Wuhan Lab Leak

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Oct 20, 2007
So here’s a question. Why couldn’t we say that it seemed likely that the Covid 19 had maybe come from a Lab in Wuhan China. A Virus has to originate from somewhere. This one being as sudden as it was why could it not have come from a Lab either? Why did it get to the point of saying Wuhan Virus 🦠 meant people were being “racist”? Do people even know what it means to be a “Race-ist” anymore when the word is slapped onto just about everything and everyone?

Personally I think it should be called the “Wuhan Lab Virus” if that’s where it came from and it wasn’t a naturally occurring germ.

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It wasn't "Wuhan Virus". it was "China virus".

China would be too large to pinpoint the precise location so it’s better to be called the Wuhan Virus. But if it did leak from a Lab where the Chinese Government was paying for and experimenting on germs then it would be safe to call it the China Virus or Wuhan Lab Virus same as if the opposite were true and our own American Government had been playing with fire and leaked a plaque on the World it should be called the USA Virus. Wouldn’t you agree?

China would be too large to pinpoint the precise location so it’s better to be called the Wuhan Virus. But if it did leak from a Lab where the Chinese Government was paying for and experimenting on germs then it would be safe to call it the China Virus or Wuhan Lab Virus same as if the opposite were true and our own American Government had been playing with fire and leaked a plaque on the World it should be called the USA Virus. Wouldn’t you agree?

All correct, but the best president in the recorded history of man was calling it the "China Virus", and it's things like that...the things you say before thinking, that can get construed as racist.
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All correct, but the best president in the recorded history of man was calling it the "China Virus", and it's things like that...the things you say before thinking, that can get construed as racist.

AGAIN you drift right back into Trump. Do you wonder why I keep saying you’re obsessed. Did I mention ANY President? “””””NO”””””

Please focus. There have been a few plagues in recorded History that were named after the Countries or Regions that they originated from. And it is the Chinese Government that pushes back on ANYTHING that might paint them in a bad light.

No it’s not racist or insulting to call Covid 19 the China Virus. But I prefer the Wuhan Lab Leak Virus if it’s ever absolutely confirmed that it came from a Lab and not nature.

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Of course we know that most Global News agencies will push back on any idea that the virus was not a naturally occurring phenomenon or even that it originated in China since the CCP does not accept any criticism and brings all of the pressure of economics against any who challenge it.

If China even whiffs at the idea that anyone is insulting them they will threaten to cut off access to their 1.3 Billion consumers. Greed keeps us slaves to a Nation that supposedly doesn’t share our ideals (But we’re a farce of a Nation too) Uyghurs…..
AGAIN you drift right back into Trump. Do you wonder why I keep saying you’re obsessed. Did I mention ANY President? “””””NO”””””

Please focus. There have been a few plagues in recorded History that were named after the Countries or Regions that they originated from. And it is the Chinese Government that pushes back on ANYTHING that might paint them in a bad light.

No it’s not racist or insulting to call Covid 19 the China Virus. But I prefer the Wuhan Lab Leak Virus if it’s ever absolutely confirmed that it came from a Lab and not nature.

I didn't mean to switch back to Trump...I'm only offering an explanation why it might be considered racist - and it was because of that man speaking without thinking and pandering to the racists in the party. FWIW at the time, I was dating a woman who had an adopoted daughter who was from China. Living in NYC. And she caught a LOT of anti Chinese verbal attacks.
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I didn't mean to switch back to Trump...I'm only offering an explanation why it might be considered racist - and it was because of that man speaking without thinking and pandering to the racists in the party. FWIW at the time, I was dating a woman who had an adopoted daughter who was from China. Living in NYC. And she caught a LOT of anti Chinese verbal attacks.

Everything today is considered racist because people need to be outraged to manipulate and control others. Personally I consider it to be very low self esteem from those who are serious and many of them who want to virtue signal lack moral character and can be easily categorized as racists themselves.

Anyway it is looking more and more like that Virus 🦠 came from a Lab and that Lab just happens to be in Wuhan China.
I didn't mean to switch back to Trump...I'm only offering an explanation why it might be considered racist - and it was because of that man speaking without thinking and pandering to the racists in the party. FWIW at the time, I was dating a woman who had an adopoted daughter who was from China. Living in NYC. And she caught a LOT of anti Chinese verbal attacks.
Sometimes I wonder if half of what you say is not total BS.

I have NEVER in my 46 years seen ANYONE just outright verbally attack anyone over race before.

I have on the other hand seen WOKE Democrat dumbasses scream baseless accusations of racism.

Everything today is considered racist because people need to be outraged to manipulate and control others. Personally I consider it to be very low self esteem from those who are serious and many of them who want to virtue signal lack moral character and can be easily categorized as racists themselves.

Anyway it is looking more and more like that Virus 🦠 came from a Lab and that Lab just happens to be in Wuhan China.
That is what happens when you allow a political party (Democrats) to push identity politics.

Victimhood has been turned into currency so now EVERYBODY wants to be a professional victim.
Sometimes I wonder if half of what you say is not total BS.

I have NEVER in my 46 years seen ANYONE just outright verbally attack anyone over race before.

I have on the other hand seen WOKE Democrat dumbasses scream baseless accusations of racism.

That is what happens when you allow a political party (Democrats) to push identity politics.

Victimhood has been turned into currency so now EVERYBODY wants to be a professional victim.
So, my friends daughter was lying?
For all I know your "friend" is a virtue signaling, attention seeking, professional victim, if 'they even exist.
Well...there you go then...make an assumption about her based on conservative talking points and a president talking about "The China Virus". You have never met her, nor do you know anything about her, but you have already called her a virtue signaling, attention seeking professional victim. Gosh...that sounds a lot like a verbal attack there. Because she is all those things due to the fact that she is Chinese. Well...she' actually American but her Irish parents adopted her back in the early 90's and raised her as an American....but she LOOKS Chinese. But your conclusion is based on her....race.
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Victimhood has been turned into currency so now EVERYBODY wants to be a professional victim.

Are you kidding!!!!!! You come here all the time talking about how you got screwed at AA 10 years ago.

You’re the walking talking leader of professional victims.

For all I know your "friend" is a virtue signaling, attention seeking, professional victim, if they even exist.

They exist. Just look in the mirror and you’ll see one.
Are you kidding!!!!!! You come here all the time talking about how you got screwed at AA 10 years ago.

You’re the walking talking leader of professional victims.

They exist. Just look in the mirror and you’ll see one.
I've also said many times I am not a victim.

I was going to leave the company anyway.

You always seem to remember the parts that are convenient to your narrative and forget the rest.
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