new and improved employee travel site

How about the male agent in Charlotte that blatantly violates boarding priority? I was there once on an SA1 and he boarding his "friend", junior to me, who was also on an SA1. When I called him on it, he said that I wasn't listed as an SA1 and I must have done it right then while I was standing next to him. I had the SA1 boarding pass in my hand so I asked him how that would be possible and would he please get a supervisor. He shooed me away and said that it made no difference as the flight was closed and he wouldn't pull off the other non rev even if I were correct. I went down to special services with all my paper work of my SA1 and even the standby list that I had printed up in the crew room. By the time I got to special services, he had called them and locked out the standby list, covering his butt.

My friend called me the other day to tell me about an agent who refused to give her a JS form because he had already given JS to someone else. She asked about the other person's seniority and was told it was none of her business. Guess what? When she described him, it was the same guy!

And yes, we both wrote him up and he is still there, violating our seniority.
Did you list on the same flight with a SA3 and a SA1?Was the flight all ready boarded?

What is an agent to do when a flight is boarded and completely full and waiting departure with all jumpseats full and a senior flight attendant comes up demanding jumpseat
Send them down for a catfight

Was the flight all ready boarded?
Is the agent suppose to go down on the aircraft and pull the other employee off because you were not there for boarding.Now throw in allowing pilots to ride flight attendant jumpseat and the drama begins I am just saying what is an agent to do with late arriving employees

Go first come first serve like WN does in PIT
Talking about catfights and demanding flight attendant
The new site will go live at 10 pm PHX time on Mar 7th. It was was scheduled to launch today Mar 2 but to allow for further communication they have pushed it back to Mar 7.
Did you list on the same flight with a SA3 and a SA1?Was the flight all ready boarded?

What is an agent to do when a flight is boarded and completely full and waiting departure with all jumpseats full and a senior flight attendant comes up demanding jumpseat
Send them down for a catfight

Was the flight all ready boarded?
Is the agent suppose to go down on the aircraft and pull the other employee off because you were not there for boarding.Now throw in allowing pilots to ride flight attendant jumpseat and the drama begins I am just saying what is an agent to do with late arriving employees

Go first come first serve like WN does in PIT
Talking about catfights and demanding flight attendant
John John,

Please simmer down. We did not cause a catfight or act demanding. Since you weren't there, maybe you ask your questions without assuming that there was a whole lot of drama at the gates.

No, I was not listed as an SA1 and an SA3. When I walked up to the gate to hand him my boarding card, he waved me away and said "Yes, yes, you're on the list." I then sat down very nicely until he made last call for the other customers and then the other non revs and I made our way to the desk area as all non revs tend to do when waiting to get called on. He then called the one other SA1 that was listed, who was junior to me and gave him the last seat. I was not the only non rev standing there that saw what was happening. If you have ever non-rev'd, you will know that we can spot other non revs a mile away and tend to talk with each other and share our stories of pass riding horror.

In my friend's case, the flight had not yet started to board, but the agent had already sent the other JS rider on down. That is not procedure, nor is in against policy to ask what the seniority of the other JS riders are. According to our contract, JS is in seniority order until the flight is closed, then the again is to assign it to the most senior flight attendant, unless seats are open and the most senior flight attendant wishes to take a seat. Then JS goes to the next most senior FA.
Does anyone ever write this stuff up? We need to call these people on this....
Crew members have no access to this system and we have no idea if the agents are "screwing" us and our family members... or pass riders...
How do we check up on them?
I don't think we can...
So the system is such a flawed system... we should have the system that United has..
we can look on a screen at the boarding area?

Oh but wait? That would cost this company some money to get our computer system into the 21 century...

So it won't happen...

Actually, crew can log into the res system. Find an open computer and you can pull up the standby list, see who is listed, who is checked in etc etc. Can also pull up inbound connections to see who if anyone might miss the connection due to late arrival. IT botched some upgrade late last year that knocked out all the EE numbers, but it seems it has quietly been fixed, at least the last few weeks it seems to be...
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Actually, crew can log into the res system. Find an open computer and you can pull up the standby list, see who is listed, who is checked in etc etc.

didn't you see the edict from Tempe that going to an open computer to check it strictly verboten?
Crew members have no access to this system and we have no idea if the agents are "screwing" us and our family members... or pass riders...

Crew members have as much access as everybody else. Bring a laptop, iPhone, Blackberry, etc. You can see where you are on the list. My only "complaint" is revenue standbys aren't shown, so when the gate agents call them first (as they should), it may appear unfair when it wasn't.
Crew members have as much access as everybody else. Bring a laptop, iPhone, Blackberry, etc. You can see where you are on the list. My only "complaint" is revenue standbys aren't shown, so when the gate agents call them first (as they should), it may appear unfair when it wasn't.
Unfortunately, right now all we have access to on our laptops or smart phones is the ETB information. It does not give you a true and accurate count of anything. Who hasn't listed for a flight that had 43 open seats on it only to show up at the gate to an oversold flight? Who hasn't sat at the gate thinking they were number #1 on the standby list with 5 open seats only to hear the agent announce no further standbys would be accommodated?

When you walk by other airlines and see their monitors at the gates and see how they clear standbys, it really makes you notice how antiquated our system really is.
Not to mention why should crewmembers (or retirees) have to have a smartphone or laptop to constantly check the ETB list just to get the correct boarding priority? Shouldn't the agents administer the non-rev list correctly?

The tools agents "HAD" were eliminated by the evil empire for a "completely adequate" system that is neither. In other words it sucks - but it is "adequate" based on the criteria set forth by Tempe: cheap, can be run on the Nintendo Platform, and isn't user friendly.

Blackboards are also being considered in gate houses to keep up with competition.Tempe will begin testing these "info centers" in the spring. A marketing executive was quoted "this system is every bit as good as those fancy flatscreen monitors all the other airlines have, but ours are eco-friendly, plus it met our company's most importatant qualification: it's cheap."

Surveys do reflect passengers would rather have flights dispatched with adequate fuel load in lieu of "excessive" gate house amenities.
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The tools agents "HAD" were eliminated by the evil empire for a "completely adequate" system that is neither. In other words it sucks - but it is "adequate" based on the criteria set forth by Tempe: cheap, can be run on the Nintendo Platform, and isn't user friendly.

Spot on.

Now that UAL hase chosen SHARES over Apollo for its post merger res system, it will interesting to see how its version SHARES will work out. Can you imagine working a 747-400 to HKG with the US version?
Spot on.

Now that UAL hase chosen SHARES over Apollo for its post merger res system, it will interesting to see how its version SHARES will work out. Can you imagine working a 747-400 to HKG with the US version?

Its a beautiful day when you walkup to the gate to board for HKG and ask the Chinese man, after you bow to him and ask for an up grade, he explains to you ...ah maybe you have long pants..I give you business class, before I forget........I tell him, long pants in backpack be right back.....nice ride in business class for 14.5 hours....entertained by the nice flight attendants who were 40 years senior....I was making them laugh and they were nice people....had a great flight then....was going on to Manila.....

The tools agents "HAD" were eliminated by the evil empire for a "completely adequate" system that is neither.

Its a beautiful day when you walkup to the gate to board for HKG and ask the Chinese man, after you bow to him and ask for an up grade, he explains to you ...ah maybe you have long pants..I give you business class, before I forget........I tell him, long pants in backpack be right back....
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and now, those logging into the current travel website are greeting with this:

"A Note About NRSA Travel
Non-rev travel can be fun and a very valuable part of your employment with US Airways. We simply ask that you respect the needs of our customers and the employees who serve you while you travel. Please remember that pass travel is a privilege and pass travelers should conduct themselves accordingly while traveling on US Airways or any other carrier. As with any privilege, eligibility and/or employment can be suspended or terminated for failure to comply with US Airways policies and procedures, for misuse and/or misconduct. Employees and their pass riders are responsible for complying with the policies outlined in the Employee Travel Guide. For questions about travel privileges, contact.."

Anyone have idea what that is about? A wave of nonrevs behaving badly?