What would happend if we merge again?

Careful AA Aviator, if you do merge, the western division will walk all over you to take your job too.They are extremely young and impatient. You want nothing to do with this group.
Not to worry. "The company may not use the list (NIC)" without a negotiated agreement, and an agreement will never be negotiated prior to the next merger. That's what the agreement says. It's in the legal library.
Not to worry. "The company may not use the list (NIC)" without a negotiated agreement, and an agreement will never be negotiated prior to the next merger. That's what the agreement says. It's in the legal library.

Think of it this way. The Nic cannot be used until a combined contract is implemented. Parker initiates a merger and like NWA/DL implements a contract prior to merging seniority lists. We now have a combined contract and the Nic is used for the subsequent merger.

Don't forget, in the next merger the east will be the minority. Good luck with that.
Careful AA Aviator, if you do merge, the western division will walk all over you to take your job too.They are extremely young and impatient. You want nothing to do with this group.

If you were furloughed at the time of the merger, this is my response: Oh I see, because you made a poor career decision and stuck with it, I'm supposed to hand over my job and career expectations to you. Sorry cupcake, not gonna happen.

If you were one of the 20 year guys that was never furloughed and I got placed above, please disregard the above post.
Why does everyone on the east focus on the smal number of pilots who may not have been furloughed (not MDA) who at the margin may have been placed a couple of numbers away from where they should have been. They were on the bottom of their list and up until recently were on the bottom of their list. Focusing solely on the exception rather than on the majority of pilots whose seniority has been only slightly affected by the Nicolau decision is no justification for the waste of valuable earning years waiting for a court decision.

If every move USAPA had made outside of the seniority integration had been flawless, they might have a record worth defending. But they have screwed up essentially every function of a labor union and have allowed an unprecedented level of corruption and malfeasance to mark USAPA's legacy.

If the east pilots wanted to prove they were more rational than their behavior would suggest, they would put a west pilot in the president's seat and experience the leadership that has unified the west pilots and kept them so steadfast. Replacing Cleary with Mowery proves they only want more of the same. No union representation would be better than more USAPA.
Why does everyone on the east focus on the smal number of pilots who may not have been furloughed (not MDA) who at the margin may have been placed a couple of numbers away from where they should have been.
It's really pretty simple. The MDA pilots included CEL pilots from PDT/PSA who are at the bottom of the east list (not counting new hires since the merger). Since ALPA merger policy prohibits changing the order of pilots on either pre-merger list, getting those CEL pilots mainline status could mean every furloughed east pilot would be integrated into a combined list above the bottom west pilot (although Nic integrated by jobs so even if he had treated MDA pilots as mainline only the top furloughed pilots would likely have been integrated as "active"). The talk about "never furloughed" is just a smoke-screen to cover moving all the furloughed east pilots, and thus all east pilots, further up the combined list than Nic "erroneously, fraudulently, whatever" put them. It would not have produced a DOH list from Nic in my opinion.

There are really two or three separate subjects all mashed together in that argument. First, should the MDA pilots have been considered mainline or not? Second, were the MDA pilots considered mainline or not? (The answer is No by both the MEC and company) The third is the "never furloughed", which depends on #1 and #2 - no east pilot who flew for MDA was "never furloughed". The furloughs occurred in 2002 and MDA didn't start up till Dec 2003, so even Colello was furloughed. There are CEL pilots who were never furloughed - went from PDT/PSA straight to MDA - who became east pilots by virtue of the flow through from MDA to mainline.

Oh look! This has become another pilot pi$$ing contest thread! (Who among us is shocked?) Only now, we don't just have US East vs. US West pilots, we hAAve to deal the AArogance from God's own chosen AAirline.
We probably will soon all get to know McCaskill-Bond. I agree, when that happens no pilot in PHX will be placed "under" anyone. You will own that hub with all its bounty and profits.

Agree also, we will never see a DOH combined list of AWA and AAA. "Three way....on the way." Get ready to show your cards.

Actually, it's two way on the way. The Nic and the other party's list.

No need to thank me for correcting your error.
Actually, it's two way on the way. The Nic and the other party's list.

No need to thank me for correcting your error.

Oh boy.... so now you want someone to tell you you are great? Is that why you spend 24=7 on this board... No life eeh? Feel sorry for you ....
You are such a boring poster... Please give us something to ponder....
And by the way... we have no control over what this company does... we are just little fish here...
.... the shark is going to have you for lunch...So get over your little self...
Oh boy.... so now you want someone to tell you you are great? Is that why you spend 24=7 on this board... No life eeh? Feel sorry for you ....
You are such a boring poster... Please give us something to ponder....
And by the way... we have no control over what this company does... we are just little fish here...
.... the shark is going to have you for lunch...So get over your little self...
Said the man with the kitten avatar. :lol:
Ah, a cat lady. Guess no kids and no husband means its the cats for companionship. Or are you looking here?

And yes, I'm short but well hung thank you.

U are very sick... which I knew from your posts... I am done w/ you Little man...