IAM Nominations and Results

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hey roadtrip,
If you had a hand in that video clip. Good job. very professional and to the point.
Canale's team is saying he has experience. But he's the equivalent of the junior high teacher that been there for years and was such a bad teacher that everyone tried to avoid her class. Experience by itself means nothing.

But, the question isn't how much experience Boss Canale has in doing something, but rather, what have the members 'experienced' under Boss Canale's regime? The members have experienced great pain under his regime, surely he hasn't done a thing for anyone. Nothing.

Further, the number 1 experience is in how good you represent your Local membership, not how many company golf outings you went to, how many times you screwed up contracts, or how many coffees you shared with management.

The experience in how good you represented your local membership is measured in how the membership votes in these District Nominations. So far, half the Canale slate were NOT supported by their own local membership who they serve because their members 'experienced' great pain. For instance, PF is talking to SAN and telling them not to nominate the new direction team, but PF couldn't get 12 guys in PHL to vote for him since his service is pathetic in PHL. PHL even voted in United guys over PF. In ORD, Randy's darling, RE, got the lowest vote total. Was that because she does such a great job serving her membership? Of course not, it was because she is never around and just an awful union rep. The question needs to be answered.....why can't Canale or his slate win their very own home locals????? Is it because they serve their membership well in step 3 grievances? Heck no, it's because they flat out suck and are deadbeats.

OTOH, THe NEW DIRECTION SLATE came through by giving Delaney the nominations in their home locals. FO, CL, JN, DA, BW, RW, MK, SH, AG, RD, LS, ES, with many more to follow.
The reason why our slate is nabbing their home local nominations is because they have the type of experience that counts. Most of the nominees on this slate are current AGC's, Local Presidents, Local Grievance Chairman. In fact the NEW DIRECTION Team has 10 times MORE experience serving the membership than the Canale team. Our team is filled with elected officials, NOT APPOINTED officials like Canale's team.

Next time some Canale supporter wants to talk about experience, ask them what that means and exactly what kind of experience they are referring to? And ask them if they are aware of the 'experience' that the members have had since Parker's boy has been in office.


Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
I did my homework and to answer my own question is no they are not represented at all on the new direction slate so how is everyone suppose to be equally represented? Isn't that one of the things Unions stand for?

To answer your question, we are not equally represented by the iam now. That is why there are junior people that bid before senior people, because we aren't equally represented. And the gnikcuf iam could straighten it out, but won't!
Very good points all the way around.. IT really does SAY something when the hometown boys can't even get the

minimal support they need to get a nomination. IF they don't "take care of their own" so to speak what makes anyone think

they would stick their neck out to some distant small local .
Very good points all the way around.. IT really does SAY something when the hometown boys can't even get the

minimal support they need to get a nomination. IF they don't "take care of their own" so to speak what makes anyone think

they would stick their neck out to some distant small local .
All these AGC's flying around on the members dime just to try to save their own butts. I got a good idea, when an AGC that is on the ballot, flies into your station telling you not to pay any attention to the NEW DIRECTION SLATE, ask them what station they are from and if their very own Local nominated them. If their own locals don't nominate anyone on their slate then why should any other local?

At any rate, out of 25,000 members in DL141, THE NEW DIRECTION TEAM has secured the nominations of approx 15,000 members. We are hoping for the 'hat trick' in Florida, ie., TPA, MCO, MIA. We already have the 'hat trick' of US AIRWAYS hubs and are going for the 'grand slam' when CLT reports. We have the "Twin Towers" of United, i.e., ORD, DEN. Once this is all said and done we'd like to report that we have the dominating nominations representing over 20,000 of the 25,000 members of this District.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
20 years US (always)
1/4/1988 hire
11/19/1988 adjusted... thanks guys that cost me about 100 slots

I feel your pain. There are thousands of US in the same boat. None of those iam idiots at the top have the balls to correct the adjusted tihsllub that some of US are burdened with.

Fight for the cause New Direction Team!
anyone know if the beaten down leader we have is planning on

making a stop in the queen city .. or is he going to let Karen be his mouthpiece
Calm now. Put liberace on my ignore list. :up: :lol: :up: I hope CLT slam's this home and sends canoli and his kiss a*% followers to the curb. There might just be a new sheriff in town come June. :up: :shock: :up:
All these AGC's flying around on the members dime just to try to save their own butts. I got a good idea, when an AGC that is on the ballot, flies into your station telling you not to pay any attention to the NEW DIRECTION SLATE, ask them what station they are from and if their very own Local nominated them. If their own locals don't nominate anyone on their slate then why should any other local?

At any rate, out of 25,000 members in DL141, THE NEW DIRECTION TEAM has secured the nominations of approx 15,000 members. We are hoping for the 'hat trick' in Florida, ie., TPA, MCO, MIA. We already have the 'hat trick' of US AIRWAYS hubs and are going for the 'grand slam' when CLT reports. We have the "Twin Towers" of United, i.e., ORD, DEN. Once this is all said and done we'd like to report that we have the dominating nominations representing over 20,000 of the 25,000 members of this District.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago

Hey T, I never claimed to be a mathematician, but if you add up the numbers you posted it's still under 400 so explain exactly how did that add up to 15,000? I'll give you representing is one thing but securing the nominations is another stop misleading us.
All these AGC's flying around on the members dime just to try to save their own butts. I got a good idea, when an AGC that is on the ballot, flies into your station telling you not to pay any attention to the NEW DIRECTION SLATE, ask them what station they are from and if their very own Local nominated them. If their own locals don't nominate anyone on their slate then why should any other local?

At any rate, out of 25,000 members in DL141, THE NEW DIRECTION TEAM has secured the nominations of approx 15,000 members. We are hoping for the 'hat trick' in Florida, ie., TPA, MCO, MIA. We already have the 'hat trick' of US AIRWAYS hubs and are going for the 'grand slam' when CLT reports. We have the "Twin Towers" of United, i.e., ORD, DEN. Once this is all said and done we'd like to report that we have the dominating nominations representing over 20,000 of the 25,000 members of this District.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago

One other thing T my AGC informed me when I inquired about the issue of them "flying around on the members dime" that the by-laws mandate that they visit there stations and attend union meetings this was action from delegates attending a convention. If we don't want that we can always change it at a convention.
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One other thing T my AGC informed me when I inquired about the issue of them "flying around on the members dime" that the by-laws mandate that they visit there stations and attend union meetings this was action from delegates attending a convention. If we don't want that we can always change it at a convention.

View attachment 7163

She is from ATL. She works at United. She is
Customer service. She is panicked that she
will be losing her position, so be easy around

Why are you being demeaning to Customer Service don't you know how much abuse they put up with on a daily basis. and don't you know you can enter anything you want in your profile wise up and give the girls a break.
hey princess ,

should you be getting your beauty rest. You have a big day tomorrow organizing.. or are you being PAID by the membership

of UA to sit on the computer all day and play tit for tat. What a waste of membership dues.
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