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Sheer TERROR, Fear, and huge FRUSTRATION !

Aug 20, 2002
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Imagine your listening/watching Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Bill O' Reilly.
Now Imagine that when you are "tuned in", that every time these "Buffoons"utter the word "Clinton"(Bill or Hillary) that a $5 bill came through your radio/tv, and landed in your lap.

OR....$10 for every time they "uttered" HILLARY.

YOU my friends, would never have to work another day in your life.

THAT, is the "state" that the GOP, and their famous "Tub Thumpers" are in.

Every other word, that comes out of there "traps" are the $5, or $10 version.

As Hillary distances herself from Barack Obama(polls have here now, at a Whopping 48%), REALITY is "Setting In", at the RNC....BIG TIME.

And WHO has placed the Conservative lil' DARLINGS in this VERY Uncomfortable position ??

You guessed it....my ol' pal....EL-CHIMPO, and(dirty) DICK.

These 2 Morons have single handedly "dropped" the GOP into a HUGE-DEEP-VERY BLACK...Abyss, that "may" take the GOP a decade to emerge from.

Whether you like Hillary, or not,....we are witnessing HISTORY before our very eyes.
Not just the fact that she WILL BE the first Female POTUS, but even MORE interesting is to watch/listen to the GOP ......"A G O N I Z I N G" over this, as the days SLOWLY tick by, towards the Primarys.

To them, the Whole Hillary thing is like a 100 car freight train, loaded with deadly chemicals(For THEM), plummeting downward, toward their little town, and the RUNAWAY train has lost ALL of it's brakes, and cannot be stopped !

I repeat......"History in the making" "I" could not have written a better script :up:
Yeah.yeah...Howard Dean was unstoppable too :lol:

I'm scared

I repeat......"History in the making" "I" could not have written a better script

Gloves coming off in her own party

FORT MYERS, Fla. (AP) - Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney offered a verbal tour of "Hillary's House of Horrors" on Saturday, conjuring images of Halloween spook houses to underscore his criticisms of Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"You go in one room, she wants to raise your taxes. You go in another room and she wants to have government taking over health care," Romney said to laughter and applause at a town hall meeting in southwest Florida. "You go in the next room and she's weakened homeland security by voting against the authority of our government to listen in to al- Qaida's calls."

The vast right wing conspiracy is about to get down on the she bitche.

We'll see if the country wants more Clinton BS in the White House...I don't think they do.

She's unqualified,inexperienced a liar and a fool.

Try this...it will help
Yeah.yeah...Howard Dean was unstoppable too :lol:

I'm scared
Gloves coming off in her own party
The vast right wing conspiracy is about to get down on the she bitche.

We'll see if the country wants more Clinton BS in the White House...I don't think they do.

She's unqualified,inexperienced a liar and a fool.


Well here"s "the kicker" DELL,
According to the Heavyweight pollsters, a "zillion" voters DO realize that they're getting 2 for 1, so when you add in THAT equation, THAT is WHY she has such a commanding lead.

It's not that the voters don't realize this Phenom, THEY DO, and apparently LIKE IT.

Hey, "Go figure"

Romney IS TOAST vs Hillary.

Well here"s "the kicker" DELL,
According to the Heavyweight pollsters, a "zillion" voters DO realize that they're getting 2 for 1, so when you add in THAT equation, THAT is WHY she has such a commanding lead.

It's not that the voters don't realize this Phenom, THEY DO, and apparently LIKE IT.

Hey, "Go figure"
Romney IS TOAST vs Hillary.

Here try this

Well here"s "the kicker" DELL,
According to the Heavyweight pollsters, a "zillion" voters DO realize that they're getting 2 for 1, so when you add in THAT equation, THAT is WHY she has such a commanding lead.

It's not that the voters don't realize this Phenom, THEY DO, and apparently LIKE IT.

Hey, "Go figure"
Romney IS TOAST vs Hillary.

Alright Bears, here's my prediction...Hillary will not even get the Democratic Nomination and if she does there is no way that she will win the White House!!!!!! :bleh:

If Im wrong on both accounts, then Im prepared to eat a truckload of crow! :blush:
Alright Bears, here's my prediction...Hillary will not even get the Democratic Nomination and if she does there is no way that she will win the White House!!!!!! :bleh:

If Im wrong on both accounts, then Im prepared to eat a truckload of crow! :blush:


OK.."12", your on !

The easy part is winning the "general" .(the ONLY guy I'd sweat against Hillary is John Mc Cain)
If the "NY Wap" Rudy goes against her, just wait until the NYC Fire department endorses Hillary.(They HATE Rudy, so, so much for his 911 heroics)
If it's Romney, She will "beat him like a red-headed step child"

As for the Primary, 2 reasons.


There are 3 schools of thought out there when it comes to Hillary.

1a. The votes she'd get just for being her own FEMALE self
1b. The votes she'd get for having BILL in the WH(The Bill ONLY votes if you will)
1c. The "2 for 1" votes(I fall into that catagory)

But perhaps THE reason, is the behind the scenes Team that "B+H" have got. Not to mention the "chits" that Bill will "call in"

That team, will DOUBLE disect this race(States/electoral votes) down to a perfection, only seen(with this type of accuracy) in Las Vegas Bookies.

IMHO, with respect towards you "12", It's OK to hate Hillary, with the Energy coming from your head !
But I believe, your Anger is coming from your heart, and that is, as you know very well "12", a losing proposition, 99% of the time.


I (virtually) guarentee, tha HC will choose a "favorite son" for VP, from a much needed "swing state". That Person will have NO Illusions about being #3 in the WH, behind "1 + 1A"
There are 3 schools of thought out there when it comes to Hillary.

1a. The votes she'd get just for being her own FEMALE self
1b. The votes she'd get for having BILL in the WH(The Bill ONLY votes if you will)
1c. The "2 for 1" votes(I fall into that catagory)

Then you have the rational,thinking voters who had too much too long of lying,shenanigans and deceit under Bill to want another

Clintstone on Pennsylvania avenue.After all,she was in charge behind the scenes...so whats changed.
Then you have the rational,thinking voters who had too much too long of lying,shenanigans and deceit under Bill to want another

Clintstone on Pennsylvania avenue.After all,she was in charge behind the scenes...so whats changed.

Well "Dude", see you've just made my point.

"Whats changed"(Clintstone on Pennsylvania ave.) ?

(My answer)..Nothing !....EXCEPT, the country is FED up with 8 years of..."EL-CHIMPSTONE" !!!
So we(Dems)(Hillary), win by DEFAULT !!

If you look into both party's, there ARE 2 men who are more than amply qualified to run the country(of the present candidates)

John McCain®
Joe Biden (D)...(My Ultimate choice) !!!!!!!!!
But for some reason, both party's are overlooking these 2 highly qualified guys !
As Hillary distances herself from Barack Obama(polls have here now, at a Whopping 48%), REALITY is "Setting In", at the RNC....BIG TIME.

I repeat......"History in the making" "I" could not have written a better script :up:

She's looking real good

Edwards, the former North Carolina senator, was even sharper at times, saying Clinton "defends a broken system that's corrupt in Washington, D.C." He stood by his earlier claim that she has engaged in "doubletalk."

But Edwards and Dodd cited Clinton's relatively high unfavorability ratings.

"Fifty percent of the American public say they're not going to vote for her," Dodd said.

Poor girl,victimized by boys

In a debate against six Democratic opponents at Drexel University here Tuesday, Clinton gave the worst performance of her entire campaign.

It was not just that her answer about whether illegal immigrants should be issued driver's licenses was at best incomprehensible and at worst misleading.

It was that for two hours she dodged and weaved, parsed and stonewalled.

And when it was over, both the Barack Obama and John Edwards campaigns signaled that in the weeks ahead they intend to hammer home a simple message: Hillary Clinton does not say what she means or mean what she says.

NBC’s Tim Russert, one of the debate moderators, jumped in and said to her: “You told (a) New Hampshire paper that it made a lot of sense. Do you support his plan?â€￾

â€￾You know, Tim,â€￾ Clinton replied, “this is where everybody plays ‘gotcha.’â€￾

John Edwards immediately went for the jugular. “Unless I missed something,â€￾ he said, “Sen. Clinton said two different things in the course of about two minutes. America is looking for a president who will say the same thing, who will be consistent, who will be straight with them.â€￾
My biggest beef with McCain is pretty much the same beef I have with all politicians. He is a sell out. He would sell his soul to get the job.

The two most glaring examples are standing by the man (POTUS) when he was the one responsible for the racial obscenity that took place in 2000 in S Carolina. I just saw an interview with Mrs McCain and she told how her daughter "googled" her self and found all the hateful things written about her. She was not told about what happened. her questionto her mom was "why does POTUS hate me so much?". Mrs McCain had to try and explain that to her young daughter.

The second example was his willingness to whore him self out the the christian right who he had earlier condemned.

McCains biggest asset was his credibility. I think more so than most other candidates. He seemed to be the straightest shooter out of the bunch. He used to be the only republican I actually considered voting for. While I did not agree with all his positions he did give me the impression that he sincerely cared for the country and wanted to do what as right. The fact that he was willing to whore him self out like that in my eyes, puts him on the same level with al the other slime bags running for office.

I am a liberal, and if I was considering McCain, I know other were as well. He screwed him self and his parties best chance of keeping the White house by selling out.
My biggest beef with McCain is pretty much the same beef I have with all politicians. He is a sell out. He would sell his soul to get the job.

The second example was his willingness to whore him self out the the christian right who he had earlier condemned.

Its simply a time honored tradition politicians have followed since politics began.Look at the current candidates and how many have themselves repositioned or repostured towards a voting block.You are quite right.
And that is why I think we ought to line up the bunch of them and throw them off a cliff.

When ever I see any of them on TV I change the channel. I always feel like I have to take a shower after hearing them.
And that is why I think we ought to line up the bunch of them and throw them off a cliff.

When ever I see any of them on TV I change the channel. I always feel like I have to take a shower after hearing them.


Garfield(the Movie),

Then does that mean;
1. you wont vote ?
2. you'll vote for texan..Ron Paul ?
3. you'll vote for dennis kuchich(SP?), because like dennis,...you too have seen UFO's ? 😛h34r:
[quote name='NewHampshire Black Bears Whether you like Hillary, or not,....we are witnessing HISTORY before our very eyes.
Not just the fact that she WILL BE the first Female POTUS, but even MORE interesting is to watch/listen to the GOP ......"A G O N I Z I N G" over this, as the days SLOWLY tick by, towards the Primarys.

Looks like your darling sweetheart is about to crap the bed.She got one taste of an atmosphere where she wasn't able to control

the outcome of the debate and her fellow brethren smelled blood in the water and pounced.Hillary is now doomed as a candidate

as you can now expect all those nasty,nasty questions about her and Bill's past....Like you said...History in the making. :lol: