Saudi king warns jihadists could attack US, Europe within months


Dec 28, 2009
SanFranFreako, KommieFornia
Saudi king warns jihadists could attack US, Europe within months
While not mentioning any terrorist groups by name, King Abdullah's statement appeared aimed at drawing Washington and NATO forces into a wider fight against the Islamic State terror organization and its supporters in the region. Saudi Arabia openly backs rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar Assad, but is concerned that the breakaway Al Qaeda group could also turn those very same weapons on the kingdom.
However, despite assurances that no threat to American soil is imminent, the watchdog group Judicial Watch said Friday that Islamic State operatives are in Juarez, just across the border from Texas, and are planning to attack the United States with car bomb, while a Texas law enforcement bulletin obtained by found that social media chatter shows Islamic State militants are keenly aware of the porous U.S.-Mexico border, and are “expressing an increased interest” in crossing over to carry out a terrorist attack.
B) xUT
Whether an attack is or is not in the works is debatable.  Seems the Saudis have a personal interest in having the US and the Europe come in and fight their battle.  How much do the Saudis want to pay to have us fight for them? 
According to the EIA, OPEC had net revenues from oil of a little over $800 billion.  The Saudis are definitely not the only ones who are worried. My guess is they are all worried because instability, while it increases oil cost also can screw up their neighborhood. 
I say we send OPEC a bill.  I think $500 billion a year ought to do for starters.  I am guessing none of them are running deficits and if the rulers need to defer a yacht or castle for a few years well tough crap.  If they need to jack up their fuel prices to $.20 a gallon for the locals well tough crap. 
If they want the US to fight their battles then they at least ought to pay.  Perhaps even the oil companies can pitch in.  Not like they are hurting for cash.  I'd also tell them that if they even think of jacking up the cost of US oil that our troops will boogie out so fast their heads will spin.
Of course this will never happen.  The oil cartels have their hands so deep in the pockets of Congress that they would never even think of passing such legislation.
Of course had we listened to Carter back in the 70's and invested heavily in alternative power we could tell all of them to pound sand.  That ship also sailed.
Ms Tree said:
Whether an attack is or is not in the works is debatable.  Seems the Saudis have a personal interest in having the US and the Europe come in and fight their battle.  How much do the Saudis want to pay to have us fight for them? 
According to the EIA, OPEC had net revenues from oil of a little over $800 billion.  The Saudis are definitely not the only ones who are worried. My guess is they are all worried because instability, while it increases oil cost also can screw up their neighborhood. 
I say we send OPEC a bill.  I think $500 billion a year ought to do for starters.  I am guessing none of them are running deficits and if the rulers need to defer a yacht or castle for a few years well tough crap.  If they need to jack up their fuel prices to $.20 a gallon for the locals well tough crap. 
If they want the US to fight their battles then they at least ought to pay.  Perhaps even the oil companies can pitch in.  Not like they are hurting for cash.  I'd also tell them that if they even think of jacking up the cost of US oil that our troops will boogie out so fast their heads will spin.
Of course this will never happen.  The oil cartels have their hands so deep in the pockets of Congress that they would never even think of passing such legislation.
Of course had we listened to Carter back in the 70's and invested heavily in alternative power we could tell all of them to pound sand.  That ship also sailed.
I would agree with you Tree, but there is one big problem with your train of thought! Obama has shown he won't fight under any circumstance! He doesn't have the balls for it, and he's in this way over his head, and he knows it! As far as if that ship has sailed or not. We have enough energy right here in this country to take care of us for the next hundred plus years, if obama, and company, would open up more Federal lands to drilling, and in the short term O.K. the pipe line.
Yea, we get it.  You dont like Obama.  Not news flash.  We know.
Why would he commit US troops with no end game and no hope of success?  We tried that in Afghanistan and Iraq and we see how well it worked out. 
Obama is a PUSSY and all the world leaders know it! As far as they are concerned it's party time to do as they please. Don't blame me I didn't vote for him...
Ms Tree said:
Whether an attack is or is not in the works is debatable.  Seems the Saudis have a personal interest in having the US and the Europe come in and fight their battle.  How much do the Saudis want to pay to have us fight for them? 
According to the EIA, OPEC had net revenues from oil of a little over $800 billion.  The Saudis are definitely not the only ones who are worried. My guess is they are all worried because instability, while it increases oil cost also can screw up their neighborhood. 
I say we send OPEC a bill.  I think $500 billion a year ought to do for starters.  I am guessing none of them are running deficits and if the rulers need to defer a yacht or castle for a few years well tough crap.  If they need to jack up their fuel prices to $.20 a gallon for the locals well tough crap. 
If they want the US to fight their battles then they at least ought to pay.  Perhaps even the oil companies can pitch in.  Not like they are hurting for cash.  I'd also tell them that if they even think of jacking up the cost of US oil that our troops will boogie out so fast their heads will spin.
Of course this will never happen.  The oil cartels have their hands so deep in the pockets of Congress that they would never even think of passing such legislation.
Of course had we listened to Carter back in the 70's and invested heavily in alternative power we could tell all of them to pound sand.  That ship also sailed.
In your rant above, I noticed no mention of protecting our borders.
MCI transplant said:
I would agree with you Tree, but there is one big problem with your train of thought! Obama has shown he won't fight under any circumstance! He doesn't have the balls for it, and he's in this way over his head, and he knows it! As far as if that ship has sailed or not. We have enough energy right here in this country to take care of us for the next hundred plus years, if obama, and company, would open up more Federal lands to drilling, and in the short term O.K. the pipe line.
I swear MCI, sometimes I think you've consumed too much RUM down there in your grass Hut in the USVI.
So you're saying we should DRILL baby DRILL in THE most Beautiful Federal property in the F'n country, possibly the world,.............(for example) Glacier National Park in Montana  ?????????
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
I swear MCI, sometimes I think you've consumed too much RUM down there in your grass Hut in the USVI.
So you're saying we should DRILL baby DRILL in THE most Beautiful Federal property in the F'n country, possibly the world,.............(for example) Glacier National Park in Montana  ?????????
So you rather send American wealth to countries that hate us for a consumable product. You would rather deny good paying jobs to American labor? You rather have other countries dictate our energy policies?
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
I swear MCI, sometimes I think you've consumed too much RUM down there in your grass Hut in the USVI.
So you're saying we should DRILL baby DRILL in THE most Beautiful Federal property in the F'n country, possibly the world,.............(for example) Glacier National Park in Montana  ?????????
Bear, sometimes I think you're as smart as a box of rocks! Just by the Keystone pipe line would put thousands to work right away, and free up our rail roads that are carrying the oil anyway. And this could hit you where it hurts! The Cost of putting food on your table!   " At its peak, BNSF had about 8,000 late cars in North Dakota. Watne said he was told during a meeting with BNSF there were no oil cars delayed, only grain cars.".
southwind said:
In your rant above, I noticed no mention of protecting our borders.
Nope. Did not mention anything about animal vaccinations or what oil to use in a car either.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
So you rather send American wealth to countries that hate us for a consumable product. You would rather deny good paying jobs to American labor? You rather have other countries dictate our energy policies?
MCI transplant said:
Bear, sometimes I think you're as smart as a box of rocks! Just by the Keystone pipe line would put thousands to work right away, and free up our rail roads that are carrying the oil anyway. And this could hit you where it hurts! The Cost of putting food on your table!   " At its peak, BNSF had about 8,000 late cars in North Dakota. Watne said he was told during a meeting with BNSF there were no oil cars delayed, only grain cars.".
And, you prefer to send the oil to China?  The reason the Keystone Pipeline terminates in Texas is not because of the refineries there.  That pipeline bypasses several refineries.  The reason the pipeline terminates in south Texas is the deepwater ports there.  The oil companies have no intention of refining and using that oil in the United States.  The oil that the Keystone pipeline will transport is shale oil--high in impurities and carcinogens.  It would be too costly to refine it for use in the U.S.  China does not get hung up like we do on such things as the increase in the incidence of cancer in the vicinity of refineries.  (Hint:  There is a reason why Pt. Arthur, Texas has the highest per capita cancer rate in the U.S.)
jimntx said:
And, you prefer to send the oil to China?  The reason the Keystone Pipeline terminates in Texas is not because of the refineries there.  That pipeline bypasses several refineries.  The reason the pipeline terminates in south Texas is the deepwater ports there.  The oil companies have no intention of refining and using that oil in the United States.  The oil that the Keystone pipeline will transport is shale oil--high in impurities and carcinogens.  It would be too costly to refine it for use in the U.S.  China does not get hung up like we do on such things as the increase in the incidence of cancer in the vicinity of refineries.  (Hint:  There is a reason why Pt. Arthur, Texas has the highest per capita cancer rate in the U.S.)
Jim, the facts of life are that that oil is going to be sold anyway no matter where it's refined. If  China don't buy it from us, they'll buy it, and use it, from someone else! The oil is being produced, and transported, by rail, now, and will continue to be produced, and transported, by rail, until the market for that oil drys up! ---- They are buying it anyway! The question is would you rather have something like this happen in your back yard? Or run that same oil through a safe pipe line, and sell it to China, and reduce the amount of debt we owe them at the same time? Or have them buy it from someone else?
Whether an attack is or is not in the works is debatable.  Seems the Saudis have a personal interest in having the US and the Europe come in and fight their battle.  How much do the Saudis want to pay to have us fight for them? 
According to the EIA, OPEC had net revenues from oil of a little over $800 billion.  The Saudis are definitely not the only ones who are worried. My guess is they are all worried because instability, while it increases oil cost also can screw up their neighborhood. 
I say we send OPEC a bill.  I think $500 billion a year ought to do for starters.  I am guessing none of them are running deficits and if the rulers need to defer a yacht or castle for a few years well tough crap.  If they need to jack up their fuel prices to $.20 a gallon for the locals well tough crap. 
If they want the US to fight their battles then they at least ought to pay.  Perhaps even the oil companies can pitch in.  Not like they are hurting for cash.  I'd also tell them that if they even think of jacking up the cost of US oil that our troops will boogie out so fast their heads will spin.
Of course this will never happen.  The oil cartels have their hands so deep in the pockets of Congress that they would never even think of passing such legislation.
Of course had we listened to Carter back in the 70's and invested heavily in alternative power we could tell all of them to pound sand.  That ship also sailed.
As usual your narrow view of the situation misses the point that the Saudis are not our friends and will welcome a war that the West is dragged into.
You don't think a war in the ME where their interests are would affect them?
Yea, we get it.  You dont like Obama.  Not news flash.  We know.
Why would he commit US troops with no end game and no hope of success?  We tried that in Afghanistan and Iraq and we see how well it worked out.
Yeah, we get it. It's all Bush's fault, and yet Obama does nothing and actually cowardly tells the world that we don't have a plan!

In the mean time what is Odumba doing about the situation in the Ukraine and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which weren't Bush's fault?

We are truly wussifying society, thanks to the head in the White House.