Twu-atd Admits To Lies


Aug 20, 2002
I understand the TWU-ATD representatives admitted to being liars today.

It seems the RIF'd Tulsa Mechanics got to see their first real union meeting at DFW, and they have some interesting TWU facts to share with us all.

The Local also voted to fund another lawsuit against the TWU regarding the New York Local 562 Officers.

My, My, how things are happening fast.

The TWU is running scared as hell and shooting themselves in the foot on a daily basis.

FEAR amongst FEAR MONGERS is like Gasoline on a Fire!

That isn't exactly true. I was at the 10:45 meeting, until I couldn't stand to hear the bitching about all the concessions anymore. Don't get me wrong, Jim and Gary deserve to get an ear full for what they've have done but it was just a bit out of control. The meeting was very unproductive. It would have been nice to get some questions to Jim and Gary on issues that we can possibly change instead of attacking them for 2 hours over things that are over and done with.
Jim Martin said:

That isn't exactly true. I was at the 10:45 meeting, until I couldn't stand to hear the bitching about all the concessions anymore. Don't get me wrong, Jim and Gary deserve to get an ear full for what they've have done but it was just a bit out of control. The meeting was very unproductive. It would have been nice to get some questions to Jim and Gary on issues that we can possibly change instead of attacking them for 2 hours over things that are over and done with.
Let them earn those six figure salaries for a change.
Bob Owens said:
Jim Martin said:

That isn't exactly true. I was at the 10:45 meeting, until I couldn't stand to hear the bitching about all the concessions anymore. Don't get me wrong, Jim and Gary deserve to get an ear full for what they've have done but it was just a bit out of control. The meeting was very unproductive. It would have been nice to get some questions to Jim and Gary on issues that we can possibly change instead of attacking them for 2 hours over things that are over and done with.
Let them earn those six figure salaries for a change.
It maybe fair payback for the six figure salaries, but it does not do a thing about solutions. If members want to vent their anger, why not have special meetings for that, the five minute rant 0800-2359, every Wednesday, no beer just cafe, come one, come all.

You are biasing the discussion, does your favorite alternative association president not make 6 figures? So why the bias?

Is/was AA loosing money? If yes why pretend, why the demagogery?

Are the only carriers that are making money using a different business plan? Maybe we have to try to assimilate some of their practices, but do it without throwing away members, and peoples livelyhoods.

Last time I checked AMFA is supposed to be a union. I read far too many comments that sound as if they came right out of the playbook of ENRON. Last I checked unions are supposed to be for their members benefit, not just those lucky few who have the seniority not to get laid off.
j7915 said:
[It maybe fair payback for the six figure salaries, but it does not do a thing about solutions. If members want to vent their anger, why not have special meetings for that, the five minute rant 0800-2359, every Wednesday, no beer just cafe, come one, come all.

Is/was AA loosing money? If yes why pretend, why the demagogery?

Are the only carriers that are making money using a different business plan? Maybe we have to try to assimilate some of their practices, but do it without throwing away members, and peoples livelyhoods.

Last I checked unions are supposed to be for their members benefit, not just those lucky few who have the seniority not to get laid off.
Fair payback would be to have the ability to vote them out, but since that is not an option then they will have to settle for giving them a verbal lashing.

Yes AA probably was loosing money, and losing money too. They were probably being loose with the money when they claimed that they lost $3.5 billion, nearly 1 billion of which was in "good will". Why didnt Jim Little go after all the AA execs that got packages instead of just Carty?

I do not favor layoffs, thats why we wanted a better scope clause, but that got scrapped.

The fact is that unions have always recognized that the Capitalist system produces booms as well as busts. Overproduction, not scarcity of goods ends up causing suffering. Lower wages will never address the problem of overproduction. The only solution is to hopefully temporarily reduce production, if possible until demand returns. That means layoffs, a cruel fact of the system we live in and another good reason why we should always try to maximize our earnings instead of chasing the mirage of security. If you want security, learn how to save money and avoid debt.

The seniority system was specifically designed to preserve gains, at the temporary expense of jobs, in the event of overproduction. Company's would prefer to use such events as an opportunity to lower wages across the board or layoff their highest paid workers first but unions as a matter of basic unionism resisted such moves by dictating through contractual language that the least senior, normally the youngest, workers are laid off first. What we have done is allow the company to continue to overproduce at the expense of all workers and to continue to enjoy the concessions gained now, at the worst of times, far into the future. When demand returns there is no guarantee that our pay and benifits will be restored and we will never make back what is lost in the meantime.The fact is that the company will still reduce production to meet demand meaning that our concessions in reality did not save any jobs, because after all the company will not continue to overproduce even if they can do it cheaply indefinately. They will not keep workers on payroll to produce what they can not sell.

I have no problem with trying to assimilate the management practices of other companies. Lets start with SWA's pay rates and move on from there.

Last I checked Unions were not supposed to put the company before the members. I've never heard of a union that puts the quantity of jobs ahead of the quality of jobs, thats always been the arguement of those who favor low wages like the NAM, RTW and other anti-labor organizations.
Steve Connell said:
....and wasn't it the membership that voted the concessions?
Well some of the members. The fact is that the majority of members did not vote for concessions, only the majority that were given and returned ballots did. While the members do bear culpability the fact is that those who they entrusted made a recommendation that they vote yes instead of fighting. We gave away everything that the company asked for, more than other workers at airlines that were bankrupt did because of a threat. We did not negotaite, the company came up with a number and we met that number. We did so based upon information provided from ECLAT, a company that was not neutral nor did it have a fidiciary obligation to the members. Those who pushed the hardest for this, the International did not give up what we did, they still get their holidays, vacation, six figure salaries or 50% pension (Jim Little could be getting more from his TWU pension, not counting his AA pension than any of those he represents earns working).

The fact is that we gave up way, way too much and those who will benifit the most are the ones at the International who gave up nothing.
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j7915 said:
It maybe fair payback for the six figure salaries, but it does not do a thing about solutions. If members want to vent their anger, why not have special meetings for that, the five minute rant 0800-2359, every Wednesday, no beer just cafe, come one, come all.

You are biasing the discussion, does your favorite alternative association president not make 6 figures? So why the bias?

Is/was AA loosing money? If yes why pretend, why the demagogery?

Are the only carriers that are making money using a different business plan? Maybe we have to try to assimilate some of their practices, but do it without throwing away members, and peoples livelyhoods.

Last time I checked AMFA is supposed to be a union. I read far too many comments that sound as if they came right out of the playbook of ENRON. Last I checked unions are supposed to be for their members benefit, not just those lucky few who have the seniority not to get laid off.

Well there a solution except to allow the industry to continue and hopefully level out. Or is AMFA the only way to keep us from being damned forever? I realize it was TWU's fault for AA's financial staus, and I realize it has to be always TWU's fault for the companies ineptness, but will this change with AMFA?

Can you say for certain that all AMFA members are fat and happy? That since AMFA became their agent they now have no worries and all companies cower at the very mention of AMFA. many of those that actually voted for AMFA at other airlines are still employed? And can ya put some more of those neat looking charts back the best...Steve....

I wanted them to earn the salary by answering questions on subjects that aren't in the pass. They do deserve to hear the bitches also but, then lets move on.

P.S. Thanks for the E-mail


Had Little not kept saying that very thing, "the members voted it in" then the bitching probably wouldn't have lasted as long.

Judging by what I could take away from what Little was saying. By the time the presidents met on what the company had brought back TUL and MCI had made a motion to accept and a second it. So at that point there was no way to table it and it had to be brought to the members. It shouldn't even had made it to a vote. Lets face it the company scared the overhaul bases (AFW excluded) that there work was going to be contracted out and the International went along with it.

The company has created a situation that was actually pretty smart. In stead of acting quickly and laying off people early in the process, when we were losing 10 million a day. They kept eveyone employed until the last possible moment and then said "we want "X" from you" give it or there will be massive layoffs and bankruptcy, we go out hire ECLAT and they say AA is right, the pilots experts say the same thing so the internalional gets the 2 bases that will lose the most to vote in the consessions. AA new what it was doing all along. Now we as the biggest airline work for the 6th lowest pay of the top 6 majors, not to mention the drop in benifits. But I'm sure Steve you would think that is a good thing.
Jim Martin said:
Had Little not kept saying that very thing, "the members voted it in" then the bitching probably wouldn't have lasted as long.
That is Classic Jim Little.

Here are a few more.

"Sonny wont give the ATD a budget, so I cant do it."

"I dont want a budget because then I'm limited."

"The Presidents Council did it."

"The AFL-CIO wont help us."

These are all excuses I've heard from Jim Little. He always has a reason and its never his fault.

Jim Littles cop out answer- he learned that trick from Koziatek- that "the members voted it in" is his obvious attempt to duck the blame. I think on Jim Littles desk there should be a sign "The buck stops anywhere but here"(however the $143,000 bucks go right into his pocket). When Jim says "the members voted it in-which is exactly what I said he would be saying months ago- he should be answered with "who sent out those pink booklets telling us that our leadership was completely unable to come up with a plan to even mitigate what the company was trying to do? Did the members send out that scare tactic? Did the Presidents council make up that one sided book? Did the International provide any leadership role whatsoever to minimize our losses and why, if their own lawyers admitted that we only had to come close did Jim insist that we meet the exact figure that the company proposed while the Pilots got $20 million knocked off their number?Did he get a bonus for meeting the number? How come past "Industry leading concessions", that helped put AA in the position to become the largest airline were never brought up such as Part-time, cross-utilization, SRPs, "Flex benifits", Junior Fleet service clerks, B-scale etc? Why did Little say that the concessions we made were "more than adequate" in his letter to the company and if the company is no longer facing BK then why should additional cuts that have not kicked in yet like the medical benifits, and uniform cleaning still be taken away?

Clearly Jim Little is not a leader. He must go. We need someone we can go to, not someone who blames everyone else. If the buck does not stop at the man who has the power to change our contract then where does it stop?

Jim Martin,

You forgot one important Jim Little quote from that 10:45AM meeting.

"What you guys don't understand is, that if this company was going to file for bankruptcy, it isn't going to be chapter 11, it's going to be chapter 7."

So Jim Little was led to believe that AA was going from full service carrier to liquidation overnight.

TWU Stoolies,

Now who could possibly support an organization whose leader makes remarks like this. Now don't go saying it's all lies, we have it on tape. Yes your hero said this.


You would love to listen to Gary Yingst anti-union comment about why they screwed you on your pension. Most of us AAers were led to believe that you would be getting the full AA pension based on your company seniority date(TWA date of hire) after being here 4 years as per the union. The question was brought up about why they didn't take care of the TWAers when the contract was re-opened to help you guys retire. Now we finally know that you won't be getting the AA pension except for whatever years you put in from 4/10/01 onward. His excuse for this was incredible.