Top 10 New Slogans for UAL


Jan 10, 2003
10. If you liked Oceans 11, you'll love Chapter 11.
9. UAL - built on tradition, held together with duct tape.
8. Fly the increasingly disgruntled skies.
7. No executive fraud, just good old fashion mismanagement.
6. You really haven't flown until your plane is piloted by a drunk man about to lose his job.
5. Don't let the billion dikkar debt scare you - we'll win it back in Vegas.
4. Even though we're broke, we don't water down our drinks like those *******s at American.
3. At least we don't make you pay for two seats if your fat.
2. If you people hadn't kept asking for extra peanuts we wouldn't be in this mess.
and the number 1 New Slogan for UAL:
1. Maybe we shouldn't have been so friendly.
On 1/15/2003 1:54:56 AM UnitedChicago wrote:

Borescope...this was posted weeks ago.

He's a newbie