Would Us Be Profitable If It Used F100 Again ?

A330US said:
after stork bought the rights, it changed its name to rekkof, backward of fokker,
and have have heard rumours that the F70-100 production might begina again !

You have two separate things confused. Stork continue to support the aircraft, using the Fokker Services name. Rekkof is a group of investors and businessmen that keeps floating the idea of restarting production (there was more press a few months ago) but nothing has ever happened in that regard. As fara as I know, there is no connection between Stork and Rekkof although clearly, if Rekkof ever launches, they will have to cooperate with Stork.
I personally Have been onboard the F-100 for three test flights. One flight in particular the captian asked us (there was only two mechs and foreskin on board) if we minded if he did a max performance (best angle) take off. It was truly impressive it felt like being on the space shuttle. We attained 10,000 feet in three minutes if I remember correctly.
I personally have over 9000 hours in the Fokker 100. It was a semi-great airplane. The flaws were well documented: the airconditioning was designed for northern europe (never got cool in the summer), and the cockpit was noisy due to the packs being mounted under the pilot seats. But, it had top notch avionics and cockpit layout. It was the perfect meld of automation and manual contol and was a generation ahead of the Airbus series. And the big clamshell door speedbrakes allowed you to slow down and go down at the same time.
The airplane was originally envisioned as a 'long, thin route opener', basically a hub-bypasser, point to point airplane. It was tried on markets that LUV is now operating sucessfully, like MCI-MCO, PVD-MCO, DSM-PIT, etc. It eventually wound up doing what the RJs are doing now-small spoke to hub ops.
It was a fun airplane to fly - back when this job was fun.
Isn't it funny that they are still flying in Europe?
I thought you couldn't make money with them.....
The F100 was a POS. Noisy, Wa-Wa from the engines in the cabin, crummy load, and a maintenance orphan. The shoeclerk beancounters at AMR bought them against the protests of operations. I suspect it was the same at U.
Flew on an F-100 from Venice, Italy to Lamezia, Italy in June. What a blast from the past!! The last time i flew on one was on US from DCA-CMH.

Seating was 3X2. Fortunately, my wife and I were seating on the 2 side on the right.

I thought for sure that the seating on US was 2X3 with the two seats being on the left hand side.

When we arrived the pilots got out of the cockpit, opened up the cargo hatch and the co-pilot passed the bags to the pilot who placed them on the tarmac BEHIND the wing. The passengers sauntered over behind the wing and picked up their checked luggage and walked on the tarmac into the terminal.

:up: :up:

Now only if they could do that in PHL!!! :p

You can still fly an F100 on your Italian Vacation! See

Two things:

1. On an aircraft with tail mounted wings, walking behind the wing to grab luggage (while probably still illegal in the states) is probably not nearly as dangerous as walking behind the wings of a 737.

2. US' F100s had two on the left hand side of the aircraft and 3 on the right (if you are facing the front of the plane).
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The Fokker 70 and 100 are state-of-the-art mature designs.

No other aircraft today exceeds the overall qualities of the Fokker 70 and 100.

The overall product quality, economy and comfort comply with the market requirements of today's airlines.

Neighbour- friendly; the quietest aircraft in this market-segment.

One Family
The Fokker 70 and 100 are a true family with an extremely high commonality: maintenance, spares and crew.

thats wat it says on the reffof site and i beleive it !
i fly the fokker 100 all the time in flight simulator, funt to fly !
A330US said:
thats wat it says on the reffof site and i beleive it !
i fly the fokker 100 all the time in flight simulator, funt to fly !

You bet---those "Rekkof" (oooh....clever!) 70s and 100s'll be pouring off the assembly line any day now! Just like those reborn dornier 328JETs!
...and let's not forget those ROMBAC-111s that Kiwi ordered!
A330US said:
The Fokker 70 and 100 are state-of-the-art mature designs.

No other aircraft today exceeds the overall qualities of the Fokker 70 and 100.

The overall product quality, economy and comfort comply with the market requirements of today's airlines.

Neighbour- friendly; the quietest aircraft in this market-segment.

One Family
The Fokker 70 and 100 are a true family with an extremely high commonality: maintenance, spares and crew.

thats wat it says on the reffof site and i beleive it !
i fly the fokker 100 all the time in flight simulator, funt to fly !

I have a bridge in New York to sell you. Only one dollar! Interested?
NO NO JS---I saw him first----I got 100acres of good farm land only 30 nm miles SE of KMIA.
twoturnin said:
NO NO JS---I saw him first----I got 100acres of good farm land only 30 nm miles SE of KMIA.

I've got prime beachfront property right here in Arizona...no hurricanes!
Was the Fokker 100 and 70 the reason Fokker went out of business or were there other reasons going on besides that ? How did the price of a Fokker 100 compare to other planes it's size ?