Post merger policy: UM / live animal

Aug 20, 2002
I have not any speculation about post merger policy for UMs or live animal in the cargo hold (AVIH).
HP brought its policies for the to post merger:  UMs on nonstops only and cabin pets being the only live animals accepted.  Both in line with being a "low cost carrier".
UAL just announced that it will no longer accept UMs on connections:
 CHICAGO (AP) — Hey, kids! United Airlines says children flying alone need to go nonstop or stay home.
United says it's no longer allowing children ages 5 to 11 to fly without an adult on flights that include connections. It also says its optional service for unaccompanied minors ages 12-17 will only be offered on nonstop flights.
I wonder if UAL's decision will influence post merger AA policy.  UMs on connection involve a great deal of staff time and carry the potential for things to go wrong.  I can see why a carrier, low cost or full service, would decide that it is just not worth it.
Live animals in the hold  also involve extra work and things can go wrong there as well.  But there is also a large demand to transport critters, both as baggage and cargo.  And a lot of revenue at $100 plus each.
UA's had a real problem losing UM's in the past couple years...

I'd prefer to see AVIH go away as well. My wife was in charge of AVIH for a couple years, and after seeing some of the necropsy reports, we vowed to never check a pet.
if anyone ever seen what their pet looked like when that bin door swings open I don't think they would put their pet on a plane.I know I never would mine.
I remember one time in bos I opened the cargo door of a B 737 400 and there was a huge white dog who was walking around in the bin after it chewed the kennel it was in
robbedagain said:
I remember one time in bos I opened the cargo door of a B 737 400 and there was a huge white dog who was walking around in the bin after it chewed the kennel it was in
Did the dog run out onto the ramp?

No the pilot and a supervisor brought the dog owner down to the ramp and helped get the dog out of the bin
I would like to see that an ADULT is required to accompany a minor traveling by air.  It breaks my heart when small, scared children are packed in with 140+ total strangers and sent across the country because the parents are too cheap to escort the child to the other parent--or they are at each others throats; so, the child suffers the consequences.  Grow up people!
I remember one little girl who was crying so hard (she was scared more than anything) that the captain had her removed from the flight.  She couldn't have been more than 6 or 7 years old.
No to kids on connections or to transporting pets as cargo. We don't have the staffing to do either of these unless they add help. Not only that, but the bad publicity when either one of these goes awry isn't worth the extra $ collected. There are cargo companies out there that specialize in transporting animals if people really need to get their pets somewhere. I hope we don't do either when the combined policy is announced.
I do not think those policies are cost related as much as risk reward related. Way too much bad publicity for the little bit of incremental revenue. More likely a KISS approach.
US has revised its UMNR policy.  Effective "Day 1" UMNR by definition is one aged 5-12, previously 5-15.  The policy has also been modified to allow connections instead of the prior restriction to nonstop flights only.  Those over the age of 12 will be identified as "young adults" and, if the parents choose, may travel unaccompanied regardless of itinerary.  No advisement as to any forthcoming changes to the animal transport policies. 