Stephen Wolf/rakesh Gangwal


Apr 4, 2004
John Wegg writes in the 12/04 Airways that Wolf and Gangwal bailed out (bad pun) with their respecting separation payments, aggregating $15.0 million. Would anyone know if this is accurate? I recall reading post 9/11 that they didn't accept these awards (?), as a condition of U qualifying for emergency assistance from the ATSB in 4 Q'01, but I could be wrong.

Thanks for help in making a clarification.

They took the loot. Unfortunately, these two actions alone have soured employee-management relations for years.
dont forget that the cfo under the clowns named wolf and gangwal also took some millions with him but not sure how much then two more clowns named seigel and cohen also took their mills with them but i dont understand why the atsb didnt put any kind of injunction on the mendable terms without taking back the millions i think that that may have or could have at least slowed the tempers between the union labor and mgmt in the short term.
700UW said:
Messers, Wolf, Nagin and Gangwal got $35 million.


For a moment there I thought people had a short memory...
That's why this company is soon to go out of business...The management only cares about their own paycheck and everybody else can go to H***....

They only want the company to survive for their own paycheck, but don't want to give up any concessions of their own but instead enjoy raises... while the rest of us get cut 21 percent + more if you add benefits lost....and that's after we GAVE the company money & benefits in 2 concessions already.....and they got a 4 percent pay RAISE IN APRIL !

We were trying to save this company along time ago when Mr Lakefield was still putting golf balls, drinking chanpagne and smoking $20.00 cigars at the Trent Jones Golf Course in Alabama.......

And he is HOSTILE towards us ???????
If any payments were still due to them, they should have been voided... like they way they want to throw out all labor contracts....and make new ones to suit themselves..
Usair only honors the contracts that are beneficial to them. CCY takes care of themsevles at the expense of labor. Always has been that way, and apparently, always will.