Was Trump right?

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If true, every paper Obama ever signed would be null and void! Because legally he was never our president. Every law. Every veto. Every Executive Order.......... My, oh my! But again I will wager Washington and the main stream media will ignor this. Or claim it's a frake.
You Guys N'Gals are just entertainment.
Not very at it good either.
Latest waffle by your beloved psychopath:
Trump admits Obama was born in U.S., but falsely blames Clinton for starting rumors
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday acknowledged for the first time that President Obama was born in the United States, ending his long history of stoking unfounded doubts about the nation’s first African-American president but also seeking to falsely blame Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for starting the rumors.
"Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it. I finished it, you know what I mean," Trump said at his newly opened luxury hotel in Washington on Friday morning. "President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period."
Hillary owns it by proxy.
Doyle: So we — absolutely, the campaign nor Hillary did not start the Birther movement, period, end of story there. There was a volunteer coordinator, I believe, in late 2007, I believe, in December, one of our volunteer coordinators in one of the counties in Iowa — I don’t recall whether they were an actual paid staffer, but they did forward an email that promoted the conspiracy.
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Do you want to hear it straight from the hourses mouth? Here it is!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQcd41RO25k
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  • #13
Insp4 said:
Do you want to hear it straight from the hourses mouth? Here it is!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQcd41RO25k
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  • #14
Mr. Montorator,....... Why am I being censored? I posted a link to that post and it is being blocked! I thought this was an open discussion forum. Apparently not! Are we stooping  to political correctness, or intimidation by outside sources?