Shooting at Fort Hood


Oct 29, 2002
Shooting Confirmed at Fort Hood Army Base
KCEN-TV in Central Texas is reporting unconfirmed reports that multiple people have been injured Wednesday in a shooting at Fort Hood.
A U.S. Army official at Fort Hood confirms that a shooting has occurred at the base, though the number of people injured and the severity of their injuries remains a mystery.
There was a BOLO the other day for a perp planning on doing this.
Yep. And despite two previous shootings on military installations (Fort Hood, Navy Yard), soldiers still don't have the right to bear arms & defend themselves while on base. More proof that gun free zones don't work out too well for those who follow the rules.
Sorry we all don't share your compassion for the shooter!
Got your "Gun-Free Zone" sign, planted in your front yard?
Dog Wonder said:
Your compassion is compelling.
My son and his family live on a military base, and don't have the ability to defend themselves thanks to the entire perimeter of the base forming a gun free zone.

History will continue to prove that gun free zones are a mass shooting magnet. And yet, libs will defend the need for gun free zones, and point to mental illness.

Glad to see people concerned about mental illness again, but it still doesn't explain the fact that this guy went thru a Federal mandated background check, and was able to buy a firearm, bring it on base in violation of the gun free zone.

Had even just the officers in the area been able to carry their service firearms, this could have been stopped much faster than it was waiting for a MP to show up.
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Gun free zones....another Progressive feel good fairy tale.

 Progressive Bill Clinton is who initiated this feel good policy.
Wonder if his security guards are un-armed? Or maybe us underlings don't deserve the right to defend ourselves!
eolesen said:
My son and his family live on a military base, and don't have the ability to defend themselves thanks to the entire perimeter of the base forming a gun free zone.History will continue to prove that gun free zones are a mass shooting magnet. And yet, libs will defend the need for gun free zones, and point to mental illness.Glad to see people concerned about mental illness again, but it still doesn't explain the fact that this guy went thru a Federal mandated background check, and was able to buy a firearm, bring it on base in violation of the gun free zone.Had even just the officers in the area been able to carry their service firearms, this could have been stopped much faster than it was waiting for a MP to show up.
He was soldier who served Iraq according to the reports I have read. You know, the same people who you want to have guns to defend them selves against them selves.

Of course he was able to buy a gun. The military does not screen people very well and they could not give a rats behind about PTSD. We will spends billions on new weapons projects that do not work or are not needed/wanted but ha en a hard time spending a buck when it come to taking care of people like your son who may have come back broken due to mental or physical trauma while in service.
Great deflection, but he and I've discussed that.

Can't speak for those who are already out, but anyone who seeks help while still on duty gets it. They just have to ask. No questions, no discharges, no stigma.
Bill Clinton is largely to blame for the gun free zones, and the deaths yesterday are simply more blood on the hands of Les Aspin (the most incompetent Secretary of Defense in modern history). Aspin drove DADT, this change, and also refused a request by Gen. Powell to send more armor into Somolia, thus creating the situation that allowed "Blackhawk Down" to take place (killing 18 soldiers, wounding 75 more).

Survivors of Sandy Hook and Aurora got more than their day in the spotlight, while survivors of Fort Hood and Navy Yard got marginalized as victims of workplace violence.

At least there's some hope for rolling that back. Legislation had already been moving in the House after the Navy Yard shooting, and now that will have new momentum (just to run into a brick wall called Harry Reid).
eolesen said:
Great deflection, but he and I've discussed that.Can't speak for those who are already out, but anyone who seeks help while still on duty gets it. They just have to ask. No questions, no discharges, no stigma.
According to vets for common sense fewer than half the vets who report PTSD receive the treatment they need. Who knows how many who need treatment do not even realize it or never ask.

Go ahead and believe in your fantasy world if it makes you happy.
eolesen said:
Bill Clinton is largely to blame for the gun free zones, and the deaths yesterday are simply more blood on the hands of Les Aspin (the most incompetent Secretary of Defense in modern history). Aspin drove DADT, this change, and also refused to send more armor into Somolia, thus creating the situation that allowed "Blackhawk Down" to take place. of Sandy Hook and Aurora got more than their day in the spotlight, while survivors of Fort Hood and Navy Yard got marginalized as victims of workplace violence.At least there's some hope for rolling that back. Legislation had already been moving in the House after the Navy Yard shooting, and now that will have new momentum (just to run into a brick wall called Harry Reid).
You do know that you are not the only one who has access to the internet and that the rest of us can actually look stuff up to see if you are full of it right?

DoD directive 5210.56 was signed in 1992 under GH Bush. The reissue by Clinton was to implement original portions of 5210.56. If you unread Army Regulation 190-14 the first item in the summary of changes states exactly that.

Making news up does not make it so.

You also neglected to mention the fact that Rumsfeld went against his military leaders suggestions that a much larger invasion/occupation force would be needed to control Iraq. Please don't let inconvenient facts get in the way of a good fantasy.