Where Is The Cwa?


Feb 21, 2004
Due to the extreme rain and flooding in Pittsburgh and surrounding areas, on Friday, Pit Res buildings have been without water since early Saturday morning. No bathrooms or water, hot or cold! PORTO JOHNS outside the building for two days now. Agents are extremely upset that they must work under these conditions! At night it is extremely dark around the buildings and they are near garbage bins and some agents have reported rats near the make shift bathrooms.

What is the union doing about this situation? How sanitary is this? Has OSHA been called? To my knowledge any work place must have hot running water. How can management expect anyone to work under these conditions? Guaranteed if this was a weekday US would be the only business in operation in those office buildings. Winston Res would have been shut down since Friday.

This is an outrage to the PIT agents. Just another example of how they are treated like crap by management.

To top it off, Allegheny County and surrounding counties were declared a State of Emergency and disaster areas on Friday. Due to the extreme flooding of many main and side roads and whole communities many many agents were unable to get to work despite efforts. Many roads were closed, people had to be rescued from homes and vehicles, one boy, just a few miles from the PIT Res center, was swept away and his body has yet to be found, emergency vehicles floating in water up to the windows, bridges washed away, and major losses to homes and businesses. But......US Airways management has NOT YET decided if they are going to count the call offs on Friday as occurances or not. Just beautiful!!!!!!

Now is the time for the CWA to get involved and do something!!!!! No water, no bathrooms, unsanitary conditions, occurances for a State of Emergency situation, no respect for employees!!!!!!!!!!!
Great..... I COULD DO WITHOUT THE RATS.... What else to you want from a company that could care less about there employees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trust me..management treats us in INT no better than in Pittsburgh Res, we too would be working under the same conditions...we too have had to to use porta johns when the water and toilets were out previously...hang in there.....I agree there needs to be some level of mutual respect from our management team.
bobcat said:
Due to the extreme rain and flooding in Pittsburgh and surrounding areas,
What this post says is truth concerning the extreme conditions around the Pittsburgh area. This is the WORST ever. Problems like no water are left in the dust therefore management must do something to help because government officials are too busy and it could be weeks before they even acknowledge requests of help. Things are beyond terrible around here! Good Luck!
This is an outrage to the PIT agents. Just another example of how they are treated like crap by management.
you have a lot of nerve in my opinion....i'd suggest you TRY to go into some of the areas affected by the flooding.soon you will see your dilema is miniscule by comparison.
at least you have a place to take a crap,many have lost it all. :angry:
Great. An act of God. Blame AAA for that. How bout the poor slob in FLA that has been without power for a month. AAA's fault as well? Get a life!
Do you think if this was in Crystal City, and they had no water...no bathrooms...with 500 people working in 1 or two rooms on one floor...USAIRWAYS would sit on their hands on this issue?
You need a serious reality check. You should be happy you're even able to walk into the building. Many people have lost all they own and had their loved ones go too and you have the audacity to come on here and complain that you don't have hot running water and to top it off it's managements fault? Now management is responsible for acts of God huh? If it wasn't so ridiculous it'd be hilarious. Time for you to get out in the real world and find out what it's like.
Grow up! I'm sure management made the hurricane go right over the res center, take a look down south. you need a reality check.
ITRADE said:
No kidding. The worst flooding in nearly 100 years and you blame AAA management.

Somebody needs prozac - badly.
I agree ITRADE...some of the poster on here are just beyond belief. They just dont get reality and never will. Live in their small little shells and all they do is #### at CCY. WAKE UP! Your having no running hot water is nothing compared to what others have had to suffer because of Ivan, and to all the other sadness that is going on in the world. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
bobcat said:
Now is the time for the CWA to get involved and do something!!!!! No water, no bathrooms, unsanitary conditions, occurances for a State of Emergency situation, no respect for employees!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually I think this line is more indicative of the "complaint" against CCY rather than the flooding. Everyone knows they cant control that, but some of the other factors they can or should.

If they have no running water and they have to keep the facility open (otherwise INT is going it alone), then they need to make arrangements. Sounds like they were trying with the portolets. Now they need to be sure that they are in a well lit, safe place for the employees to use if they are having to go out in the dark on night shifts to use them. Personally, I would hold it for 8 hours, but not everyone has that luxury and the temp conditions must be safe or it could be a health hazard. I dont think this is too much to ask for. Also not sure what kind of health arrangements might occur from someone not having water to wash after using the portolet, only to go in and start typing away on a shared keyboard. Did they at least provide handiwipes?

Occurances for the state of emergency are another problem. Same thing happened here with the hurricane. Just because the company said they were open for business didnt mean everyone could make it in. Bridges closed, flooding, etc meant some people were stranded on the other side of the bay, much like I'm sure some people were stranded in PIT. This is a tricky subject because, yes the employee did miss work, but was it a gimme day, or were they really stuck? We had an agent drive her car into water trying to get to work. Now is the company going to pay for that because the agent didnt want an occurance and tried to do what the company said? No of course not. On the same line of thinking, if it WASNT SAFE for the employee to get to work, not that they just wanted the day off, should they be punished for it? Unpaid (or makeup day) understandable, but an occurance in their file for it? What do you think? I personally think they should not be charged an occurance if they can prove they couldnt get to work. Emergency orders from the authorities or pictures of their cars or homes under water should be sufficient. If you are going to expect the employees to rowboat into work at least have the courtesy and respect to not end the memo "Be Safe". Thats just a kick in the gut to those who were affected and is needless.

I do feel sorry for everyone who lost their house/car/property in any of these storms. There is nothing that US could do to prevent it, just like there is nothing the employees could do to prevent it. The real question is how management handles the situation that sucks for everyone involved. This to me is the gist of the complaint of the first poster, not the weather.
usfliboi said:
What can ccy do about it? PLEASE! What do you want them to do ???????????

Well the company is to provide a safe work environment, and for those of us who dont fly (so our work location isnt covered under FAA required mandates for safety and health issues) this often means making noise until something is done. They need to insure that the workers are safe in their portolets or they need to make other arrangements for them. :shock: If there are OSHA issues with anything in the PIT building, then someone from management or CCY needs to check it out. Its their responsibility to make sure if the employees have issues. If the situation checks out and is nothing more than an inconvenience, then they're in the clear. CWA should be checking on the conditions of their members though and if there IS a problem, it needs to be addressed. Since you and I are not there working in the conditions they report, its kind of hard to pass judgement on their concerns (for some of us at least).
I've seen inaction on unsafe issues from management in the past though. Case in point- We had pigeons in the jetways. Its summer. Its hot. They have nests there. Its 100 + degrees and the bird droppings are falling through the ceiling. The babies die. It stinks like bird droppings and dead animals. Management advised. Nothing done. Finally after a couple weeks of this with no action from management an agent called OSHA to come take care of something that management should have initiated. They showed up in FULL HAZMAT SUITS to dismantle the jetways and clean them up. These are the same jetways that we were working in and no one seemed to care. This is one reason that I personally can speak to that someone other than the company might need to check out the working conditions in PIT at this time.
Havent you realized by now ..................... Its not about the members , its about the DUES! UNION DUES !

Why do you think our CEO is bringing the CWA up to his office tommarow ! To offer a deal? No ! To tell these idiots this isnt AT&T nor Verizon !

To tell them take the massive paycuts or its gonna gets rammed down our / their throat fatster then Morty Bahr can put away a 10 foot hero !