Planned Route ISP-DCA--PSA or PDT or Air Whiskey?

Art at ISP

Aug 20, 2002
Dix Hills NY
I flew back into ISP last night (on WN--see? never say never), and I happened to see some of my old friends at the US counter. We got to talking, catching up on families, etc., and they mentioned the new planned route ISP-DCA which is supposed to start in June. They didn't know who is operating it, whether it will be PSA, Piedmont or Air Wisconsin..does anyone here know?

Also--I thought this route might be affected by the planned slot swap between US and DL--is there a chance it won't happen if that deal unravels?

One point this visit drove home was how much I miss my dear friends still working for US and Express. When my friend asked how long it had been since I flew US, and I said almost 3 years, he said he couldn't blame me--and told me most of their "regulars" have gone to WN or gone altogether (meaning LGA or JFK).
It was sad yet good to see them......

My BEST to you all...
\ I flew US, and I said almost 3 years, he said he couldn't blame me--and told me most of their "regulars" have gone to WN or gone altogether (meaning LGA or JFK).
It was sad yet good to see them......

My BEST to you all...

While this does not answer your PDT/AWAC question, so may "regulars" have gone. It is very sad indeed. A "regular" was recently asked by an agent if the company had ever called her asking "what happened? We miss you". You get get one chance to answer that question.
1. Dependent on the slot swap
2. Most likely Air Whiskey as their LGA flying would have to be replaced