Possible CEO ?


Aug 20, 2002
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, finally one of my sources gave accurate info. There is another BOD meeting on Saturday.

I hope they don't bring back Greenwald as CEO. That would be a mistake in my opinion. He'll forever be associated with the failed ESOP, which doesn't exactly leave a tasty flavor in people's mouths these days. He's a re-tread in my opinion and would be about as effective at turning UA around as a temporary, interim CEO. I wouldn't be concerned if he's named Chairman of the BOD (as I expect he will be), but not CEO. We need a fresh leader in this place who is willing to dramatically shake things up and inject some creative and motivational leadership into the UA management ranks. Also expect Jake Brace to be named President and Chief Operating Officer and for Rono Dutta and Andy Studdert to resign.
UAL May Hire Weirton Steel''s Walker as CEO, Business Week Says
By William Selway
New York, Aug. 29 (Bloomberg) -- UAL Corp., parent of United Airlines, may hire Weirton Steel Corp.''s John Walker to become chief executive officer of the world''s second-largest airline, Business Week reported, without identifying its sources.
The hiring of Walker could be announced as early as Monday, the magazine reported. The board of directors is evaluating at least one other person from outside the company for the CEO job, including former Chairman and CEO Gerald Greenwald, the magazine reported.
United spokesman Chris Brathwaite declined to comment on the Business Week report.
UAL has said it may have to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection from creditors unless it''s able to cut costs and get a $1.8 billion federal loan guarantee to help it raise funds. Walker has restructured Weirton Steel in his 19 months as CEO, helping to prevent the company from following other steel producers into bankruptcy, the magazine reported.
(BW 8-29)