TWU/IAM Members: How Long Will Negotiations Take?

How long do you think it will be before the Association presents a contract proposal to any of the w

  • By the first week of 2016 (within about 30 days)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 30-60 Days

    Votes: 7 7.0%
  • 60-90 Days

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • 90-120 Days

    Votes: 10 10.0%
  • 4-6 Months

    Votes: 8 8.0%
  • 6-9 Months

    Votes: 8 8.0%
  • 9-12 Months

    Votes: 6 6.0%
  • 12-18 Months

    Votes: 10 10.0%
  • 18-24 Months

    Votes: 10 10.0%
  • 24-48 Months or longer

    Votes: 40 40.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 18, 2008
I've seen many different opinions regarding this and I thought it might make for an interesting poll.  Some have said they think negotiations will bear fruit very quickly, and some have said the company has no real interest in negotiating a JCBA at all.  As of the start of this poll we are a week and a day into December 2015.
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  • #4
Jester said:
Any Association group?  I think one of the groups can get a TA within 6 months... passing it is another matter.
Correct.  The question is how long before any one of the groups is presented with something comprehensive to vote on, which is to say how long before negotiations actually produce anything.
Jester said:
Any Association group?  I think one of the groups can get a TA within 6 months... passing it is another matter.
I think Fleet clerks may take 4 months. The other groups longer  I don't know if  the  association will wait for all groups to settle to show solidarity. I hope not. I also think the company wants to get this done. They are trying to play catch-up with DL.
They certainly haven't acted like it.  Showing up late and without a proposal.  Yea, they sound really motivated to get it done.
Roadking5560 said:
They certainly haven't acted like it.  Showing up late and without a proposal.  Yea, they sound really motivated to get it done.
TWU made company wait months. The company is just posturing its part of the game.
No pressure on the company to negotiate any JCBA. Both unions have agreements. Company showed it's colors on that one. They asked to leave both contracts in place and make amendments to their liking. The Delta plus 7 went to plus 3. They showed up with no written proposal in hand. The Association is a frigging joke. We all got taken like fools. Anyone still think this Association was a better idea than trying to force a election for better representation?
Never forget that the company's most productive tactic is to devide and conquer. We have already given the company a huge advantage with the creation of the association. IAMPF vs. defined benifit and matching 401k. LUS seniority vs. LAA seniority. Line maintenance vs. base maintenance. One of the tools used to get yes votes that I find particularly underhanded is to offer tasty retirement packages in exchange for selling less senior employees down the river. Everyone here has been a casualty of that tactic and when it happens numerous Union leaders are usually the first ones to take the money and run! When the Association and the company emerge from the negotiations with a tentative agreement, there will be many unhappy members. The company's goal is a passing vote of 50%+1. Everyone will have to decide for themselves when they are satisfied. I am willing to hold out for more.
The company will use the same devisive negotiation tactics for all the divisions of the association. The company has time on its side and is obviously in no hurry.
Keep in mind the NMB delays cost us almost a year. The APA and APFA had LOAs restricting bargaining to a set period with an arbitration process. We don't have that and the Association appears to have taken the position that they want everything back now. Given that AA wants only to offer money with tweaks this will probably take a while.
BeechDriver said:
Never forget that the company's most productive tactic is to devide and conquer. We have already given the company a huge advantage with the creation of the association. IAMPF vs. defined benifit and matching 401k. LUS seniority vs. LAA seniority. Line maintenance vs. base maintenance. One of the tools used to get yes votes that I find particularly underhanded is to offer tasty retirement packages in exchange for selling less senior employees down the river. Everyone here has been a casualty of that tactic and when it happens numerous Union leaders are usually the first ones to take the money and run! When the Association and the company emerge from the negotiations with a tentative agreement, there will be many unhappy members. The company's goal is a passing vote of 50%+1. Everyone will have to decide for themselves when they are satisfied. I am willing to hold out for more.
Good post.
You are correct on everything listed here, most importantly, the company goal of 50%+1.
I would add, that is also the Associations goal.
My personal wall is anything that forces me into the IAMNPF, that's a "no" regardless of anything else in the TA.
A large pay raise is a given, the Association can't take any credit for that.

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