Robin Williams Is Dead

700UW said:
I see our off-topic antagonist is here. I can't wait until he corrects somebody that looks in his mirror!
jimntx said:
Why should you care?  You stated on another thread that "I can't stand libtards."  Robin was a raging liberal.  He even raised money for those people who (according to you "conservatives") should have had better sense than to go to work for a company that could transfer its jobs to China.  Obviously, it was their own fault that they were unemployed.
And he might have taken the liberal way out. Drugs and suicide.
Pissed of the Islam lovers big time.
The Islamic State is omnipresent on Twitter these days, so it was curious to see the jihadists weighing in on the death of Robin Williams just as the rest of the world was last night.
However, they weren’t as kind to the kafir, heavily citing the above hilarious sketch he did about jihad and the whole idea of getting 72 virgins upon martyrdom.
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Well at least he has a lot of well-wishers.

Dear ISIS,

Robin Williams does not represent me nor do I share any of his liberal views.
signals said:
I see our off-topic antagonist is here. I can't wait until he corrects somebody that looks in his mirror!
How is posting a picture of the late Robin Williams who was a union member and a union supporter off topic?
And your post is on topic?

What does ISIS have to do with his death?
Hypocrite much?
signals said:
Well at least he has a lot of well-wishers.

Dear ISIS,

Robin Williams does not represent me nor do I share any of his liberal views.
700UW said:
How is posting a picture of the late Robin Williams who was a union member and a union supporter off topic?
And your post is on topic?
What does ISIS have to do with his death?
Hypocrite much?
Simple. If you are going to write a tribute, write about what everybody knew and loved him for-his acting and his comedic genius. Once you start posting his political views and you don't see a train wreck in the making, well I'm not going to enlighten you.

My response about ISIS that I was referring to dell's posting, which unfortunately I couldn't get the video so I clicked on the link. It contained the story that his virgins for martyrdom routine ticked ISIS off and it had comments(from the well wishers) that basically want him to burn somewhere.

That's where I'm off topic, I guess.
700UW said:
He was never liberal.
He may be the patron saint of limited government, but Ronald Reagan started out as a registered Democrat and New Deal supporter. An F.D.R. fan, the Gipper campaigned for Helen Gahagan Douglas in her fruitless 1950 Senate race against Richard Nixon and encouraged Dwight D. Eisenhower to run for President as a Democrat in 1952. While he was working as a spokesman for General Electric, however, his views shifted right. "Under the tousled boyish haircut," he wrote Vice President Nixon of John F. Kennedy in 1960, "is still old Karl Marx." By the time it actually happened in 1962, Reagan's decision to cross over to the GOP didn't come as much of a surprise. "I didn't leave the Democratic Party," he famously said. "The party left me.",28804,1894529_1894528_1894518,00.html
Reagans turn to the dark side started well before 1962. His cooperation with the HUAC was his starting point in in my opinion.
Ms Tree said:
Reagans turn to the dark side started well before 1962. His cooperation with the HUAC was his starting point in in my opinion.
take it up with time magazine 