Voting Problems Indentified - Is this a Flawed VOTE?

FA Mikey

Aug 19, 2002
I wonder. The company threatens to file BK of the pilots insist on having contract language before they vote.

My vote is that they really dont care.
This was forwarded to my e-mail account:
It appears to be addressed to James C. Little TWU-ATD


I spoke with Art Luby the other day about a voting flaw in this vote on The T&A, at least for M&R. I had a guy receive his ballot along with his friend's that was accidentally sent to him. His friend was hired on the same date and had an employee number right behind his. When he contacted his friend about having his ballot his friend asked him to open the envelope and give him the pin number. The pin number was successive to his and came right behind his number by one, just like his employee number. Just to check I
am hearing a guy counted down some digits on the seniority list and was able
to vote for other people. I would call this a tainted vote.

Jim, whether you are for or against the agreement, I am sure we want it to
be conducted fairly, without tampering. I am officially protesting this vote
and asking that you investigate this matter without delay.


Todd Woodward
TWU Local 561, AFL-CIO
What do you suppose the Company Union will do about this problem?

Nothing, they like it this way.