Sad news regarding one of our own.

Damn, I was hoping not to hear this.

But, I knew where the currents on that beach are, and late in the afternoon, they can be rough.

Its hard not to panic in a situation like that, after years of diving, I still get into a situation or two that can be a bit dodgy.

Prayers to his family, such a tragic loss.
He was a very well respected f/o on the 57. Several crewmembers were on the search and rescue teams to try and find him. His wife and parents have been flown to LIH and the crew is deadheading home tonight. They are very upset and distraught. The USAirways family will keep them all in our thoughts and prayers.
Phoenix pilot found dead off Hawaii
The Arizona Republic
Apr. 21, 2007 12:00 AM

A Phoenix resident, who worked as a pilot for US Airways, was found dead Friday off the Hawaiian island of Kauai.

Ted Teichgraeber, 37, was last seen snorkeling off Ke'e Beach on Kauai on Thursday afternoon. He and a US Airways captain were snorkeling while on leave between flights. Teichgraeber had been expected back in the Valley today. His co-worker reported him missing.

Coast Guard and fire department searches Thursday were unsuccessful. A tour boat heading down the Kauai coastline discovered the body Friday.

Teichgraeber's sister, Tara La Bouff, said her brother has a wife, Jennifer, and a 3-year-old son, Nicholas. "Nicholas looks just absolutely like him, we're reminded of Ted every time we look at him," La Bouff said.

Teichgraeber had been with US Airways since 2000 after flying for Mesa Airlines. He flew Boeing 757s, said US Airways spokesman Phil Gee.

"Ted loved to fly; it was absolutely his passion," his sister said. "He put himself through flight school all on his own because flying was his dream." She said he was one of the first pilots from US Airways to fly the route from Phoenix to Hawaii.

Teichgraeber had longtime ties to the Valley. He had lived here since 1982. 1982. He attended Desert Shadows Middle School in Scottsdale and Horizon High School in Paradise Valley, and graduated from Arizona State University.

This is definitely sad to hear...

I do have one question -- I'm a diver, not a snorkeler -- but was he snorkeling with anyone else or did he go solo? I always have a dive buddy, but never really thought about getting a "snorkel buddy"... news like this has really changed my opinion of simple snorkeling
I know it is very soon, but PLEASE when a fund is set up for Ted's son Nicholas, PLEASE let us know so my family can make a donation.

Much love and thoughts to our fellow employee. Ours is a profession unlike any other. We get it and are with you in mind, body, and soul.
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I know it is very soon, but PLEASE when a fund is set up for Ted's son Nicholas, PLEASE let us know so my family can make a donation.



It is my biggest hope that a fund will be set up for Nicholas. I will be sure to post or pm you with the information when or if a fund is set up.

Some are also inquiring if water cannons can or will be used when Ted comes home to Phoenix. I hope so.

My prayers and deepest sympathies to his family.

Man, this has been one really horrible week.
oh that's really horrible to hear , i was hoping it wouldn't turn out like this . To his family if your reading this all i can say is i wish you the best in your time of sorrow .
Awful, just awful. Hurts when we lose one of our own. My heart goes out to the family.

ALPA has some of the finest people I've ever known working on their survivor commitee. These are volunteer positions and trust me, they will take great care of his family during this awful time.

A320 Driver :(