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Something to THINK about.....PTO !

Quote; PTO
I think I'm just going to leave it alone, this flaming/slamming thing is out of control. I am going to do my part to curtail it.
Correct me if I'm wrong PTO. But I beleive it was you who started this whole "Other Country" thing in the first place.
You are correct with the fact that I started the "Other Country' thing. I do hope that you are not trying to say that I started the flaming between Robbed and I. Hmmmmm, go ahead RTB and twist it up.

Why don't you get with your manager and turn them in!!!! Sounds like there are some "bad apples" who are unable to handle the job. Turn them in and maybe they will be fired!!! :up:
I really do not understand your post for it is the management that is creating the issues.
AND you think Management drinks coolaid. Wow, look in the mirror.
I Do look in the mirror fanatic, and Im damn proud of the person staring back at me. You see there is no koolaid guzzling on my part, Ive been in Aviation 20+ years now and have turned down numerous offers to move into management. There are several reasons I chose not to and I'll just leave it at that because the list is quite long.

I will say this much, I've never been a good "yes" man. I don't except responsibility for others mistakes, you know the old saying "$hit rolls down hill". NO I will be no mans whipping post, expected to make crucial decisions only to be dictated to from a higher level based entirely on authority and not always with sound judgement.

I wittness daily what being in management is like, I see a Three Ring Circus with lots of clowns and players. been to the top of that peak, and don't like whats on the other side.

Now continue to drink the management "Koolaid" and keep telling yourself.. "Im gonna be somebody".. some day you just may Kiss enough posterior and make it! 😉
I'm sorry to hear that you feel you need to be a 'yes man', compromise your morals and turn evil in order to do a good job in management. You either work in a horrible company, have a very myopic view on life or have just plain turned bitter after 20 years in the business.

I don't mean to sound condescending, but I really do feel sorry for you.

Sure, we can find people we don't admire, both in Mgmt and on the line. Can you find 1 person you do respect in mgmt?
I'm sorry to hear that you feel you need to be a 'yes man', compromise your morals and turn evil in order to do a good job in management. You either work in a horrible company, have a very myopic view on life or have just plain turned bitter after 20 years in the business.

I don't mean to sound condescending, but I really do feel sorry for you.

Sure, we can find people we don't admire, both in Mgmt and on the line. Can you find 1 person you do respect in mgmt?
Myopic view? :lol: I see things quite clearly fanatic, In fact so clearly that common sense has been my guiding light in my decision to avoid the pitfalls of being a management pawn. I take pride in my chosen field, pride in my airline, and pride in my work but I will not compromise nor relinquish my morals or beliefs for a rung on the ladder.

Bitter?... Damn right! why you ask, because this once proud and highly admired Industry has been turned into nothing more than a walmart of the skies where only the top few become obscenly wealthy while decimating the front line and getting away with it while the Big Buisness friendly corrupt government endorses the outsoursing of American job's.

Aircraft Maintenance is being sent to the lowest bidder And that should be a concern to anyone who travels by Air.

I've known several individuals who I respect in management
but those have been few, the few who respect me.
being immoral is not a prerequisite for management. It seems like you think it is, but that just isn't the case.
being immoral is not a prerequisite for management. It seems like you think it is, but that just isn't the case.
Fanatic we will just have to agree to disagree on this issue, please show me where I stated one must be immoral to enter management. I believe some enter with good intentions, yet few are able to deliver based on my observation.

I call it like I see it!

If that is your chosen direction, then more power to you. I just prefer the path of least resistance. I have no need to make a name for myself in order to realize my self worth.

remember this quote while you get your daily refill of Kompany Koolaid: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely".
~Lord Acton, 1887
Fanatic we will just have to agree to disagree on this issue,
fine, I think
please show me where I stated one must be immoral to enter management. I believe some enter with good intentions, yet few are able to deliver based on my observation.
Are you directly contradicting yourself, one sentence after the other? Wait, not to enter, but as soon as you arrive you must be immoral. Got it.
If that is your chosen direction, then more power to you. I just prefer the path of least resistance.
I guess you can resist a challenge
I have no need to make a name for myself in order to realize my self worth.
nor do I
remember this quote while you get your daily refill of Kompany Koolaid: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely".
~Lord Acton, 1887
'afraid you can't handle the 'power'?
PTO: it was you that started the whole mess by scabbing at NWA along with your know it all attitude of unions.
It was you that started this flamming between us. But it appears that other folks on this board are defending me in a way. some of them may have been an AMFA mechanics but you know what, you stole their jobs because the NWA MGMT REFUSED TO NEGOGIATE with them. I do what I can to defend them because in this country we need unions to defend ourselves from mgmt and now scabs too.
Unions have no defense against scabs other than a meaningless list of names that I find amusing. My signature isn't meant to stir the pot, it’s a premonition of what’s to come.