
Oct 24, 2002
I heard a TSA anager in CLT who had retired from US used a computer sine of another US employee to upgrade her daughter from coach to first. Nothing is going to happen to this woman. Had she still been empl with US she would be fired. TSA is investigating, wow.
What say ye!!!!!!
if she works for the tsa//she should be fired.breaching our security for her own gain...what if she was dating a terrorist?
If this is true, what she did was THEFT. U provides a service, and stealing it through an illegal upgrade is no different than using frequent flyer miles illegally, an offense that airlines have made clear that they will prosecute. NOT ONLY SHOULD THIS PERSON (if true) LOSE THEIR CUSHY GOV'T JOB, BUT THEY SHOULD GO TO JAIL!
Very interesting. I cant wait to hear what comes of this. I have a strong suspicion who this may be. I would not put it past them. When this person was a supervisor i used to cringe at how they would handle passengers and their total lack of knowledge of their job. Im sure this person feels like they have done no wrong. They are old PSA and im sure big Al C. will put the brakes on any discipline.
If this is true, and someone signed into our computer system with another
persons ID, this should be investigated by corporate security and TSA
should be obligated to act on whatever corporate security recomends!
Non Rever,
I'm glad that I am not the only one that realizes how the psa good ole boy network has paralyzed USAir from the day it was announced that USAir bought them. al c. and anyone else from psa is a cancer. It will be hard to right the USAir ship as long as anyone from psa has any power. Dave, relieving them of their duties would be a major step in the right direction.
On 8/1/2003 6:52:31 PM Ramp Rogue wrote:

anyone else from psa is a cancer

What a hateful, divisive thing to say. Are you sure you don't live in a glass house.
Wow, Ramp Rogue, you need to get some serious counseling!! It's been over 15 years since US bought PSA. It's time to let the anger go and look at your fellow employees as peers, not enemies!
Piney wrote
BTW TSA stands for Thousands Standing Around.

Geez,I didn't think there was anyone who didn't already know this joke.

Don't know about CLT but I can tell you in our area, if TSA found this to be true...she WOULD BE GONE!!!....
The former second in command of CLT for US Airways "TS" retired and went to work for the TSA, when you report a US Airways for a security violation he is on the phone faster with Terri Pope or the director of the affected department as soon as you walk out the door after filing a complaint. And it is not to investigate the complaint, it is to kiss there gludious maximus.
On 8/3/2003 9:40:18 AM Justaramper wrote:

She had her TSA hearing on Thursday and USAirways was persitent about the matter. It's up to TSA on what will happen...USAirways wants her terminated..But the final say in TSA...The story is true, it did happen

What about the agent who allowed their sign-in code to be used. We do have secret passwords you know.
She had her TSA hearing on Thursday and USAirways was persitent about the matter. It's up to TSA on what will happen...USAirways wants her terminated..But the final say in TSA...The story is true, it did happen
It didn't take long for Management to figure out this "debacle"...Upgraded person has the same last name as her Mother...Agent who sined in the computers is free and clear..32 years of great service, he wouldn't do such a thing and they backed him up 100 %....It was easy to figure out this one..
On 8/2/2003 8:49:15 PM PineyBob wrote:

Regualr loyal and faithfull US customers now drive due to the hassle of flying.
I hear that they also use government subsidized AMTRAK. It's pretty hard to compete with guvment.