profit sharing means it is improved for AMR. 15% of all profits over 500m will pay out approximately half of what the old plan paid if you use AMR''s best years as a benchmark.
AA Pilot TA Highlights,


1) 50 Seat RJ''s limited to 110% of NB Fleet.
(that is about 660 RJ''s with todays fleet count)

2) Any growth in 50 seat RJ''s (from a determined time that
has not been established) will be Captained by mainline
AA. This will be under Eagle work rules and pay.

3) All 51 + seat AC flown by AA mainline under Eagle
work rules and pay.

If anyone is interested;

4) 23% pay cut 1st year, 17% 2nd year, and 1.5% increase
until the end of the contract.

5) Onerous Reserve System.

6) Increase in Medical and Dental (two fold increase).

7) 2500 Additional Furloughs (Just over 1000 currently

8) Change in Sick and Vacation Pay (Current Sick and
Vacation accrual will be converted to new system).

9) Various other work rule changes.

10) Stock options/equity in the company.

11) Improved profit sharing.
No mention of it with whats available so far.

Jetdryvr its not job staeling, think of it as a condition for growth.
This is job stealing. It would be palateable if ALPA was part of the negotiations and APA furloughs went to what their senority would hold. Instead APA wants all 50+ seat aircraft at AE, future CAPTAIN seats at AE and are trying to even get jobs at other carriers. How is it that I should consider it anything other. Not one single AA pilot deserves or should be allowed to take a position at AE outside of Sup W/ Letter 3.