Where are they now?


Feb 29, 2004
MarkMyWord - I haven't seen him around for maybe 7 or 8 yeas.
LightYears - she was a flight attendant I think
Screen Name I can't remember - but maybe it was Wendy or something like that...gate agent provocateur I think she was in CLT on concourse D
I'm just curious ... I do have a little bit of fear that Mark (he was in PHX) might be someone I know by the same name who died a few years ago.
And I know that Piney Bob has a new screen name and I see him posting sometimes.
Maybe you have some knowledge of these peeps 700? 
For the gate agent, you weren't thinking of Shannon, were you? Think she went by "InternationalSNN," or something.

Piney had mentioned some health issues, and then just stopped showing up all together. Hope he's okay.

There's a ton of people I'd love to see back; I'm sure everyone has their own list?

Great thread, btw!
Shannon is married and has been gone from the company for some time now
she's dabble in a few things including the mermaid thing 700 mentions, she was also a corporate jet FA for a bit
Piney hasn't posted under his new name in over a year. He had fallen into ill health and don't know if he is ok or not as I haven't seen him on Facebook either.

Wonder if Art in ISP knows.

What about the former US Executives? Lol.

Siegel, Chiames, Ashby, Glass and Hemenway were all on here, probably a few others too.

I saw Shannon a year ago, she is doing well,stalk to get once in a while on Facebook.
700UW said:
What about the former US Executives? Lol.

Siegel, Chiames, Ashby, Glass and Hemenway were all on here, probably a few others too.
Who were these guys when they were posters?
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Yes, that's her...Shannon. Thanks Kev. Not sure but maybe she was referring to her employer as "Wendy's" :)
I hope that Bob's doing okay.
And management on here?? I'm with Darien...screen names pls :)
I'm sure they don't show up here anymore as there is a huge dustcloud caused by the same posters sniping others...The usual culprits. There's nothing to important to gather from these forums.
What ever became of Boeing Boy? He had good insight and some great posts and was always non-confrontational. 