What, me worry?


Oct 5, 2003
Right in the middle.
Here ya go:


Kinda looks like he was "partaking" when this picture was shot.... :shock:
he needs eyebrows.
Looks like he needs another bong hit and his tie "adjusted" so he can't breath. POS.

Anyone know if he ever did any time or community service? Most people get arrested and thrown in jail for having ANY type of illegal drugs at an airport. Yet he was allowed to continue on his flight. Another prime example of how the rich and powerful are above the law. :angry:
Looks like he needs another bong hit and his tie "adjusted" so he can't breath. POS.

Anyone know if he ever did any time or community service? Most people get arrested and thrown in jail for having ANY type of illegal drugs at an airport. Yet he was allowed to continue on his flight. Another prime example of how the rich and powerful are above the law. :angry:
Well, as I am probably one of the ugliest people in detroit, I wont comment on his looks. as to the rich and powerful getting all the legal breaks, well.....DUH! :down: Look at OJ and Michael, and a host of others. It has been that way throughout all of mankinds history...I doupt it will ever change.
Well, as I am probably one of the ugliest people in detroit, I wont comment on his looks. as to the rich and powerful getting all the legal breaks, well.....DUH! :down: Look at OJ and Michael, and a host of others. It has been that way throughout all of mankinds history...I doupt it will ever change.

What a sad legacy!
You have capitulated without a fight and self justified your cowardice!
Change your handle dude, you do disservice to your crew.

What a sad legacy!
You have capitulated without a fight and self justified your cowardice!
Change your handle dude, you do disservice to your crew.





I've been meaning to address this Issue, so here goes;


You "barge" onto this board with all this "Halls of Motezuma"/Iwo Jima, Espirit de Corps ####, talking about special forces, I'm the toughest MFer in DTW, crap, "then" you cross a picket line !

WELL DUDE, I've got news for YOU.

The Marine Corps "HAS" HONOR, and I'll give you the benefit of the Doubt that YOU had HONOR.
(Because if you DID'NT, your unit would have #### canned you from day 1.)

BUT MAKE "NO"...."ZERO"...."NADA" mistake, that that VERY second that you CROSSED that PICKET line, YOU LOST that Honor !!!


Care to wager how many MORE Marines/EX Marines are AMFA guys on strike, compared to Marine/Ex Marine SCABS ??

Bottom line; when telling others about yourself, the correct introduction must be;
I was an HONORABLE MARINE, but then I became an Oppertunistic S C A B "!!

Funny, I thought you JAR HEADS NEVER forgot to always be Honorable !!

WELL, Never say NEVER :blink:




I've been meaning to address this Issue, so here goes;


You "barge" onto this board with all this "Halls of Motezuma"/Iwo Jima, Espirit de Corps ####, talking about special forces, I'm the toughest MFer in DTW, crap, "then" you cross a picket line !

WELL DUDE, I've got news for YOU.

The Marine Corps "HAS" HONOR, and I'll give you the benefit of the Doubt that YOU had HONOR.
(Because if you DID'NT, your unit would have #### canned you from day 1.)

BUT MAKE "NO"...."ZERO"...."NADA" mistake, that that VERY second that you CROSSED that PICKET line, YOU LOST that Honor !!!


Care to wager how many MORE Marines/EX Marines are AMFA guys on strike, compared to Marine/Ex Marine SCABS ??

Bottom line; when telling others about yourself, the correct introduction must be;
I was an HONORABLE MARINE, but then I became an Oppertunistic S C A B "!!

Funny, I thought you JAR HEADS NEVER forgot to always be Honorable !!

WELL, Never say NEVER :blink:

You bring up a fairly interesting point. First off, without consulting hr records, I can name 5 or 6 Marines who are here in DTW, and a few from MSP. I do understand that at one time there was a Marine Corps Association in MSP for former Marine employees of NWA. As to the number of Gyrenes in amfa, I'll take a SWAG and say about 4-5 percent, simply because that seems to be the going number elsewhere. I dont doubt a bit that many Marines supported AMFA when they took over from IAM, back in the late 90's I believe. AMFA spoke a very good game about being a different kind of union, unbeholden to the socialist leaning parties in our system, and promised to restore honor to unions again. If you read back many weeks ago, I stated that at that time, I supported Amfa, despite the misgivings I had about unions in general. Somewhere along the lines, it seems that amfa lost touch with these lofty goals, and became that which they fought against in the first place. I admit, this view is coming from an outsider with mostly negative experiences with unions in general, but before you chastise me too severely, consider this..often times it takes an outside view of things to really see the flaws in a system. The "cant see the forest because of all the trees " analogy fits here.
As to why a Marine would "Dis-honor" himself and become a scab, look at it this way. I was taught, above all else, that you NEVER, EVER desert your post. PERIOD. To give an example of how deeply this is engrained in us, back in the 1910,s and 20's, there were several attacks on the mail trains throughtout the US, with robbers stealing payroll and other items from the trains. Marines were ordered to ride the trains and put a stop to these attacks. The then Commandant of the Marines responded with this statement: "The mail will be delivered as scheduled, or there will be a dead Marine at his post!" In other words, complete the mission, or die in the atempt.
So, you may ask, why then do so many other Marines support unions and strikes? I would opine that the answer is generational. MOST former Marines of the WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam era, from what I have been able to observe, tend to lean pro union. This, I am sure, is due to the fact that back then, the unions were in thier heyday, and still held true to the principles that so many good union men before them had struggled, fought and in some cases died for.
Starting in the late seventies, and continuing to this day, a slow shift in ideology took place in the military. As the influence of unions waned throughout most of the country, a shift to the right dominated the military mindset. If memory serves, a PLURALITY of military members supported Reagans plan to fire the ATC'ers. I do recall all of us had a HUGE laugh when we heard about the dutch Army's attempt to unionize. Lets face it..can you REALLY picture trying to enforce union rules on the battle field?
At any rate, I hope this helps to clarify the topic. You may now adress this post with vile insults, or you may think about it and respond with humor, reason, and hopefully, and bit of insite from a different point of view.
Thank you, and I wish you well in your future endeavors.
unions, no unions some people vested alot of years in hopes that after XX years they'd retire from NW. Keep that in mind while you turn those wrenches. I'm sure alot of them are SMART and invested in other things but keep that in mind...................

You guys, you know what else I think is cruddy? Back in Aug before the strike they were offering MX early outs- and all you would get is just flying bennies!

Now for flight attendants it's $22,000 or so. What's a matter with this picture...

Oh... and forgive the stocks that were in exchange for... concessions in '93? :lol: ah... are we kidding people?

Well enjoy being connected with NWA. First rule of thumb is to buy a huge tube of Preperation H because you're gonna need it since the company loves reaming employees in the arse ..... over ...... and......over.....again.
unions, no unions some people vested alot of years in hopes that after XX years they'd retire from NW. Keep that in mind while you turn those wrenches. I'm sure alot of them are SMART and invested in other things but keep that in mind...................

You guys, you know what else I think is cruddy? Back in Aug before the strike they were offering MX early outs- and all you would get is just flying bennies!

Now for flight attendants it's $22,000 or so. What's a matter with this picture...

Oh... and forgive the stocks that were in exchange for... concessions in '93? :lol: ah... are we kidding people?

Well enjoy being connected with NWA. First rule of thumb is to buy a huge tube of Preperation H because you're gonna need it since the company loves reaming employees in the arse ..... over ...... and......over.....again.
I agree one hundred percent about the stock issue! You guys deserve every penny. I sincerely hope the BK judge rules in your favor in this.
I was under the impression, however, that the severence package offered included 6 months pay, medical, flight bennies, and subject to recall for 5 years. I will admit to this being heresay, as I have not seen the exact agreement for myself.
As to why a Marine would "Dis-honor" himself and become a scab, look at it this way. I was taught, above all else, that you NEVER, EVER desert your post. PERIOD. To give an example of how deeply this is engrained in us, back in the 1910,s and 20's, there were several attacks on the mail trains throughtout the US, with robbers stealing payroll and other items from the trains. Marines were ordered to ride the trains and put a stop to these attacks. The then Commandant of the Marines responded with this statement: "The mail will be delivered as scheduled, or there will be a dead Marine at his post!" In other words, complete the mission, or die in the atempt.

HUH...? :blink:

Please explain how this analogy justifies a former Marine to take the low road and SCAB