Us Airways Pilots Call For Removal Of Siegel,cohen

The world class pilot contract is in part why we're here also---bid sheet --every three months bid comes out retraining almost whole pilot group etc---told Delta 28 yr pilot bud after the merger about all the new lastest and greatest contract stuff we had back then and he couldnt believe it-----well here we are now---he believes it---- US Air Alpa has been disfunctional for long time----of course you cant forgive Uncle Ed and what happened on his watch--also bit by a wolf and crapped on by a seagull oops is that spelled siegel--but Alpa has been a big blister on the heel of progress as well as other labor groups and their goodies---if you dont make money your finished period---does'nt make any difference whats in the contact---adjusting to tough times and tough competition hasnt made it through our heads---like a320av8r Iam holding on tight cause the ride is going to get rougher before its gets better---esp with this employee group---look in the mirror at part of the problem . my .02$
Lets see now Chippy;

First he takes us from 430 some jets to 279 saying that is how we get profitable. Then he says no, I want to add 60 jets if we can get the costs down announced at the same time the pilots call for his ouster. Coincidence? Or is that a tactic used since Hector was a pup?

Plan A: I need this much. OK Dave, there you go. It's yours.

Then Plan A1. You know, our revenue projections were not quite right and I need more. OK Dave, there you go. It's yours.

Then Plan A2. You know, the PBGC says I need your pension or we get no loan guarantee and we shut her down. OK Dave, there you go. It's yours.

Now Plan B. You know, the LCC are eating us alive. How about we get our costs to 6 cents or so and I'll throw 60 more jets at the problem. Yeah, that's it. That will finally do it.

You heard ALPA's answer loud and clear. This guy hasn't met one projection he made since he got here. Bronner said the board had "complete confidence" in Siegel and his team. Does that mean Bronner is ignoring those 4 board seats owned by ALPA, TWU, AFA, and the IAM? He had to make that statement. But it was as bad as Siegel's management. It was dishonest at best and a lie at worst. Read it. It talks about all the people Dave has won over. Except the people that will make this ailine succeed. Us. The employees.

ALPA won't be bought off with a carrot of 60 jets. We've been fooled and lied to by too many for too long. Siegel has to go Chip. And you need to find other freinds.

ALPA has given the company EVERYTHING they have asked for so far. They wanted "parity + 1%", even threatened ALPA to get it. ALPA gave it to them. Then they needed concessions to prevent Chapter 11. Again, ALPA gives it to them, they do chapter 11 anyway. Then, they needed BIGGER concessions to save the pension plan. Again, ALPA grants them thier wish, and they terminate the Pilot's pension anyway. You're an IDIOT if you think that the unions are the major problem here. There is NOTHING in ANY of the labor contracts (that I know of) that would prevent this management team (or earlier ones for that matter) from instituting a plan of better productivity. Flight crews don't ask to sit around airports three or four hours between flights. Ground crews don't need huge breaks either. As for things like bid sheet, etc, it's going away SOON with the new reserve and preferential bidding system, but has effectively been gone for a long time, with almost no open time available anymore. Plus, these things were paid for with other concessions along the way. Again, LABOR IS NOT THE PROBLEM HERE, MANAGEMENT IS! :shock:
I know we don't mean much in the mix of things. But Piedmont (WO) was promised by Dave and his boys if we take pay cuts that RJ's were in our Future.. Well we too cuts, and were later told we arent getting any. And (Piedmont) will be probably phased out in 3 years. We are now fighting to get either jets or our money back...heheheheh right!!
Don't bite on it boys....
Just remember the Last part of the Poem,

But I heard him exclain
As U shrunk down in size
Merry Christmas to all
Thanks for believing my LIES........

I for one, will believe it when I see it, not a minute before.
Like we teach our childern, ACTIONS speak louder then words!
Hey it wasn’t blind loyalty it was give or go, at that time we had no choice we did what we thought we had to do I for one voted NO and would again. Leaders have a responsibility to their employees. To compare Clinton with Dave is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. This idiot (Dave) has the thought shrink to profitability this does not work while other are building revenue Dave is cutting it. Why do you think Jet blue is moving into Boston to fly Florida do you think there might be money to make there. These LCC’s are flying where they can make money we should have been building market share there all this time but Dave and his crew just sat and watched while the all the other airlines were trying to grow to profitability and as you have seen are showing some profits but not U.
Dave and his crew should be fired if I was on the board I would be asking the question how come the other CEO’s figured it out but not you.
Piney you seen to have a narrow minded thought about all of this. These are facts we will never make money trying to shrink we need to build market share refine our fares so that they are reasonable and not insulting to the flying public and hope that we haven’t pissed off all of our customers in PHL for the last 5 years with ridiculous fares .
Yes Bob...that is the entire problem with U...labor. You are guiding this threat right where it belongs. Do you understand the term begrudge because you display it over and over with this same non union attitude where in your world everyone makes it solely on their merits. Perfect world perfect solution doesn’t exist.

For the ones who think we are ignorant wanting Dave replaced. You are entitled to your opinions. When a man like Siegel can't stand in front of the employees knowing he deceived them and has no honor, on that fact alone he should be removed. This crap that all CEOs use lies and deception and he is no different and therefore should stay is accepting corruption and believing beyond hope that a lie is the answer to ones hopes and dreams. It will never work. How many times does the wife say to the cheating husband, that’s ok, I can't find another man like you anyway.
We need to remember that this is a SERVICE industry.
When you have lost the employees as Dave has done, there is no real service.
Piney and every other of a passengers, havent you noticed the decline in service?
Our product is poor at best. Why wouldn't you try another carrier, there is nothing to lose.
"You're an IDIOT if you think that the unions are the major problem here"----Hmmm----but after seeing another airlines employees do what it took to do the job---and being very successful-----no I'am not saying the unions are the major problem here--we're the problem here---- when something needed doing--cleaning a/c correctly--etc etc----the old phrase " Thats not my job --Iam not doing that " is part of a union problem--employee attitude problem-- a culture problem---with the employee talent we have here we could have kicked butt---no matter who runs this company-----I & We are the problem here---until we start doing what it takes to make the customer happy ---we're going right down the tubes and this employee groups attitude helped pull the flusher----but who am I to change attitude and culture after 50yrs----I've just sat back and watched it happen for 15 yrs --good luck to us all-- we're going to need it my .02$ TWO
Two...let me tell you about an experience we had in our station a few weeks ago.

We are scheduled for two mainline aircraft on the ground at the same time with staffing for only one. For the fist time in my 22 years of service, we had a Pilot cleaning the aircraft (FO) while the Captain helped us Load the aircraft. He even offered to get into the BIN. This might be common at WN, but not at U. And a question for our F/A's, why not remember your fellow employees, bring a tray of coffee down to the ramp guys busting there butts to get you out on time. It's getting cold out there. Just little things mean alot..............All we have is each other and at this point we all have too much time invested here to let it go down in flames.

THE ONLY TIME we are ever allowed to set foot on the ramp is when we are active deadheading and we put our bags in cargo. We do not have SIDA access and our company ID is not considered valid for the RAMP. It's a HUGE fine if we get caught out there.
If the ramper is standing on the jetway, I always try and ask if they want anything but during the drama of boarding, most of the time I don't see them.
Ok, I'll buy you excuse. I guess ALL THOSE F/A's that come off the aircraft to have a Butt are worried about it. But that four letter word on your ID, CREW, gives you a 10 foot perimiter on the ramp around the aircraft. But hey, I would never expect someone to do something nice to a fellow employee......just make excuses about management.
Where does it end, folks? We thought it would end after round one. Wrong. We thought it would end after round two. Wrong. We thought it would end after they disregarded every item in our contracts and stole even more. Wrong. Do you think round three will be the end? It won't. These people think we are stupid and until we tell them NO, they'll keep coming back. I want this company to succeed. I need this job. But not for anything less than I am getting now. It's one thing to help. It's another to be taken advantage of. Seigal wanted these contracts to run until 2008. Let him live with it until then. He needs to work with what we gave him. Do you think thatt if we were making money hand-over-fist that he would open our contracts and let us share in the spoils? I didn't think so.

Excuse me, the employees have contracts which tell what classification does what, I for one do not want any other group doing my work since we have thousands of layoff. Staffing is a management problem, not employee problem, management gives us or does not give us sufficient resources to do the job, then it does not get done as efficently as possible.

For one example, what happens if that pilot who is helping slinging bags injures him or herself?

I will tell you, one the company will not cover his or her injury as they were doing work that is not theirs in the first place.

Two tell that ramper who got laid off and is unemployed that don't worry we don't need you back cause a pilot can fly the plane then help load of unload.

I am all for working together, but not at the expense of another employee.
twoturnin said:
"You're an IDIOT if you think that the unions are the major problem here"----Hmmm----but after seeing another airlines employees do what it took to do the job---and being very successful-----no I'am not saying the unions are the major problem here--we're the problem here---- when something needed doing--cleaning a/c correctly--etc etc----the old phrase " Thats not my job --Iam not doing that " is part of a union problem--employee attitude problem-- a culture problem---with the employee talent we have here we could have kicked butt---no matter who runs this company-----I & We are the problem here---until we start doing what it takes to make the customer happy ---we're going right down the tubes and this employee groups attitude helped pull the flusher----but who am I to change attitude and culture after 50yrs----I've just sat back and watched it happen for 15 yrs --good luck to us all-- we're going to need it my .02$ TWO
You're right. Attitude IS a large part of the problem here. Attitude is MOSTLY influenced by LEADERSHIP, something sorely lacking at this company. Rather than looking at incentive type "positive reinforcement", they continually turn to threats about jobs, statements about how poorly labor perfoms to the media (I personally watched Siegel on CNBC, with Mr. Neeleman of JetBlue, say that UAIR's enitre problem was it's labor cost). That's a great way (sarcasm) to improve morale and encourage good work ethics. Labor is not the problem here, no matter what you think, Mr. Twoturnin. Labor is what has saved this company to fight another day. If Dave and company do, as rumor would have you believe, add 60 more mainline jets, it's only because they realize that they have gutted this company to the point that it has NO route network left and can't compete. The employees have ALL given about all that they can be expected to fork over. Management needs to improve costs by making the operation more efficient. It would also go a long way if they started putting positive light on the achievements of the past 2 years rather than just blaming everything from labor cost to the poor economy. If they can't make it work, they should leave and give to folks that can. It's apparent that you have a very small knowledge of leadership and management principles if you can blame the state of affairs at UAIR on ANY of the Labor groups.

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