The Jesus Gun

Oh, you didn’t know?! If you’re a Jew, and claim to be Atheist, you are exempt from all laws that ban hate speech.

I'm sorry but what exactly is "Hate Speech"?

Is it hate speech when you call fundamentalist Christians "Anti Gay, Homophobic fascists" or does someone have to advocate the extermination of a people based on faith?

Aww if it's the second one then almost every muslim cleric who has ever muttered the word "Infidel" should be rounded up and prosecuted under hate speech laws as killing the infidels would be you and I folks.

Oh and while I'm still good and hissed off at the non stop Christian bashing just who is the arbiter of what constitutes "Hate Speech"? Is Obama going to have a "Hate Speech Czar"? Heck why not go all in and create a "Thought Czar" too! Should we lock up all of the Blacks, Jews, Polish, Irish, Italians and such for telling jokes based upon stereotypes of their particular ethnicity or race? Anybody who has ever been in the company of a particular group knows that if you want a funny Italian joke ask some who is Italian.

Could this little rant be considered "Haye Speech"? I thought we only had one kind of speech in this country and that was FREE SPEECH!. I musta missed a memo.

Well the gun is clean so now I guess I'll go read the Bible and wait for the next bashing of Christianity by those who offer only the bloated government as the answer to all things woeful and inadequate.

OK and what is it I'm supposed to see?

I see people engaged in seeking God and doing as they believe their God instructs them. Is it my brand or flavor of Christianity? Not likely as I'm not terribly evangelical.

You know it's kinda like my position on Abortion which can be boiled down to a Bumper Sticker friendly size.

Don't Believe In Abortion? DON'T HAVE ONE

For me the same goes for religion

Don't Like Buddism? DON'T Become a Monk!

Don't like Jesus? Don't go to church?

It really is that simple.
Well Garfield I'll take my cjances with the God that never fails and I guess we'll see how it all turns out now won't we/

Here's an example of the false Gof Liberal Do Gooder types worship

The Government is my Shepherd. I need not work.
It allows me to lie down on good jobs.
It leadeth me beside still factories.
It destroyeth my initiative.
It leadeth me in the path of the parasite for politics sake.
Yea! Though I walk through the valley of laziness and deficit spending
I will fear no evil; For the government is with me
its doles and its vote getters they comfort me.
It prepareth an economic utopia for me by appropriating the earnings of my grandchildren.
It filleth my head with bologna; my inefficiency runneth over.
Surely the government will care for me all the days of my life.
and I shall dwell in a fool's paradise forever

I read that one time and it sums up the current Empty Suit residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue quite well. Now if you'll excuse me I have to cling to my gun since I've allready clung to my religion once today. Oh and while I'm clinging to my firearm please do not tell me how or what i have to believe as a Christian lest I test said firearm for accuracy :up:

a 9mm Barreta semi auto will make short work of yellow kitty cat butt :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seems that you have no problem painting with that broad brush you accused me of using. I am am pretty dam liberal and not a single line of that little ditty applies to me. For the record I consider my self a social liberal and a fiscal conservative for the most part.

Some hate speech is obvious. Someone who advocates the death or injury of others based on race, religion, sexual preference or any other association.

Calling someone a "Anti Gay, Homophobic fascists" is protected speech as far as I am aware. Advocating the death of all "Anti Gay, Homophobic fascists" I think could qualify as hate speech.

I think most of what the anti-PC folks bring up as examples are non-issues used to strike fear in the the hearts of their followers. You can pretty much call anyone anything you want with out legal ramifications. Social ramifications are quite another thing. Imus crossed the social line but not the legal line.

I think it is hilarious that christians feel picked on when 76% of the US is christian.. How exactly does that work? Is it still bashing when christians bash some of there own?
Please provide us with a link or quote showing EXACTLY where Hate speech is defined and prohibited in the COTUS? Beyond a few cases before the Supremes, in particular the Holme fire in a crowded theater and Powell's I can't define pornography but I know it when I see it there been few rulings that even support the notion of Hate Speech much less codify it.

Imus IMO crossed no line. He made what he felt was a joke and some folks didn't like it so well. I say TOUGH SH*T grow up and get over your bad self. You know I live not so far from NYC and I can tell you that the station that broadcasts Imus isn't the only one. In fact I think there are 50 or 60 options.

How about the tired old anti semitic arguement that "Jews Control The Media" as a reason for the non stop Christian bashing? Why is it OK to bash so called "Right Wing Christians" but God forbid anyone mention that roughly 14% of the US population occupies 80% of the prison cells is not?

We have created what are "Preferred Minority's" in this country whether we like to admit so or not. Couple that with the PC crowd and we have yet another example of our civil liberties be taken from us by an overzealous federal government bent on destruction of our Freedoms.

I'll be back later my Rifle needs a hug :lol:
Please provide us with a link or quote showing EXACTLY where Hate speech is defined and prohibited in the COTUS? Beyond a few cases before the Supremes, in particular the Holme fire in a crowded theater and Powell's I can't define pornography but I know it when I see it there been few rulings that even support the notion of Hate Speech much less codify it.

Pretty sure it's not in the COTUS. I am also pretty sure that shouting "Fire" in a crowded room is not covered (although I might have missed it. Let me know if you find it in there) in the COTUS either but it is illegal.

I think advocating the death of another violates the duty of the governments duty to protect the public.

Imus IMO crossed no line. He made what he felt was a joke and some folks didn't like it so well. I say TOUGH SH*T grow up and get over your bad self. You know I live not so far from NYC and I can tell you that the station that broadcasts Imus isn't the only one. In fact I think there are 50 or 60 options.

His industry is a private industry funded by public sponsors. He pissed off a lot of people who raised a stink. Enough stink and sponsors (money) start to leave. Tht is the line he crossed. Enough people made a big enough stink and he got spanked by the almighty dollar.

How about the tired old anti semitic arguement that "Jews Control The Media" as a reason for the non stop Christian bashing? Why is it OK to bash so called "Right Wing Christians" but God forbid anyone mention that roughly 14% of the US population occupies 80% of the prison cells is not?

Not sure what bashing right wingers has to do with minorities getting a bad shake fro the legal system? And where do the jews ho control the media come in? I'm afraid I don't understand this one.

We have created what are "Preferred Minority's" in this country whether we like to admit so or not. Couple that with the PC crowd and we have yet another example of our civil liberties be taken from us by an overzealous federal government bent on destruction of our Freedoms.

I'll be back later my Rifle needs a hug :lol:

Yea, I know. God forbid that people expect to be treated as equal to the white christian ruling class that has ruled for so long. WASP's have never been segregated, never been told who they can/can't marry. Never been owned. Never been persecuted (in the US). Never been burned at the stake.

What civil liberties have been taken away from you by the PC crowd?

Enjoy your gun or what ever. I'll stick with a book.
Reference please or it’s just another paranoid Atheist moron conspiracy theory.

I'm not looking it up. However Garfield is correct that "in God We Trust" was added during the cold war as part of the campaign against "Godless Communists"
I'm going to take a guess and say the DoD says so. That and the fact that it is really in poor taste but that's just my opinion.

Let's say that they the DoD does not have a set way of having inventory numbered and ID'd. Had the company been using that format since the beginning or even for a few years they may have a case to say it's just coincidence but they have not and were they to switch now to your plan it would deep sixed just as their previous method was.

You guessed wrong champ. The DoD didn’t tell Trijicon to remove the reference, the SCOTUS didn’t either. You must have missed that part.

Trijicon acknowledged the religious references and has taken steps to never again put blatantly obvious religious reference embedded in manufacture codes on future models sold to the US Government.

That being said, if Trijicon elected to put the code 254C9DJ0HNN3.1624 on their military scopes and simply denied any perceived religious reference, the ACLU would be tasked to prove the alleged religious reference. PROVE IT. Kind of nukes your argument out of the water doesn’t it? The paranoid Atheists will just have to settle for the vast right wing conspiracy theory and protest outside the plant. LOL

Did you miss the part where they acknowledged that the references were religious? They admitted it. Kind of nukes your argument out of the water. Aside from that, I believe I read that the DoD is very specific in how inventory get's ID and in what format it does it.

So you’re saying is that the DoD used very specific inventory Id’s and formats and still didn’t catch the secret “Jesus†code? It’s only been on the scopes for how long? Who knows, maybe the military assigned weapon designations by bible verses, you better go back and check the MK and SAM designations to make sure the manufactures are not trying to slip a heinous “Jesus†references on you.

No one is arguing that a company can do as it chooses with it's product. How ever when you are selling to the DoD which is funded by tax dollars, you damn will better keep your religion out of it. OH yea, did you also miss the fact that this 'deeply religious' company sold out to the dollar and agreed to remove said admitted? references? I guess a few hundred million dollars worth of contracts beets jesus this time around. That's some good old religious values for you.

This whole discussion is utterly ridiculous when you consider that, as we blog, Atheist tax dollars are building Muslim foot washing stations at public airports. Isn’t it despicable that Atheist tax dollar are building Mosque at public transportation facilities? Atheist don’t seem to mind that their tax dollars are funding Islamic Charter Schools that begin each day with (gasp) prayer!

If the ACLU were interested in protecting the Constitution and the separation of church and state, they would use the same threats and intimidation against Radical Islam as they did to Trijicon. Then again, they ain’t got the balls! Radical Islam intimidates Atheists and has convinced them that this is not a religious war. Radical Islam represents a bigger threat to America then any secret petty “Jesus†code reference embedded in a string of otherwise meaningless letters and numbers.

I’m glad Trijicon settled their differences with the bed wetters, now we can get back to fighting our overseas contingency operation, efficiently stopping man made disasters. The Taliban and al-Qaeda barbarians know this isn’t a religious war and welcome the good faith gesture of removing some kind of secret “Jesus†code from infidel scopes . . or whatever. Anyway, the Taliban have offered their own good well gesture by promising not to scream “Allah Acbar†before the blow themselves up in a elementary schools.

Reference please or it’s just another paranoid Atheist moron conspiracy theory.

Since you are to lazy to study your own history....

God and the Commies

A law was passed by the 84th United States Congress (P.L. 84-851) and approved by the President on July 30, 1956. President Dwight D. Eisenhower approved a joint resolution declaring In God We Trust the national motto of the United States.[2] The same Congress had required, in the previous year, that the words appear on all currency, as a Cold War measure: "In these days when imperialistic and materialistic Communism seeks to attack and destroy freedom, it is proper" to "remind all of us of this self-evident truth" that "as long as this country trusts in God, it will prevail." [11]

Looks like you did find it after all. Oops
DoD did all but tell them to remove it. Them doing it first was them doing the right thing because they were busted cold.

Whether they admited it or not does not matter. If the DoD says we don't like your ID code because it 'appears as a religious reference' you have an issue. If the DoD says either removed or we find a new contractor then you have an decision to make. The buy makes the rules of what they want, not the seller. Nothing goes to court as it is not COTUS issue. It's a we want this and either you make or we will find someone else who will.

DoD bought the B1 and you are questioning that they did not see tiny ref codes on the sight? Are you kidding me? They buy weapon systems that don't work or that go massively over budget. B1, Sgt York gun, SDI, to name a few.

Don't know about the rest but I have no interest in using any tax dollars on any religious item. The problem seems to be the door was opened when the chapels were built.

The terrorists have about as much in common with islam as Pat roberts has with christianity which is to say not a lick. You can fight them with your guns and ammo all you want an you will never win. There has been war in the region for thousands of years. The only way this war will be won is economically. When the day comes that we tell them to go suck on their oil because we do not need it any more then we will win the war. As of right now, every time you and I put fuel in our tanks, we are funding the bad guys.

Perhaps the ACLU will go after threats and intimidation but right now they seem to have their hands full protecting christians rights to freedom of religion.

List of cases filed by the ACLU
OK and what is it I'm supposed to see?

I see people engaged in seeking God and doing as they believe their God instructs them. Is it my brand or flavor of Christianity? Not likely as I'm not terribly evangelical.

You know it's kinda like my position on Abortion which can be boiled down to a Bumper Sticker friendly size.

Don't Believe In Abortion? DON'T HAVE ONE

For me the same goes for religion

Don't Like Buddism? DON'T Become a Monk!

Don't like Jesus? Don't go to church?

It really is that simple.

What are you suppose to see ???

Well for starters, how about a "form" of Child Abuse ??

For Gods sake, some of those kids in the documentary are about 5 YEARS OLD, and there talking about BEING SAVED.
Please !!
Give me a break !!

Even "Massage " Ted Haggard thought it was over the top.
What are you suppose to see ???

Well for starters, how about a "form" of Child Abuse ??

For Gods sake, some of those kids in the documentary are about 5 YEARS OLD, and there talking about BEING SAVED.
Please !!
Give me a break !!

Even "Massage " Ted Haggard thought it was over the top.

Who exactly are you to question anyone's faith? EVER?

Who cares what others think? I'm not real partial to Serpent Handlers, however I respect their method of worship. In a way it's kinda tough not to when you meet a person who has been bitten 386 times by poisonous serpents i.e Rattlesnakes, coral snakes and such and the b*stard is still alive and kickin'

If you think Christians don't speak for you or to you then don't be one or worship with one. It's a right that is guaranteed by God hisself why not exercise it?
What are you suppose to see ???

Well for starters, how about a "form" of Child Abuse ??

For Gods sake, some of those kids in the documentary are about 5 YEARS OLD, and there talking about BEING SAVED.
Please !!
Give me a break !!

Even "Massage " Ted Haggard thought it was over the top.

Parents raise THEIR children as THEY see fit and you call it child abuse !

What do you call the following video involving a government school employee ? :blink: