Time to Lawyer Up


Oct 29, 2002
One of the Clintons’ oldest and most trusted legal advisers has urged Hillary to hire a criminal defense attorney to represent her in case she’s indicted for mishandling classified documents on her private e-mail server and for lying under oath.
“I think Bill takes the matter seriously. But Hillary is still acting as though it’s a political smear job by right-wing zealots.”
In separate phone conversations with Bill and Hillary, the adviser said he warned them that Justice Department prosecutors handling Hillary’s case expect the FBI probe to wrap up much sooner than expected — maybe as soon as the end of this year.
His advice to Hillary: lawyer up now before it’s too late.“Hillary needs to secure the services of an expert legal counsel—preferably a big-league defense attorney from the Republican side of the aisle,” the adviser said. “She needs someone to find out whether the FBI and Justice Department are likely to conclude that she’s violated federal laws governing national security.”
“By joking about her email problem and treating it like a PR issue, she’s only hurting herself, maybe mortally, with the prosecutors,” the adviser said. “Insulting career FBI and Justice Department investigators is a very bad and ill-advised strategy.
My bets on Lanny Davis.
Hearing Joe Biden was heard singing that song " see you in November"
delldude said:
My bets on Lanny Davis.
Hearing Joe Biden was heard singing that song " see you in November"
Imagine a Blue collar  Irish Kid from Scranton   'PENNSYLVANIA' running up against the conglomerate of CLOWNS (from the CLOWN CAR) !
Imagine the One person in the federal government who is 'SECOND to NONE'  on Foreign Policy, running for POTUS !
Imagine a guy from a Middle Class Background who knows that this country NEEDS a healthy Middle Class !
Imagine a Guy who STRONGLY believes in Organized Labor !
Imagine a guy, who, if was elected  would have  THE MOST BEAUTIFUL First Lady @ '1600, in US HISTORY  !!!
JESUS  dell, I HOPE your prediction about that PENNSYLVANIA guy comes to Fruition !
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Word I got was Hillary has a pretty good chance of beating out most on the GOP ticket unless voter outrage comes back like 2012 and 2014. However, she is becoming a toxic asset to the DNC very quickly. She already is losing big endorsements from several unions, cash donors are defecting or holding out, Obama camp,ie, Val Jarrett is behind leaks and just the other day oBama dissed her over her comments on the UN trip but tried to butter it saying she was his SOS. Now shes back in the Arkansas vast right wing conspiracy mode when its more and more consequences caused by her own doing.
You can say the Benghazi issue is politically motivated.....true to a degree, but in all honesty, if the tables were reversed, the dems would be off and running too. The server issue, which she totally owns, you're going to find, ties Benghazi with her and oBama authorizing  a secret buyback program trying to get a huge stash of Stinger missiles back that we lost control of during their venture into Libya and a sideshow arming the AQ/Syrian rebels.
And I got a pretty good idea there are emails revealing influence peddling as SOS to different countries for Clinton Foundation donations......not to mention the mishandling of classified material.
Al in all, shes probably going to have legal issues before the election. DNC is totally aware of whats going on. DNC isn't going to invest in a loser very long.
Joe Biden?  Biden runs, GOP takes the White House.  I don't see DNC backing Sanders.....in fact I expect a take out campaign just over the horizon.
Obama won in 2008 due to crossover votes from republican leaning voters and the black vote.
Obama won in 2012 due to voter apathy from the republican establishment running a squishy candidate ie: Romney. Obama lost a lot of votes from 2008 cycle.
2016 election is the Democrats to lose as they have f-d up the country and economy so bad. Also they will not get the black vote in the numbers they had before.
Dog Wonder said:
Did it make any difference?
They can't even agree on who they want to run their own caucus or even what they stand for. Once they get around to that, then they might be able to pay attention to the electorate.
Dog Wonder said:
Did it make any difference?
Nope! BaRack runs this country like he's king of the USA and passes deals in the dead of night behind locked doors.....something I hope GOP backed POTUS does starting in 2016!
What good for the goose......
Glenn Quagmire said:
They can't even agree on who they want to run their own caucus or even what they stand for. Once they get around to that, then they might be able to pay attention to the electorate.
Well at least none of the GOP candidates are facing the possibility of jail time!
southwind said:
Well at least none of the GOP candidates are facing the possibility of jail time!
You sound very sure of that statement. As sure as you were on the last 2 elections...and some of the other predictions you have made. How is president Cain and the 999 plan working for you?

All of them are one bad decision from facing jail time.
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Glenn Quagmire said:
They can't even agree on who they want to run their own caucus or even what they stand for. Once they get around to that, then they might be able to pay attention to the electorate.
That's why the process is open for election......and voting. 
That's the Conservative wing you talk about as listening to the electorate......you know, the trouble makers doing what they were elected for.
Let me sip on my magic elixir and become my alter ego, Townpete, for additional enlightenment on this subject.
Glenn Quagmire said:
They can't even agree on who they want to run their own caucus or even what they stand for. Once they get around to that, then they might be able to pay attention to the electorate.
delldude said:
That's why the process is open for election......and voting. 
That's the Conservative wing you talk about as listening to the electorate......you know, the trouble makers doing what they were elected for.
Let me sip on my magic elixir and become my alter ego, Townpete, for additional enlightenment on this subject.
Haha thanks dell lol
What the left doesn't understand is that there is a struggle between the establishment Republicans and the Conservative base. The inside the beltway career rhino's want to get along to go along, and the base is tired of them speaking out of both sides of their mouths. 
Its not like the left where they are mindless monolithic drones and march when given orders, even if its to their own detriment. 
The conservative base was called upon to put a majority in the House so they could stop Obama's lawless transformation.
And they did nothing.
Then they said they needed the senate and that was given he senate.
And they did nothing.
Now they say they need the presidency because they lack the spine to challenge a lawless president????
Fool me once....