IAM Nominations and Results

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Let me see if I understand this right?

We will have 2 choices:

Choice #1

Either vote yes on the new TA agreement

Choice #2

Intergrate the west into the current east agreement and then wait for 2009 for traditional negotiations.
Ya know, I really wish that was kept quiet until after negotiations. Say whay you will about Canale, but you've just made the Company aware of negotiating plans. Of course I am assuming that they didnt' already know. This should not have seen the light of day until after negotiations were done at the end of the month, but before the vote happened.

Some disturbing news came my way today that I will share with you. Apparently, Boss Canale met with the company in some capacity without the negotiations team and a new plan was worked out to try to scare workers into voting Yes on a new but only slightly improved contract. Supposedly, the plan is to give the appearance that Canale will give the company what it needs [transition agreement] by circumventing the membership without a vote, if the membershp rejects the upcoming TA.
According to my info, the Parker/Canale plan will be to announce the new TA and try to manufacture the choice as either a choice to vote for the contract OR a choice to merge west in with east and then wait till 2009.

He does this crap all the time and talks down to the members and then lies to them on what their 'no' vote means. He even spins contract rejections. Remember, each TA we have ever had, Canale has tried to define what the alternative will be if you vote no. Always lies. For instance, in September, he said,

"Your choice will be between accepting the proposed changes now, or waiting for traditional negotiations to resume in 2009." Boss Canale, August 10, iam141.org statement

That was a lie as the company already came back to negotiate. It's not either/or. It's accepting a contract with dignity and respect or rejecting a contract as inequitable.

Canale doesn't have the confidence of the membership and is in a political mess with his elections since he hasn't taken care of United or US AIRWAYS members. He's not going to commit political suicide for him and his ticket and screw 8,000 workers over without a vote. He'll be back to the table until he is kicked back up to management where he belongs AND any no votes will just be another rejection that will force US AIRWAYS to respect the ramp once and for all with a fair contract.

Ask yourself, if you have a contract till 2009 then why is the company coming back to negotiate? Is it because it's a 'nice fella' or is it because you have something that the company wants and needs because of pending merger scenerios? And what will change if you vote another contract down? Nothing will change. However, alot will change if you vote in a new contract that doesn't offer better protections going through the storm of mergers. Remember, in mergers, thousands get laid off. No contract should be signed without guaranteeing current stations. I'm not talking about guarantees if they have so many flights. I'm talking about losing the class 1 and class 2 station designations. If it's an IAM station currently then it's an IAM station for the duraton of the contract.

Remember, they want to 'hoodwink' fleet service first with crumbs, then give the mechanics more, then the pilots. I mean why is the company always 'hellbent' on negotiating with fleet service first in good times? It's because it has been spoiled to expect fleet service to flop over so that it can give mechanics more, and then the pilots the most. Nothing against those brothers and sisters but unless fleet service gets a contract with dignity and respect then nobody wins.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago

Sidebar negotiations happen all the time, quit acting like this is illegal or wrong. You guys act like you have been IAM members for 50 years. Wake up, you have to build upon contracts! You want what United has American Has Southwest has, it takes alot of time to get that.

And I can just see how you are going to blame Canale for the layoffs. I agree layoffs are coming with a transition BUT it's inevitable because consolidation is ALSO a reality and if fleet service wants to stall negotiations then YOU AND FLEET SERVICE will be responsible for YOUR company NOT being able to participate in mergers. You don't understand that Randy is trying to save jobs and what jobs are saved if the airline goes bankrupt and out of business?? If the employees don't work with the airline to help it transition so it can gain the investors then it will be left out in the cold.
I'm not on the negotiations team but Randy should merge both sides to save the company from YOUR SO CALLED NETWORK. And I've been following these District elections and NOBODY gives Randy the respect he deserves for keeping both United and US AIRWAYS afloat.
Let me see if I understand this right?

We will have 2 choices:

Choice #1

Either vote yes on the new TA agreement

Choice #2

Intergrate the west into the current east agreement and then wait for 2009 for traditional negotiations.
That would be conali's mentality. To spread lies and fear among the membership. What he does not realize is that we are no longer the blind sheep that he wants us to be. Everybody out west need to know that he cannot transition you guys into our current CBA without a VOTE! That's right folks, you get to vote on weather or not you want our POS CBA for another 2 years, or VOTE NO to canoli and dougweiser and continue either section 6 or transition negotiations. He cannot impose our contract on you guys without a vote. If the T/A is fair and equitable, with merger protections for all of Fleet Service, and all of the stations currently IAM stations, then maybee Fleet Service will accept it. If not, canoli and dougweiser can go pound sand!
Sidebar negotiations happen all the time, quit acting like this is illegal or wrong. You guys act like you have been IAM members for 50 years. Wake up, you have to build upon contracts! You want what United has American Has Southwest has, it takes alot of time to get that.

And I can just see how you are going to blame Canale for the layoffs. I agree layoffs are coming with a transition BUT it's inevitable because consolidation is ALSO a reality and if fleet service wants to stall negotiations then YOU AND FLEET SERVICE will be responsible for YOUR company NOT being able to participate in mergers. You don't understand that Randy is trying to save jobs and what jobs are saved if the airline goes bankrupt and out of business?? If the employees don't work with the airline to help it transition so it can gain the investors then it will be left out in the cold.
I'm not on the negotiations team but Randy should merge both sides to save the company from YOUR SO CALLED NETWORK. And I've been following these District elections and NOBODY gives Randy the respect he deserves for keeping both United and US AIRWAYS afloat.
Since when does canoli deserve respect? He has shown nothing but contempt for US Fleet Service. Has sided with dougweiser and Co. He has lied numerous times to US Fleet Service. The most famous one being "The concession stand is closed" Yeah closed just long enough for another CEO to ask him to open it again, and presto, fleet Service has to "pay" for improvements in their CBA. Maybee the I'LL ASK MANAGEMENT should file bankruptcy so we can get back some concessions. :lol: :lol: :lol: Because we all know that it's our fault if we do not accept a T/A and US/HP is left out in the cold. Well I say that it is US/HP's fault for waiting 2 years to try and hurry this thing trrough, with canoli's help, I might add. Everybody in this company gave up alot to keep this ship afloat. Now that we may be passed by, it's somehow our fault. I am sorry, I just do not see your logic in this. 2 years they had. Make the T/A fair or it's a No vote across the board and canoli can go pound sand with dougweiser!
Ya know, I really wish that was kept quiet until after negotiations. Say whay you will about Canale, but you've just made the Company aware of negotiating plans. Of course I am assuming that they didnt' already know. This should not have seen the light of day until after negotiations were done at the end of the month, but before the vote happened.
I agree, but Canale already 'spilled the beans' and it is my understanding that the company actually has coached him to say this in hopes of 'hoodwinking' fleet. Presumably JG himself taught him this technique but that's only my opinion.
Further, he went to LAS yesterday and tried to campaign for his ticket but instead LAS Bit## Slapped him. Afterwards, Canale reportedly told the LAS workers that if there is not a Tentative Agreement in February's talks, then he would just throw the west in with the east. This is already on record as Canale can't keep his mouth shout without being a company mouthpiece.
This was met with much grumbling as LAS is very supportive and active in our network of solidarity.

Our network report informed that JN asked Canale if he could even do this, and the arrogant Canale said 'yes'. So that, if Canale is fanning this in LAS then he is making the Parker/Canale plan public. Whether or not he's able to or not, he's not going to give the company the store and merge the west into the east contract. A 'no vote' would simply bring US AIRWAYS back to the negotiations table.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
... And I've been following these District elections and NOBODY gives Randy the respect he deserves for keeping both United and US AIRWAYS afloat.

Thank You Randy for the "pay cuts" you've endured and for keeping both companies afloat. I know you're struggling like the rest of us.

Randy hasn't earned any respect.
Yes he has. He has earned the respect of dougweiser and co. :up: :lol: :up:


high five!
District Lodge-
You say we act like we have 50 years of the IAM....we do not need
50 years to see an injustice. The gap between the have and have nots have
done nothing but widened. Canale and his boys' club have continued to recieve
raises while the group he represents have fallen backwards. 50 years my a@#,
I know facts, over 22 years ago the top rate in fleet was only .20 less than the
current top rate.

Yet, Canale makes $130,000 +++ and his band of thieves are right there with him.
You just might be one of them and if so goodbye. You made your money, I
hope you invested it wisely and didn't live above your means. Canale can only save a
few along with himself.........

By the way 1 day or 50 years your still a dues paying member and deserve the
same type of equality , were brothers not dependents.

District Lodge-
You say we act like we have 50 years of the IAM....we do not need
50 years to see an injustice. The gap between the have and have nots have
done nothing but widened. Canale and his boys' club have continued to recieve
raises while the group he represents have fallen backwards. 50 years my a@#,
I know facts, over 22 years ago the top rate in fleet was only .20 less than the
current top rate.

Yet, Canale makes $130,000 +++ and his band of thieves are right there with him.
You just might be one of them and if so goodbye. You made your money, I
hope you invested it wisely and didn't live above your means. Canale can only save a
few along with himself.........

By the way 1 day or 50 years your still a dues paying member and deserve the
same type of equality , were brothers not dependents.


Remember, all labor groups got whipped out by the judge in bankrupcty. Didn't matter if it was 2 years or 50 years.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, chicago
Sidebar negotiations happen all the time, quit acting like this is illegal or wrong. You guys act like you have been IAM members for 50 years. Wake up, you have to build upon contracts! You want what United has American Has Southwest has, it takes alot of time to get that.

And I can just see how you are going to blame Canale for the layoffs. I agree layoffs are coming with a transition BUT it's inevitable because consolidation is ALSO a reality and if fleet service wants to stall negotiations then YOU AND FLEET SERVICE will be responsible for YOUR company NOT being able to participate in mergers. You don't understand that Randy is trying to save jobs and what jobs are saved if the airline goes bankrupt and out of business?? If the employees don't work with the airline to help it transition so it can gain the investors then it will be left out in the cold.
I'm not on the negotiations team but Randy should merge both sides to save the company from YOUR SO CALLED NETWORK. And I've been following these District elections and NOBODY gives Randy the respect he deserves for keeping both United and US AIRWAYS afloat.
I do not give respect freely. Respect is earned and Canole has neither earned my respect nor deserves it. We are the ones that have earned respect and we are demanding that respect. He is not the one that kept either airline afloat. It was the hard working employees that accomplished this feat. Apparently you must be pretty tight with "cheap suits" because you are the only one I have seen on here that refers to him by his first name. Our "network" is also not so called, it is very strong and very wide spread and you are either with us or against us and Canole is suffering presently for not being with us.
So is what Canale saying/doing legitimate or not? If it is seems like option 2 would be the best bet that way we can have an all out war in 2009. Any TA that is in the works is going to be weak and be pushed till 2011 or so...
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