TWU Annouces New Drive

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Name: Mechanic
Employer: XUAL
Date: Saturday April 01, 2006
Time: 11:20:31 PM
Notes from the net: Wake Up, Press: Who is O.V. Delle-Femine? I'm really perplexed ,,,,,,,,,

So what does a post about Delle Femine at AMFA have to do with the TWUs desire to organize Fleet Service Clerks at Continental?

Ladies and Gentlemen "Iceman" is a TWU official, thats what you can expect from the TWU. They will collect your money and give you nothing for it.
Learn the Facts about AMFA
McCormick Advisory Group
AMFA is a Subsidiary Of
Kevin McCormick on September 12, 2003 admits his current income from AMFA is $800,000 if successful at organizing AA, McCormicks total per year will be over $1.3 Million!

Deleted by Mod = Topic at hand is TWU drive. If you wish to include any of the info deleted in another post, please post a LINK to the site and not the entire article and state what it has to do with the current TWU drive at CO to keep it on topic. The post was way too big and off topic to remain.
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  • #18
Still dont see the connection between the TWU card drive at Continental and AMFA.

From the Aa thread;

QUOTE(SkydrolJunkie @ Apr 4 2006, 10:47 PM)

Good Bye, and Good Riddance

Anybody know anything about his replacement, Gary Yingst?

Gary? Well think of Jim Little with a mouthful of tobacco and half a brain.

Gary made a big stink about the possibility that I would post his address on the Internet when everyone knows that they can get it from the DOL LM-30 forms he must file.

Gary has memorized the AA contracts, but that doesnt mean that he correctly interprets them.

For instance right after 9-11 AA had a massive layoff. As a result we had scores of mechanics bump into JFK. These mechanics had several guys under them in seniority that were at a higher "Flex Rate" than these guys were getting. Naturally I told these guys that since they were at JFK and guys with less seniority were at a higher "Flex Rate" that they too were entitled to that rate while working at JFK. Article 4(e).When I informed Robert Gless of the situation he, as usual, did not know what to do and said "call the International". I got Yingst, I informed him that the company was paying these senior employees a rate that was lower than more jumior employees at the same station. His response was "They can do that". At that point I went off on him. How could a union grant a company the right to raise and lower wages at will in the first place and how could they have it where a junior worker at the same station earns more per hour than a senior worker in the exact same classification?

I advised the members to file a grievance and then contacted our lawyer to get a head start on a possible DFR for those guys.

With Gary in charge we are if possible, worse off than with Jim Little.

Now for Littles letter;

"Since our 22nd International Convention I along with my Assistant Air Transport Division Director, Gary Yingst and our ATD staff have been working on some changes within the ATD. As Gary assumes the job of Air Transport Director I have all the confidence in him and the ATD staff to carry on with those changes that will improve our overall effectiveness within the Division. As always change is not easy, but I believe with the support of our Local Officers and members we will strengthen our movement."
And what might those changes involve?


Not likely, seems like Jim is already making excuses "As always change is not easy, but I believe with the support of our Local Officers and members we will strengthen our movement"

I can hear it now "We wanted changes but the Local Officers would not allow it" the fact is that several court cases have already illustrated that Local officers have no power under the TWU Constitution.

Never. Jim Little does not believe that the members should be able to choose their own leaders and demanded that AA union officials keep secrets from their members.

"I would like to take this chance to say thank you for the opportunity to serve the members of the TWU in my position as Director of the Air Transport Division."

Serve the members? Where we ever given the choice? The fact is that he served Sonny Hall as ATD director, not us. And as the unelected President of the TWU he will continue to not serve us.

"We have gone through some tumultuous times and I know it has not been easy, it is for these reasons that I appreciate more than ever the support and prayers that I have received during my time in the ATD."

WE?!! How much of a paycut did you take Jim?

"I have every confidence that they will continue to build on the improvements that have been made in being of service to our 55,000 ATD members and the Labor movement in general."

Massive industry leading concessions constitutes "improvements"?

During Jim Littles tenure he made all sorts of promises to make changes, he broke all of them. It was always somebody elses fault, if there is one thing that Little is good at its coming up with excuses.

"I would love to do that but we dont even have a budget and Sonny wont approve of it."

A month later he would say " I dont want a budget because then we would be limited and Sonny gives me whatever I want". Apparently forgetting his earlier excuse.

"We need to do something but the AFL-CIO wont let us."

I wrote to the AFL-CIO, they told me they work for the unions and do not dictate to the unions what they should do. Its up to the unions to make the move.

"None of the local leaders offered to help" -on why his monthly newsleter only lasted one edition.

"Democracy is not the best way to pick leaders"

To Ken MacTiernan on why the membership should not be able to elect International officers.

"I want change but the old guys in the International wont allow it."

Well Jim , you are the Top Dog now. What changes are you going to make? Whose fault will it be now? The Local officers, the members, the economy, terrorism, the Government, AMFA? I'm sure you will have some excuse, you always do.

A while back I posted my theory of diminishing ability as it relates to unionism. I theorized that the decline in the quality of union leadership stems from the fact that the very capable leaders that founded these organizations in a hostile enviornment were more concerned with protecting their power than the long term viability of the institution. Loyalty was rewarded over ability. Very able subordinates were a threat because they might make a succesful grab for power, so union leaders surrounded themselves with less able but loyal subordinates. These less able subordinates in turn fill the eventual vacancy at the top that death or indictment inevitably creates. These less able subordinates, now become the top dog and do the same thing,surrond themselves with even less able subordinates, once again, because retaining power is the primary objective. Un-Democratic structures only helped perpetuate the cycle. So while the TWU started out with the Dynamic Mike Quill in less than 40 years we end up with a Jim Little.

With his phony degrees and vanity Jim Little would make Mike Quill ill.

So lets look at what we have in the International now.

Bobby Gless. Bobby Gless informed me that the International was going to make a Rep from Line maintenance but that all the Line Local Presidents agreed that whoever gets the job would have to be someone who was re-elected, they didnt want to be another one of those rejected Presidents (Joe Gordon) who bails out into the International. However when not one single member of the Local 562 Executive Board would run on Gless's ticket Bobby reportedy begged for the position. When it was announced that Gless would be the Line rep the Local Presidents objected, they said they wanted Videtich. Little told them the decision was his, not theirs and Gless was his choice.

Gary Yingst, well enough was said already.

Jim Little, well we know enough to know we dont want him already.

Why would the International pick up these rejects and put them in positions over the elected leaders? Simple, because then they have someone who has no loyalty to the membership and complete loyalty to the International.

Repeat this cycle over and over and you have organization that is made up of people the members rejected at the Local level only to see promoted to an untouchable level out of reach of the memberships electoral power, these rejects are now also in a position to remove any elected official who does the right thing for the members. In fact the International maintains that Local officers are to put the International ahead of the members and failure to do so is a violation of the oath of office.So elected officials are to put rejected leaders who are bitter towards the members ahead of the members who elected them. This process guarantees a steady supply of rejected local leaderrs for recruitment into the International to the point that leaders are stepping over each other to suck up to the International.

The International picks rejects up and grants them benifits and salaries they would never see as a member,these people in turn detest the members because they know that the members did not and would not choose them, in turn they have absolute loyalty to the International that basically treats them as if they won the lottery and there you have it, the TWU.
It is better to be non-union then to vote in the TWU. With the TWU you will get concessions after concessions but the TWU will gladly take your dues. With the TWU you will have all sorts of A,B,C pay scales with a heavy dose of part-time mixed in for good measure. :down: If I were fleet service I would go AGW, with them at least you can choose your own destiny. :up: With the TWU your destiny is chosen for you and it usually leads downhill. :down:
This topic is about the TWU drive at CO. If you want to discuss another union please start a new thread. WARNING once and only to get back on topic.
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  • #21
It is better to be non-union then to vote in the TWU. With the TWU you will get concessions after concessions but the TWU will gladly take your dues. With the TWU you will have all sorts of A,B,C pay scales with a heavy dose of part-time mixed in for good measure. :down: If I were fleet service I would go AGW, with them at least you can choose your own destiny. :up: With the TWU your destiny is chosen for you and it usually leads downhill. :down:
I agree. Basically the TWU is an insurance policy for the company protecting the company from having their employeees organize.At AA this policy costs the company $3.1 million but the best part is the employees pay around $9 million to administer the policy.

Over at AA the TWU keeps the members divided by having the workers at AA split into 21 seperate locals. None of those locals are party to the agreement, the International owns the agreement and the International appoints people who manage the agreement. Sure Locals can object, like they did when the International decided to split up some of the locals in order to make smaller more manageable locals but the fact is that none of the locals have any say in the contracts. In fact the locals went to court twice and on both occasions thats what the International argued in court.

So if you get the TWU you will have unelected individuals deciding what you get. If you have leaders who fight for you they will remove them. In some cases the TWU will conspire to have people who fight for you fired from their job with the company as well. They have done it in the past.

Isnt that what you have now with your EIT? Sure you can say what you want but in the end you really dont have a say.

The only difference is that the TWU will cost you two hours gross pay per month and now the threshold to get a union election will go from 35% to 50%+1.

By all means get a union, but not any organization that claims to be a union, not the TWU.
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  • #22
Looks like the ICEMAN go-eth.

Thats what you get with the TWU, if they cant dictate they dont participate.
Looks like the ICEMAN go-eth.

Thats what you get with the TWU, if they cant dictate they dont participate.
Now,Now, Booby don't be so fast. I will find a way to put MINDLESS DRIBBLE no the BB as you always have done. I also expect the webmaster to excute the same amount of censorship on your MINDLESS DRIBBLE.
I also expect the webmaster to excute the same amount of censorship on your MINDLESS DRIBBLE.

Which brings up the question, why are either of you posting "mindless dribble" on the boards? PM each other with your "mindless dribble", but leave it off the boards. If you have something constructive and on topic to post, please enlighten the boards, otherwise, keep it to yourself. Thanks.
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  • #26
In my personal opinion, ALL unions are crooks :down:
Based on what? Do you also base your opinions on people by their complexion? I think you have a dumb opinion.

Unions are run by people, and people have flaws. I truly believe in the concept of unionism but just as some people have more flaws than others so do some unions. Just as some people are crooks some unions are corrupt.

Unions like the TWU have more flaws and are more corrupt than others due to the people that the undemocratic structure of the TWU puts, and keeps, in place. Thats how they ended up with people like Little, Gless and Yingst running it.

Like I said before by all means get a union but not just any union, especially the TWU.
Based on what? Do you also base your opinions on people by their complexion? I think you have a dumb opinion.

Unions are run by people, and people have flaws. I truly believe in the concept of unionism but just as some people have more flaws than others so do some unions. Just as some people are crooks some unions are corrupt.

Unions like the TWU have more flaws and are more corrupt than others due to the people that the undemocratic structure of the TWU puts, and keeps, in place. Thats how they ended up with people like Little, Gless and Yingst running it.

Like I said before by all means get a union but not just any union, especially the TWU.

Well I may have a dumb opinion, but I'll tell you one thing, I have delt with 5 different unions on all sides of the story, unionized employee, dealing with unions on management teams, and even was a union delegate, and all I have to say is one word, as a matter of fact I'll spell it

C R O O K S ("PILLOS" or "LADRONES" in spanish) :ph34r:

Listen if someone is out to get you or screw you over, I don't care what union it is............

:mf_boff: :mf_boff: :mf_boff: :mf_boff: :mf_boff: will be the result 99.999999% of the time (I got lucky once). So have the Vaseline handy. :mf_boff:
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  • #28
Well I may have a dumb opinion, but I'll tell you one thing, I have delt with 5 different unions on all sides of the story, unionized employee, dealing with unions on management teams, and even was a union delegate, and all I have to say is one word, as a matter of fact I'll spell it

C R O O K S ("PILLOS" or "LADRONES" in spanish) :ph34r:

Listen if someone is out to get you or screw you over, I don't care what union it is............

:mf_boff: :mf_boff: :mf_boff: :mf_boff: :mf_boff: will be the result 99.999999% of the time (I got lucky once). So have the Vaseline handy. :mf_boff:
Ever consider that it may just be YOU?
Ever consider that it may just be YOU?

No I haven't cause I know its not just me. If you want to look at a real union mess, go to the US Airways forum, look up everything haveing to de with Mid-Atlantic. Here a good example. I have nothing else to say -_-

Ohh yea maybe one thing, would you like some vaseline?? :mf_boff: :mf_boff:
I thought the TWU and IAM reached a back room agreement on CO, the TWU lets the US Air IAM have the HP FSC's and in return the TWU gets to have an organizing drive at CO uncontested.

The FSC's at Delta took a pass on the TWU twice already,hopefully the FSC's at CO will do the same.