Que Pasa ?

Aug 20, 2002
T-Rump WILL lose this election. He Lost it in the very early days of the campaign, and he will lose it because of HIS BIG MOUTH.
His 'cracking' on Latino's is showing in the huge increase of early voting by Latino's in Florida. This is also why Arizona is 'in play', It's a definite reason why Nevada will go blue, and be a Major reason why Colorado will also go blue.
Back to Florida for a moment. It's possible Florida, despite the Latino surge could go Red by a 'whisker', and also Arizona, but NOT in Nevada, or Colorado. So why EVERYONE is arguing over the Black voter turnout, this is the Year (Election) of the very people that BIG MOUTH T-Rump bashed from day # 1. (Sort of like inserting ones (male) member in ones own anus) !

T-Rump WILL lose this election. He Lost it in the very early days of the campaign, and he will lose it because of HIS BIG MOUTH.
His 'cracking' on Latino's is showing in the huge increase of early voting by Latino's in Florida. This is also why Arizona is 'in play', It's a definite reason why Nevada will go blue, and be a Major reason why Colorado will also go blue.
Back to Florida for a moment. It's possible Florida, despite the Latino surge could go Red by a 'whisker', and also Arizona, but NOT in Nevada, or Colorado. So why EVERYONE is arguing over the Black voter turnout, this is the Year (Election) of the very people that BIG MOUTH T-Rump bashed from day # 1. (Sort of like inserting ones (male) member in ones own anus) !

Query for your Senor Grampa Bears, do you agree with Obammy that Illegals in this country should try and vote in this election because no law enforcement will come looking for them?
I assume since your a libtard, you don't believe in voter fraud laws as long as the criminal Hildabeast wins the election by any means necessary
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T-Rump LOSES First vote !

In Dixville Notch, NH (very First to vote in the USA, at Midnite,)

'Hill - 4

T-Rump - 2

Johnson - 1

Romney - 1 (write-in)

FYI, Dixville is the furthest place for Liberalism !!

Hahahahahahahahahahaha !!
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Harts location, NH. Population 43.

'Hill - 17

Jerko - 14

Harts location, HARDLY a bastion of Liberalism !!

Hahahahahahahahahaha !!
Somebody feeding you BS old buddy.


DIXVILLE NOTCH, New Hampshire --
Donald Trump is off to a very early lead in the 2016 presidential election, winning over the voters of three New Hampshire precincts by a 32-25 margin over Hillary Clinton.

Qeury for your Senor Grampa Bears, do you agree with Obammy that Illegals in this country should try and vote in this election because no law enforcement will come looking for them?

You must have been fed that story posted in the fake news.
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Somebody feeding you BS old buddy.


DIXVILLE NOTCH, New Hampshire --
Donald Trump is off to a very early lead in the 2016 presidential election, winning over the voters of three New Hampshire precincts by a 32-25 margin over Hillary Clinton.


First off dell, THANK YOU for the BEAR Pic's (Your Waaay Overdue sending them) ( That one looks like a distant cousin from up in the far norther Co'os Country) And your Right, I had the totals from Dixville Notch, and Harts Location, but I forgot Millsfield, where T-Rump won 16 - 4, bringing the total as you pointed out, to 32 - 25 T-Rump. (Figures that Friggin' Millsfield went that way, considering they vote in the ONLY building in town which is a Friggin' GIN MILL. (A restaurant for snomobilers, hunters, lumberjacks and fugitive french Canadians who cross the Quebec border, (20 miles away) . (truth be told, the food is good there, but anyone would dread the day in the dead of winter if their vehicle crapped the bed) !! Next time your headin' for a Maine vaca, I'll outline a route for you from Steeltown through northern Vermont, across most nothern New Hampshaaaaaaaa, winding up near Bangor, and Arcadia National Park !

One last thing 'd-dude'. It's noon time and obviously voting is ongoing hot and heavy in the Good Ol' USA. Having said that, you've been the only one here on our beloved 'cooler, that has been in T-Rumps corner from day one, and for that(with all due respect) I wish you the BEST LUCK, and I'm being serious as a Heart Attack !! For me, it's about the 'D' party as a Whole, and not so much ' Hill. Don't be driving anywhere today, cause' I KNOW some ADULT BEVERAGES will be consumed in Allegheny County today !
I guess your deaf too. Off to vote for Trump.

So you fell for the edited version yet again. I posted the real version in the fake news thread.

Try this:

And this: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/fox-busi...ely-claim-he-told-illegal-immigrants-to-vote/

"As it turns out, there’s a reason no other networks were covering the story: it isn’t accurate. Here was the full exchange, with the bolded parts representing the sections of the interview Fox Business edited out."

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.
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So you fell for the edited version yet again. I posted the real version in the fake news thread.

Try this:

Barry was asked a question "undocumented (illegals) dreamers (illegals) are fearful of voting" "So if I vote" (meaning illegals) will Immigration know where I live, will they come for my family?" So either I heard her wrong (I didn't) or she's talking about illegals voting, because as she claims, "they are citizens of this country (they are not), and they contribute". Therefore your editing claim and "fake news" is BS Quagtard.
Barry was asked a question "undocumented (illegals) dreamers (illegals) are fearful of voting" "So if I vote" (meaning illegals) will Immigration know where I live, will they come for my family?" So either I heard her wrong (I didn't) or she's talking about illegals voting, because as she claims, "they are citizens of this country (they are not), and they contribute". Therefore your editing claim and "fake news" is BS Quagtard.

When I voted, I showed my drivers license as proof of ID and the lady poll person reacted like a vampire being shown the Cross.
Well, that's how KommieFornia does it.
Edited By ME
Don't forget to give me a red before you HillBillies leave....
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