NewHampshire Black Bears
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Imagine your listening/watching Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Bill O' Reilly.
Now Imagine that when you are "tuned in", that every time these "Buffoons"utter the word "Clinton"(Bill or Hillary) that a $5 bill came through your radio/tv, and landed in your lap.
OR....$10 for every time they "uttered" HILLARY.
YOU my friends, would never have to work another day in your life.
THAT, is the "state" that the GOP, and their famous "Tub Thumpers" are in.
Every other word, that comes out of there "traps" are the $5, or $10 version.
As Hillary distances herself from Barack Obama(polls have here now, at a Whopping 48%), REALITY is "Setting In", at the RNC....BIG TIME.
And WHO has placed the Conservative lil' DARLINGS in this VERY Uncomfortable position ??
You guessed ol' pal....EL-CHIMPO, and(dirty) DICK.
These 2 Morons have single handedly "dropped" the GOP into a HUGE-DEEP-VERY BLACK...Abyss, that "may" take the GOP a decade to emerge from.
Whether you like Hillary, or not,....we are witnessing HISTORY before our very eyes.
Not just the fact that she WILL BE the first Female POTUS, but even MORE interesting is to watch/listen to the GOP ......"A G O N I Z I N G" over this, as the days SLOWLY tick by, towards the Primarys.
To them, the Whole Hillary thing is like a 100 car freight train, loaded with deadly chemicals(For THEM), plummeting downward, toward their little town, and the RUNAWAY train has lost ALL of it's brakes, and cannot be stopped !
I repeat......"History in the making" "I" could not have written a better script
Now Imagine that when you are "tuned in", that every time these "Buffoons"utter the word "Clinton"(Bill or Hillary) that a $5 bill came through your radio/tv, and landed in your lap.
OR....$10 for every time they "uttered" HILLARY.
YOU my friends, would never have to work another day in your life.
THAT, is the "state" that the GOP, and their famous "Tub Thumpers" are in.
Every other word, that comes out of there "traps" are the $5, or $10 version.
As Hillary distances herself from Barack Obama(polls have here now, at a Whopping 48%), REALITY is "Setting In", at the RNC....BIG TIME.
And WHO has placed the Conservative lil' DARLINGS in this VERY Uncomfortable position ??
You guessed ol' pal....EL-CHIMPO, and(dirty) DICK.
These 2 Morons have single handedly "dropped" the GOP into a HUGE-DEEP-VERY BLACK...Abyss, that "may" take the GOP a decade to emerge from.
Whether you like Hillary, or not,....we are witnessing HISTORY before our very eyes.
Not just the fact that she WILL BE the first Female POTUS, but even MORE interesting is to watch/listen to the GOP ......"A G O N I Z I N G" over this, as the days SLOWLY tick by, towards the Primarys.
To them, the Whole Hillary thing is like a 100 car freight train, loaded with deadly chemicals(For THEM), plummeting downward, toward their little town, and the RUNAWAY train has lost ALL of it's brakes, and cannot be stopped !
I repeat......"History in the making" "I" could not have written a better script