time to wake up and smell life fokes


Dec 3, 2002
For those of you out there that believe that things will not end look around and just open you eyes the economy is not gettind better and there is more unemployment each day. All you mechanics that think the union is behind you remember when you loose your jobs they will still have one. Ask your union leader how much money will they give you each month when you are out on t he street looking for a decent paying job. Then come home and ask your love one if they are willing to put up with you stiking and loosing your job. Loosing the house and the comfy life that theya re use to. Don''t be foolish there more people out of jobs than there are jobs right now. Wake up and see life for what it really is. You can not afford to drag down the company right now and even if you try super DAVE will just swallow you and in the end those who stay and don''t walk will have a job. So; stop acting like winning children and help before you can not help and wish you did. Remember Eastern what happen there and they thoguht they had it all!!!!!!!!!!
I welcome you to take more cuts if you desire. I can not and will not. I can also assure you hardly any mechanics care any more and say let them do as they desire, but they themselves will not vote for anything anymore. In most of our eyes they doors are already closed. We are not 'offsetting' anyone's else's paychecks any longer.

-They can get their money from groups who still makes to much even after the cuts.
I welcome you to take more cuts if you desire. I can not and will not. I can also assure you hardly any mechanics care any more and say let them do as they desire, but they themselves will not vote for anything anymore. In most of our eyes they doors are already closed. We are not 'offsetting' anyone's else's paychecks any longer.

-They can get their money from groups who still makes to much even after the cuts.
On 12/4/2002 6:57:04 AM pitguy wrote:

I welcome you to take more cuts if you desire. I can not and will not. I can also assure you hardly any mechanics care any more and say let them do as they desire, but they themselves will not vote for anything anymore. In most of our eyes they doors are already closed. We are not 'offsetting' anyone's else's paychecks any longer.

-They can get their money from groups who still makes to much even after the cuts.

Im with Pitguy, should I agree to this newest round of concessions I'll be out of a job without any chance of ever coming back.
On 12/4/2002 6:57:04 AM pitguy wrote:

I welcome you to take more cuts if you desire. I can not and will not. I can also assure you hardly any mechanics care any more and say let them do as they desire, but they themselves will not vote for anything anymore. In most of our eyes they doors are already closed. We are not 'offsetting' anyone's else's paychecks any longer.

-They can get their money from groups who still makes to much even after the cuts.

Im with Pitguy, should I agree to this newest round of concessions I'll be out of a job without any chance of ever coming back.
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Dear Mechanics with Small minds
As they start to toss you all out on your behinds by walking the picket line, I wish you all well and good luck in unemployment line. Better tell your children and your wives that maybe the only xmas this year will be under abridge as you all start to loose your homes and jobs. As for those of you who see the reality for what at is and can add the numbers printed I am sorry for the few who beleive in there union. I only hope the union can pay your mortgage because getting another job will possibly be greeting people at Walmart for minumum wage. But that's what you deserve for being ignorant.
Good luck
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  • #11
Dear Mechanics with Small minds
As they start to toss you all out on your behinds by walking the picket line, I wish you all well and good luck in unemployment line. Better tell your children and your wives that maybe the only xmas this year will be under abridge as you all start to loose your homes and jobs. As for those of you who see the reality for what at is and can add the numbers printed I am sorry for the few who beleive in there union. I only hope the union can pay your mortgage because getting another job will possibly be greeting people at Walmart for minumum wage. But that's what you deserve for being ignorant.
Good luck
Even though there is not enough time now to help us with our impending saga I think AMFA could help in the future. Tons of AMFA cards were signed in PIT.
Even though there is not enough time now to help us with our impending saga I think AMFA could help in the future. Tons of AMFA cards were signed in PIT.
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I find all your comments comical and intertaining specially those of you who are not seeing the reality of your life. But the fun of it all is that you soon will be. When they toss you out on your behinds and your wives start screaming that the family and feeding them is more important than holding a sign. Hey! by the way I saw an add today for mechanics, it seems sears is hiring them for the winter and you all should go apply the starting salary is minimum wage (lol). Just up all of your allies right!
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  • #15
I find all your comments comical and intertaining specially those of you who are not seeing the reality of your life. But the fun of it all is that you soon will be. When they toss you out on your behinds and your wives start screaming that the family and feeding them is more important than holding a sign. Hey! by the way I saw an add today for mechanics, it seems sears is hiring them for the winter and you all should go apply the starting salary is minimum wage (lol). Just up all of your allies right!