Coming soon: Unveil New US Airways website

WOW another expediture? I though fuel costs are high! Tempe really is rolling in the dough it seems these days. Maybe they should concentrate on employee wages and passengers concerns first, especially our FFOCUS group that should be recognized.
Tomorrow they are going to announce that having a website is too extravagent. Tickets will be purchased by throwing cash through the security gate at the airport.
I'd be nervous about a new website. It probably will take 6 to 9 months for it to work with the IT department we have. I'm still getting used to the down grade from the old east web site. I'm trying to image how much more they could screw up with a new web site. Since they are going to screw customers on miles they might want to show the mileage you can earn when searching a schedule (like the old east site) so you can see whether its worth flying US or a competitor.

I just realized maybe the mileage accrual is the precursor to US converting to mileage pricing like American did about 2 decades ago. Maybe tempe is being retro.