Aircraft maint issues

Says the dfw gen.

My wife IS at AA. If the company were to calculate the median at top out pay and people in Tulsa were to take a pay cut that would very much affect my household income.

Look I am not presenting that as fact but I do have a very strong opinion about it and to me it makes logical sense that DFW is the prime reason TWU has not and never will seek GEO pay. I am not saying the employees working at DFW mind you, I am saying DFW as a business decision and income source for the Association.

Nobody, and nobody will. That was my point.

Nobody is stopping the company from offering Geo pay above and beyond what has been negotiated in the CBA which is the base pay for AMTs. After the contract solicit the company for extra pay, otherwise what you are asking is for a subsidized Geo pay from the other stations (pay cut).

As far as I know the company hasnt approached the union to add this extra pay, but again nothing is stopping that.
I had an agenda when I presented that question to you.

The reason GEO pay does not exist is because of DFW. I don't think the UNION wants to open that Pandora's Box as it could cost them money.

I wanted you to come to that conclusion yourself.

People ask why American Airlines does not have GEO pay..... that's why, DFW.
I said earlier that DFW was not a high cost of living area and got some dislikes. We all know DFW vetoed GEO pay when they found out DFW didn't get it. Just wanted to ask what DFW guys thought they should get for GEO pay.
otherwise what you are asking is for a subsidized Geo pay from the other stations (pay cut).

Now you are getting it.

I knew if I gave you guys enough time you would stumble on it eventually.

I can't see the company just adding to the top out.

What I can see them doing is calculating top out as the median income and adjusting accordingly ( + -).

AA has a large concentration of employees in DFW which is why they don't even want to touch GEO pay.

That is my opinion. You may feel differently.

You may feel I am totally off base. That is OK to.
I said earlier that DFW was not a high cost of living area and got some dislikes. We all know DFW vetoed GEO pay when they found out DFW didn't get it. Just wanted to ask what DFW guys thought they should get for GEO pay.
I know the response I gave is not what you asked for. It's just GEO pay is such a very interesting topic, don't you think? It's hard to resist theorizing what manipulations the company may attempt.
I know the response I gave is not what you asked for. It's just GEO pay is such a very interesting topic, don't you think? It's hard to resist theorizing what manipulations the company may attempt.

Geo pay would be nice for those living in the high cost of living cities; however, at this point even those folks would just like to focus on the core benefits we all need restored.
Read the latest update from the Association. They blame the company for this fiasco we are currently in. The TWU is to blame for agreeing to form this Association in the first place. The problem is the association and the two unions work culture. This should have been all wrapped up by now if we had one union representing the work force. The TWU was and still is the larger union. PERIOD!!
As long as the association exists expect more crap being thrown back and forth.
We fight ourselves and the company. We are getting no where fast. We keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. Now they want to setup pickets. Yes that's going to do something. They'll probably have us picket in a remote location at the terminal where not many passengers will take notice.
What a concept.
Read the latest update from the Association. They blame the company for this fiasco we are currently in. The TWU is to blame for agreeing to form this Association in the first place. The problem is the association and the two unions work culture. This should have been all wrapped up by now if we had one union representing the work force. The TWU was and still is the larger union. PERIOD!!
As long as the association exists expect more crap being thrown back and forth.
We fight ourselves and the company. We are getting no where fast. We keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. Now they want to setup pickets. Yes that's going to do something. They'll probably have us picket in a remote location at the terminal where not many passengers will take notice.
What a concept.
You are spot on. When you have two unions you don't have one.
Informational Picketing

Brothers and Sisters,

I have raised my voice for Tulsa for exactly 2 years on July 6th about the need to get a contract. The time has come to take action publicly. It is pathetic that American Airlines profits are not considered by them to be high enough that they can actually do the very thing that has come out of their mouths in town halls with you across the nation. Give you an industry leading contract. Had they kept their word by now you wouldn’t be today taking only your second holiday off of the year.

Myself along with the International and all Air Division TWU Locals have been working on a plan to do informational picketing in cities across the nation.

Today I received a text from the President of TWU Local 567 Rollie Reaves stating that the Dallas area locals put out a letter that stated they will picket the Dallas area on July 26th. (Which I already knew from our conference call with all the presidents last week).

Tulsa will be in the mix to do informational picketing just like all the other US cities. Local 514 Officer Terry Buck will be our point man for organizing Tulsa dates as well as trips to help other local walk the picket line.

One Voice, UNION!!!!!!!!

Enjoy your 2nd holiday
Happy 4th
Quote from TWU 591 Newsletter

"The fact of the matter is that soon we will be entering into the three most significant articles of these negotiations: Scope, Compensation, and Benefits."

They will SOON be entering these articles? So what are the concessionary items they say the company keeps passing across the table from? And then asking for support on an Informational Picket line when the membership is clueless as to what the hold up really is! We pay money for this "Representation".
Read the latest update from the Association. They blame the company for this fiasco we are currently in. The TWU is to blame for agreeing to form this Association in the first place. The problem is the association and the two unions work culture. This should have been all wrapped up by now if we had one union representing the work force. The TWU was and still is the larger union. PERIOD!!
As long as the association exists expect more crap being thrown back and forth.
We fight ourselves and the company. We are getting no where fast. We keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. Now they want to setup pickets. Yes that's going to do something. They'll probably have us picket in a remote location at the terminal where not many passengers will take notice.
What a concept.
I read it too 1AA. And your correct, if this was a 1 union representation then you guys would be done or at least a lot further. There are rumors out here that there is an info picketing coming late July, I hope there is, and I hope we can help out with it in our areas. But I saw no mention of the info picketing in the 7 page July 4th update. Do you know if they are really putting one on? I would have thought the pres. (Peterson) would have mentioned something about it, but he said nothing at all about it. I hope you guys do get one going with a fantastic showing of unity. The asso. should get it out to the other unions on property and invite any and all. It will bother the company if they see all that support from other top unions showing unity support for you guys.
Quote from TWU 591 Newsletter

"The fact of the matter is that soon we will be entering into the three most significant articles of these negotiations: Scope, Compensation, and Benefits."

They will SOON be entering these articles? So what are the concessionary items they say the company keeps passing across the table from? And then asking for support on an Informational Picket line when the membership is clueless as to what the hold up really is! We pay money for this "Representation".
Not sure about the scope with you guys, the compensation part should be a no brainer (I still say nothing less than the original 7% above promised) it's the benefits that I think will be a huge hold up with the most differences from the two different unions. Not to mention the classification seniority that has not been released yet as well. I also will take a wild guess that these 3 up coming articles will be the longest part of the nego's as they usually always are. What is gonna be scary is finding out all the crap they have already agreed on that the membership knows NOTHING about to this day and won't until BAM! Here it is guys, this was the best we could do, you better vote for it or we will have second vote like we always do to help this company get something to pass. Both of these unions have shown this in the past do not think they will not do it again. I hope I am totally wrong on my predicts. but I do not put NOTHING pass this asso. that was forced upon you guys just to save the unions a$$es from being fired from the property entirely. I actually hope you guys get everything back that was taken in previous BK's and then some, and hopefully you guys will be able to vote on a real industry leading contract. But, even Pres Peterson doesn't even expect that from his news letter...