Shot heard round the world!


May 17, 2008
Via AP
Republicans have scored an upset victory in a House race that started as a contest to replace Rep. Anthony Weiner after he resigned in a sexting scandal but became a referendum on President Barack Obama's economic policies.

The heavily Democratic district, which spans parts of Queens and Brooklyn, had never sent a Republican to the House. But frustration with the continued weak national economy gave Republicans the edge.

Nov 2008: Hope and change
Nov 2010: Historic smack down
Sept 2011: Historic smack down
Nov 2012: Obama retires

The rats are starting to leave the sinking ship!

Koch Played Key Role in GOP Victory

Tuesday, 13 Sep 2011 10:36 PM

By Martin Gould
The Republican victory in New York’s solid blue 9th Congressional District seat in Tuesday’s special election came largely with the help of an influential Democrat: former New York City Mayor Ed Koch.

Koch was arguably the one single factor in helping the GOP win the battle to succeed disgraced Rep. Anthony Weiner in the U.S. House.

The thrice-elected former mayor, who remains a powerful force in New York and national politics, had backed Obama strongly in the 2008 election.

A self-describer "liberal with reason," former Congressman Koch holds a hawkish view on U.S. foreign policy and national security matters.

In 2004, he cited the war on terror to cross party lines and back George Bush over John Kerry for the presidency. Koch campaigned for Bush's re-election in Florida and Ohio.

In the special election, the 86-year-old Koch urged fellow New Yorkers, and disaffected Democrats like himself, to send a message to President Obama that they give him a thumbs down for his domestic and foreign policies.