[P]The dismal situation we all find ourselves in, including our co-workers at UAL, brings out the best and worst in people. Individuals really need to consider end results before action is taken. Rage and frustration, which are very negative emotions, only make a bad situation a total disaster. These time proven words hold very true for every single one of us connected with an industry in total chaos. Good Luck to every one of us involved whatever the future holds.[/P][BR]
[P] [STRONG]God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I Cannot change…[BR][BR] Courage to change the things I can[BR][BR] And Wisdom to know the difference…[BR][/STRONG][/P]
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[P] [STRONG]God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I Cannot change…[BR][BR] Courage to change the things I can[BR][BR] And Wisdom to know the difference…[BR][/STRONG][/P]
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