THIS is Trumps immigration policy aa

Contra Mundum

Sep 3, 2017
not the Democrats. Trump ran on immigration control.

want to build a wall? build it.

want to double, triple, quadruple border patrol? Di it.

want to deport illegals? do it. the laws are on your side. the House and Senate are in Republican control. As is SCOTUS.

but please dont blame the minority party.

surely, there is a better way than separating children from parents!
I must have missed your whiny bitching when multi time return here illegal allien kills yet another innocent citizens parents and leave them orphans or worse leaves parents burying their kid.
That’s what we blame you liberal clowns for
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I must have missed your whiny bitching when multi time return here illegal allien kills yet another innocent citizens parents and leave them orphans or worse leaves parents burying their kid.
That’s what we blame you liberal clowns for

you can justify anything with that small mind of yours, can't you?
There was a republican party at one time that had principles and ideals now they have king trump and they have no principals and no ideas
How soon they forget!
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yup. you lack critical thinking skills alright.

Elian Gonzalez was kidnapped by the mother who lost her life at sea.

it pre-dates the amber alert which occurs in this country so often, we gave it a name.

the boy was returned to his dad like he should have been.

Time magazine had a cover photo of the dad holding the boy in his arms, both smiling.

it was the right thing to do. hardly a good comparison.

you genius you!
X forget Alex Jones! Where have all of you been the last eight years?......... Newsweek, Twice as many? So you'd rether have the illegal minor stay with however brought them across in detension. Because that's where they'd be. Again Trump didn't write the law, he's just inforcing it.
Forget it Insp4 he’s to stupid too realize every potus since Clinton has enforced the same law
Liston x, this country has ignored the rule of law for too long! They ignored it when the swamp created a double standard of justice in this country. I do believe you know what I'm saying here.
Which is better?

This is OBAMA's immigration policy:


The Associated Press reported two years ago that in April 2014 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services relaxed its safety standards to promptly move migrant children out of government shelters and into sponsors’ homes when waves of illegal aliens surged across the southern border.

However, according to the AP’s reporting, the lowered standards resulted in children landing in unsafe homes where they were “sexually assaulted, starved or forced to work for little or no pay.”

not the Democrats. Trump ran on immigration control.

want to build a wall? build it.

want to double, triple, quadruple border patrol? Di it.

want to deport illegals? do it. the laws are on your side. the House and Senate are in Republican control. As is SCOTUS.

but please dont blame the minority party.

surely, there is a better way than separating children from parents!

Are you from Hollywood?